
Tuesday, March 4, 2025

Divine Darkness Of Faith

Divine Darkness Of Faith
© Surazeus
2025 03 04

My heart will scry lost treasure map of faith 
that reveals where the Bluebird hides my tongue 
while I sleep among Arizona pines 
because the children of my pulsing cells 
are all the spiders crawling on the sand 
who rejoice in cool sprinkling rain of spring. 

Though I walk alone on signless desert road 
far from my home in rain-wet Oregon, 
I feel my heart of eager raven wings 
woven into spider web of the land, 
connected to millions of beating hearts, 
so we all feel each other in our dreams. 

Shocked by prophecy of the pouting Sphinx 
that predicts fall of the clay-footed king, 
I watch Coyote skitter across the road 
with casual attitude of the lost fool 
while pushing cart of apples in the suburbs 
where children ask if I have popsicles. 

Pausing by abandoned gas station store, 
where homeless people now gather and drink, 
I ask the Singing Turtle if she knows 
why the flaming meteor never hits Earth, 
and she explains that time circles around 
so we repeat our duties every day. 

Road runner races down the desert road 
through tunnel painted over sandstone wall 
that opens portal to alternate Earth 
where fairies dance in ring of diamond stones, 
but Coyote smacks at the solid wall 
to symbolize my search for Paradise. 

Digging water well in heart of the world 
to clear room so we flourish in the land, 
I signify its presence with the name 
Rehoboth as symbol for Flow of Life 
that waters fields of barley with new hope 
which shimmer bright on our ancestral plane. 

Entwined with psychic souls we never meet, 
we walk as our own shadows to retrieve 
treasured memories hidden in hollow oaks 
with eyes of quartz that perceive secret love 
heavy with false guilt of the rainless moon 
moistened by silver kiss of subtle rain. 

Still on threshold of ever-moving home, 
that radiates with divine darkness of faith, 
we share our weirdest secrets without speech 
by how we hold each other in moonlight, 
and give each other names that bind our hearts 
with flashing ring of sacred molecules. 

1 comment:

  1. Orpheus hitchhikes along the desert highways of Arizona to study the divine darkness of faith with eyes of quartz.
