
Wednesday, March 12, 2025

New Adam Of My Heaven

New Adam Of My Heaven
© Surazeus
2025 03 12

Created by fierce passion of my father, 
I ought to be good Adam of his heart, 
but I feel instead like foul fallen angel, 
driven away from lush garden of joy 
because he believes I am not his son 
rather than for evil deeds of my hands. 

I see the many sons he claims as his, 
sprung from the seed of his immortal soul, 
dwelling safely inside walls of his haven, 
who enjoy sweet bliss of nutritious fruit 
while I am excluded by harsh decree, 
forced to labor hard while they play in pleasure. 

When I was young in springtime of my life 
my heart swelled rich with benevolent love, 
thus I treated everyone with respect, 
always lending my hand to help create, 
and protecting anyone from abuse, 
but misery from rejection made me evil. 

Cast out of paradise by blows of hate 
aimed at my head by fists of our all-father, 
and beaten by sticks in hands of my brothers, 
I wander now stark wilderness of fear, 
heart twisted into hatred by harsh pain, 
cursed by his voice to suffer soul damnation. 

When my mother was fishing by the lake 
to prepare food for the good man she loved, 
that man I thought was my father appeared 
in swift-wheeling chariot of haughty lust 
and snatched her in his arms from her safe home, 
then forced her to bear children of his seed. 

For twelve years I was raised with gentle love 
by cruel man who abducted my sweet mother, 
but, when he saw my hair and eyes are brown 
rather than gold and blue resembling his, 
he cursed me as spawn of her forest husband, 
then drove me out of paradise with hate. 

With this ripe apple, I snatched with quick hand 
from Tree of Life he tends with intense care, 
I can plant my own garden paradise 
in this lush valley far from his demesne, 
so though I fell from heaven of his power 
I shall reign as new Adam of my heaven. 

Once I secure new heaven of my heart, 
and this fragile sapling sprouts to the sky 
to bloom with apples of bountiful joy, 
I will again be virtuous and good, 
for I will treat myself with kind respect 
though others treat me with hostile disgust. 

1 comment:

  1. Orpheus and his sister Eve meet Adam who welcomes the travelers to eat and rest in his lush heaven of apple trees.
