
Friday, December 22, 2023

Walk Among The Trees

Walk Among The Trees
© Surazeus
2023 12 22

Alone in shadow of the silent grove 
where spirits of my children could run free, 
I ponder concept of the flickering flame 
that casts orange eerie glow in nothingness 
to light eternity with thoughtless truth, 
so we hold hands and walk among the trees. 

The river melting in warm morning glow 
considers how the butterflies explain 
surprising beauty of blossoms that know 
why my broken heart has healed from its loss 
slow enough to wake the arrogant wind, 
since we hold hands and walk among the trees. 

With blue reflections of the fractured sky 
I laugh with clouds that christen me with rain 
as if my tingling skin contains sharp soul 
pulsing with eagerness to sprout swan wings 
because I want to fly above this world, 
yet we hold hands and walk among the trees. 

I arrange stones in circle by the lake, 
spark flame that spreads from leaves to twigs to logs, 
crush wheat with stone to flour of regret, 
mix dough from milk and eggs with angry hands, 
then bake my heart in oven of lost dreams, 
if we hold hands and walk among the trees. 

I own no land for ninety million years 
for land is nothing more than solid faith 
on which I walk to chase the swirling clouds, 
till strangers threaten me with painful death 
if I leave not the land they claim is theirs, 
so we hold hands and walk among the trees. 

My bones pulse fierce with anguish of desire 
to seek vast quiet consciousness of love, 
so I kneel down among wind-rustling reeds 
to see my face in mirror of the world, 
then name myself The Ghost Who Sees Her Face, 
since we hold hands and walk among the trees. 

I am the loneliness of falling snow 
for I would penetrate dark gloom of woods 
with sparkling light of stars in crystal flakes 
which replicates my soul in child of words 
because they will live long after I die, 
while we hold hands and walk among the trees. 

I never hear bells ring across the land 
to celebrate birth of the man who knows 
exquisite details of star filaments 
that spiral into galaxies of worlds 
where I wake from dream in zillions of brains 
when we hold hands and walk among the trees. 

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