
Thursday, February 3, 2022

Lost Valley Of Avalon

Lost Valley Of Avalon
© Surazeus
2022 02 03

Falling forever back into myself, 
though I try to run away from my hope, 
I redesign paradigm of my fate 
with puzzle pieces discarded by fear 
to become the me I try not to be 
even as I grow beyond who I was. 

Hiding books on the glass library shelf 
that reveal principles of each tale trope, 
I rearrange the world I navigate 
with mask discarded by the puppeteer 
who pretends not to steal my tower key 
while I investigate the primal cause. 

Skating on thin ice of my ancient soul 
with elegant clumsiness of false grace, 
I search for woman whose face mirrors mine 
with features that reflect my opposite 
so we complement the stranger we love 
who lives on the other side of the world. 

Composing speeches to perform my role 
in timeless Theater of the God Face, 
I reveal new road to Heaven with sign 
encoded through riddles in Holy Writ 
based on visions I dream in the sea cave 
where Ishtar shows me how to play her herald. 

Leaping bottomless abyss of my heart 
deep in labyrinth of our forgotten myths, 
I manage Garden of Hesperides 
so I can give ripe fruit from tree of life 
to refugees who escape slavery 
enforced by devil on the pyramid. 

Tracing cause and effect on the star chart 
that maps tangled fate of our separate paths, 
I listen to lecture of Socrates 
who praises practical ways of his wife 
while he drinks from the grail with bravery 
to consult oracle of the Dream Grid. 

Returning home from theme park Wonderland 
with sacred scriptures I write with my blood, 
I weep in empty cathedral of ghosts 
to see face of my spouse I fear to lose, 
but she stands frozen in idol of stone, 
worshipped as blind goddess of Babylon. 

Standing outside gate to the Promised Land 
with broken lyre Mercury dropped in mud, 
I translate prophesies of analysts 
to hide identity of my song Muse 
who wanders weeping in the twilight zone 
far beyond lost valley of Avalon. 

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