
Sunday, May 5, 2024

Holy War For Liberty

Holy War For Liberty
© Surazeus
2024 05 05

Too far into dark multiverse of dreams 
we wander many variants of one Earth 
through maze of alternate realities 
entangled by clashing religious myths 
so people kill people to claim their truth 
real till even winners vanish from time. 

Each time I leap through mirror door of truth 
and run down timeless hall of faceless gods, 
who howl from windy peaks of endless change, 
intent to prove their power over death, 
I transform into someone I should be 
according to rules of their holy books. 

Reflection of my face in window glass 
stares out at cityscape of shining towers 
as bus I ride glides swift on rails of truth 
in strict alignment with accepted creed 
while I search far for wings of Icarus 
so I can fly from Heaven to be free. 

When Vampire King who rules the multiverse, 
powered by faith of zombie worshippers, 
descends from Heaven on steel wings of fire, 
I stand my ground on peak of Helicon, 
holding Excalibur and Durendal, 
to fight with swords of fallen warriors. 

When Satan, traitor to democracy 
of our republic ruled by honest laws, 
attempts to steal the Crown of Thorns again, 
proclaiming himself new messiah king, 
with flame from Torch of Liberty I light 
circle of truth that traps him in Stonehenge. 

Encouraged by our glorious Fairy Queen, 
whose pure light shines from Isle of Avalon, 
I battle tyrant driven by revenge 
to thwart imperial ambition of pride 
by casting him down into pit of Hell 
when I chant spells from Book of Liberty. 

Ascending stairway to Heaven at dawn, 
I enter grand hall of the Parthenon 
to find Athena sitting on gold throne 
who hands me scepter forged from flames of Hell 
with mission to protect democracy 
so I fight holy war for Liberty. 

Though greedy tyrants try to seize control 
and steer our ship of state for their own gain, 
we stay on way of righteous honesty 
to confirm our souls with strict self-control 
that maintains balance of social progress 
between communal law and private will. 

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