
Monday, May 13, 2024

Eyes Of Ideal Math

Eyes Of Ideal Math
© Surazeus
2024 05 13

I watch the cat with eyes of ideal math 
to see if it will ever get abstract, 
and though the cat remains in present form 
I see eternal Catness in its grace, 
so this cat embodies Eternal Cat 
who chases mice around the throne of God. 

Foolish enough to find joy in the wind, 
which animates bodies of special forms 
with aggressive passion of lust for life, 
I move with clumsy grace of the blithe fool 
through nameless people of the teeming crowd 
that flows across the bridge of Wonderland. 

We will not fall into river of tears 
unless we veer from rigid path of faith 
that bridge of forgetfulness will not fall, 
so we find partners in the swirling mist 
and dance to thunderous beat of our hearts 
that wash our bodies into sea of death. 

Unconcerned about grim judgmental looks 
of nameless people walking somewhere else, 
I paint strange beauty of eternal grace 
on rectangular canvas of my eyes 
that shudders with each blast of river wind 
eager to catch me up with angel wings. 

Potential action of emotive notes 
indicate with journalist nonchalance 
that leader of the free world never comes 
close enough to calm lion in the zoo 
to capture spirit of her stoic grace 
as ballerina of the global stage. 

With radiant signals of the wifi wing 
I choose which hymn of naked faith to sing 
though towers of power collapse to dust 
at sudden strike of airplanes from the sky 
when Jupiter hurls thunderbolt of grief 
to redesign the world view of our minds. 

Through happenstance of my experience 
with casual prophecy of naked fear 
I find weird beauty of our human soul 
displayed in skeletons of steel and glass 
illumined by stark light of nevermore 
that glitters in the mirror mask of god. 

Though serpent in the apple tree of truth 
remains coiled taut in painting on the urn, 
that gleams in dim museum light of faith, 
I reach out my hand to caress her fruit 
so I can taste divine wisdom of love 
that cracks at human touch of selfish words. 

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