
Monday, January 6, 2025

Diamond In His Hand

Diamond In His Hand
© Surazeus
2025 01 06

Faced with compact regression of false time, 
misaligned extension of pointed fate, 
Frank rejects conceptual truth he received 
as programmed articles of changeless faith 
from cardboard figures of authority 
when he throws their solemn books in the trash. 

Ordering spaghetti with meatballs and wine 
at the Fractured Plate Bistro by the park, 
Frank eyes two burly men at the next table, 
and wonders if his old boss Enzo Gubbio 
sent them to assassinate him, or they plan 
to rob his polished sense of decency. 

Slipping down the jewelry shop alleyway, 
Frank hides in shadow of the locked doorway 
and catches them by surprise with his gun, 
but they laugh and explain with casual grins 
that they are secret agents sent by God 
to recruit him to Army of the Just. 

Giving him business card with smiling mask 
and real phone number to the Vatican, 
Gabriel tips his hat, then they walk away 
and vanish in sudden flash of red light, 
so Frank stuffs it in breast pocket of hope, 
and goes inside to tend his jewelry shop. 

While gazing intently through triplet loupe 
to assess new diamonds he just received, 
Frank sees in kaleidoscope rainbow flash 
bright angel in white robe and silver wings 
appear through spinning portal of space-time 
so he looks up to see the star-eyed man. 

Aiming gun at his face, the angel grins 
while three masked men with suitcases ransack 
shelves of his shop till they steal everything, 
then Azazel takes diamond in his hand 
while reciting list of his heinous crimes 
when he killed people for the Gubbio gang. 

"Your crimes of murder, extortion, and theft 
will be forgiven by merciful God 
if you agree to work instead for him, 
for we are fighting holy wars on Earth 
against cruel devils of corporate kings, 
so join our crusade for justice, or die." 

Mumbling, "I just want to create jewelry 
for lovers to commit their hearts with trust," 
Frank agrees and shakes his angelic hand, 
then, when the angel of the judgment day 
turns away, he aims shotgun to kill 
but the trigger clicks, so he sighs and shrugs. 

1 comment:

  1. Orpheus and Ophelia shop for diamond rings at the Rainbow Jewelry shop run by the grumpy old man with the scar on his cheek.
