
Tuesday, March 11, 2025

All Turn To Leaves

All Turn To Leaves
© Surazeus
2025 03 11

Every road I walk among faceless trees 
I leave behind memories on fallen leaves 
that swirl away in mute forgetful wind. 
The children of my heart who play unnamed 
gather leaves of my memories with small hands 
and sew them into their own new memories. 

In the golden spring of our young romance 
we remold old broken hopes of childhood 
into house where we shelter our new hopes. 
Our childhood hopes to win glorious fame 
transform into the children of our hearts 
who mold their own hopes from dreams of the Earth. 

We write stories of our childhood on leaves 
that we sew into clothes we wear to hide 
shame of our naked weakness in the world. 
We carve our names on stones from muddy fields 
and throw them into deep indifferent sea 
so we can grow potatoes to eat now. 

We dig up bones of our ancestral souls 
so we can build strong shelter from the storm 
that hurls hostile rage of the sky at us. 
We carve bones of our ancestors in flutes 
to play heart-enchanting music of love 
that vibrates in our bodies after death. 

Every river I cross on forest path 
sings strange secrets of failure and success 
that define my character I perform. 
I build the wall of stone with trembling hands 
to protect my family with garden home 
safe from the cruel greed of slavers and thieves. 

The house I build from bones of my bold hopes 
protects my descendants for many years 
till they spread out to colonize the world. 
With bones of my soul as supporting stones 
I build foundation of our growing clan 
so we unify nations of the world. 

We build sprawling empires of thought control 
around shining idol of me as god 
for I am founding father of our state. 
We chronicle history of our success 
on scrolls at first, then on tablets of gold, 
which all turn to leaves blown by winds of time. 

Glorious empires we build with our hopes, 
based on First Father as God from the sky, 
collapse into ruins of wordless stones. 
Every tree I pass on long road of life 
whispers tales of empires that rise and fall 
from hopes of gods who are leaves in the wind. 

1 comment:

  1. Orpheus assembles leaves scattered in wind from countless ancient books that chronicle the rise and fall of thousands of empires all lost in time.
