
Wednesday, May 30, 2018

River Gods Of Italy

River Gods Of Italy
© Surazeus
2018 05 30

When I look in the Soul Mirror I see
river gods in marble statues that lounge
on rocks in huge fountains in Italy.

Around Mere of Diana girls in gowns
teach me to live free, rather than play pawn
of arrogant gods who feast on high mounds.

Crossing the river Albula at dawn,
the wizard Tiberinus Silvius drowns
while nymphs at Volturnia dance on the lawn.

When Saturnus gathers people in towns
he teaches us how to work as one team
racing horses across the misty downs.

I understand how, in my midnight dream,
with ripe apple Diana woos the deer
who leads us laughing along mountain stream.

After I fall while fishing on the weir
I build high pont arching over the brook
where I play sacred role of the blind seer.

I write secret prophecies in the book
that people worship for one thousand years
while keeping it hidden in cavern nook.

I run through the maze to escape my fears
but stand face to face with my ancient soul
who teaches me cycle of cosmic spheres.

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