
Saturday, May 19, 2018

Poet Laureate of Earth

Poet Laureate of Earth
© Surazeus
2018 05 19

Though we have evolved past animal stage,
employing our hands to construct huge machines,
and speaking sounds to communicate thoughts,
we still perform aggressive monkey dance
in political game of wit through strength
to dominate each other and the land.

I feel intensive impulse to compete
against everybody else in the world
to prove that I am smarter than you all
by chanting riddles on meaning of life
more mysterious and complex in themes
than any of you on each conscious day.

I might as well wildly hop up and down
in the biggest tree with the most fresh fruit
and shriek obscene insults at everyone
while beating my chest in fierce demonstration
that I am more crazy than all you fools
so you should submit to my bold abuse.

Leaping from my huge tree on the high hill,
I grab large stick and gather river stones
then run onto the field between our trees
and do the monkey dance of divine power,
challenging you all to rebel or obey
for I am the god king of the world hill.

I no longer need to beat your bowed head
with my clenched fist of disapproving judgment
for I out-talk you all with spoken word
and beat my chest as I shout rhyming rap
in fierce aggressive attack on your fakeness
to prove that I am right and you are wrong.

My beating drums entrance your feeble mind,
my pulsing lights seduce your lame desire,
and my endless rants of enchanting spells
reduce you all to mindless slaves of joy
who cheer the blinding flash of my performance,
my fierce squad of fanatic followers.

Once violent men with weapons of destruction
fought each other to control fertile land
then contended to control populations
of bitter people enslaved to perform
work of empire construction we envision
but now we fight to win your loyal love.

Kings rule the land that produces rich food,
emperors rule the nations who make crafts,
prophets rule the minds of fierce followers,
presidents rule the factories and banks,
but singers and poets rule hearts and minds,
selling you visions for pieces of gold.

I sing more emotional songs than you,
I write more realistic novels than you,
and I write more meaningless poems than you,
so bow to my divine authority
and crown me the storytelling genius,
for I am God who designs how you think.

I am the prophet from the wilderness
who walks alone in the waste land of horror
among the ruins of our bombed cathedrals
so when I return from the Otherworld
I challenge you all on your phoniness
for you invent the truth that you are good.

You invented the holy god you worship
whose divine will always matches your will
but I rebel against power of your word
and proclaim my word righteous view of truth
so in our battle for who makes the law
the one who wins will write new history.

I am the Poet who invents your world
for I design mental ontology
that programs dreaming neurons of your brain
to control how you perceive reality,
so crown me Poet Laureate of Earth
and read all my works as your Holy Scripture.

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