
Sunday, May 13, 2018

Our Whole Global Consciousness

Our Whole Global Consciousness
© Surazeus
2018 05 13

When I look at the world with open eyes
I see the broad land of valleys and hills
teeming with vibrant plants and animals
interlaced with endless network of roads
where vehicles with gas-powered motor engines
stream to millions of buildings on chessboard
of homes, offices, churches, factories,
stores, schools, libraries, theaters, and courts,
sprawling labyrinth of rooms where we sit
to perform the functions of our desires.

I wander nowhere in this maze of doors,
dressed in old costume I did not design
to play strange role in scenes of social order
established by heroic gods long dead
who battled dragons, monsters, and demons
that once threatened existence of our tribe,
but now we dominate this spinning globe
and penetrate the most hostile waste land
to build gardens at the end of lone roads
where in the empty castle I play king.

I wear the gold ring of power on my head
that Charlemagne forged from the cross of death,
and sit on throne of judgment in great hall
where David sang hymns and Solomon judged,
so I lead and defend Empire of Christ
that crumbled to ruins from blasting bombs
when violent revolutions of world wars
smashed fragile illusion of Christendom
where tourists watch videos in stone cathedrals
while jetplanes patrol the vast empty skies.

Alone in ancient Tower of Rapunzel
I chronicle the chaos of world wars
so you all can envision in neat scenes
progress of civilization from caves
when endless dynasties of divine kings
fought each other to rule lush fields of crops,
transforming tribes into vast nation-states
connected by world wide web of computers,
lead by mute wizards of poetic verse
who calculate perceptions of our minds.

Lined along the wall in Temple of Songs
the skulls of wizards vibrate in starlight,
Orpheus, Homer, Virgil, Ovid, Dante,
Shakespeare, Milton, Blake, Wordsworth, Shelley, Keats,
Eliot, Pound, Ginsberg, and thousands more,
eyes blazing at midnight with ancient dreams,
and teeth chattering prophecies in riddles
that I transcribe from holy incantations,
rocking and rolling, and howling wild jazz
with voices of wind from mountains and seas.

I follow Hamlet wandering in the tomb
where he talks to skulls of his dead ancestors,
asking how we should act in game of life
to destroy the god-father king of law,
and fertilize the womb of the Love Goddess
to populate the world with Calibans,
because I want to play the role of God,
but I condemn him for killing the king
so why should I commit the same vile crime
by stabbing out my eyes like Oedipus?

Feet sore from trudging the Labyrinth of Lies
in silver rain that sparkles on dead trees,
I limp with lame foot to the mountain slope
where my father once chained me to the rock
for giving the secret of fire to man
who forged weapons of death from minerals,
scepters, swords, and guns, to fight for the power,
so I kneel and study the spiral flower
that mirrors the shape of the universe
tangled in webs like neurons of our brains.

When ancient civilization of Rome,
which thrived three thousand years in nation-states
that co-exist on the landscape of Europe,
collapsed from bursting bombs of two world wars
we rebuilt the glorious temples of power,
resurrecting our Empire from the Waste Land
where the blind messiah wanders nowhere,
tapping rocks in search for the bubbling oil
that fuels the engine of our global state,
so I surf internet of the World Mind.

Outside the window of my little home
the Owl of Athena in the oak tree
watches me with golden eyes of the sun
because I fell from One-Eyed Pyramid
and limped the Waste Land, sea to shining sea,
collecting the skulls of Wizards of Words,
so when she beams new visions in my eyes
I recalculate abstruse formulas
which design new ontology of truth
composed from my doubts and uncertainties.

I melt the golden statue of Apollo
to fashion gold into computer circuits
that flash digital memories to beam
stories we express on the world wide web
which glows with our whole global consciousness
as we discuss the meanings of our lives
and write new scripts for dramas we must play
together on the stage of history,
every individual as God in the flesh,
looking at each other with open eyes.

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