
Friday, December 29, 2023

Perfect Messiness Of Love

Perfect Messiness Of Love
© Surazeus
2023 12 29

Terrible beauty of the morning light 
designs the world my eyes disdain to see 
till timeless glow of atoms in the void 
reveal eternal nothingness of truth, 
so I gaze deep in mirror of my mind, 
surprised at perfect messiness I find. 

Kneeling with reverent awe in dew-wet grass 
before red-brick wall of my crooked house, 
I caress intricate shape of the tree leaf 
to study mystery of the universe 
so I can understand how beams of light 
compose structures of perfect messiness. 

The butterfly, with wings orange as the sun 
and round as tree leaves curving into points, 
flutters ruthless motion of gentle hope 
to search for nectar of flowers and fruit, 
then lands on red rind of the watermelon 
to feast on perfect messiness of faith. 

Across broad misty meadow by the lake, 
shadowed by clouds veiling the red dawn sun, 
I see three horses graze behind barbed fence, 
and long to run with them on rolling hills 
to explore the strange world beyond the sky 
reflected in our perfect messiness. 

Millions of cars glide along asphalt roads 
as people drive from homes of forlorn faith 
to perform their role in our social game 
that operates the food-production machine 
which we designed the past ten thousand years 
to manage perfect messiness of hunger. 

People assemble in company groups, 
lead by wise seer with vision of their goal, 
to help each other fight against despair 
with noble purpose guiding how they act 
as each attempts to dominate the rest, 
urged on by perfect messiness of fear. 

When nations fight world wars for thought control 
to prove god of their religion is right, 
I walk into bleak waste land of nowhere 
to find essential nature of my soul 
embodied by the wolf with moon-bright eyes 
who respects perfect messiness of death. 

Homesick for company of my soulmate, 
I journey far across the barren hills 
through gloomy forests of obsessive trees, 
till I arrive at front door of my home 
where she prepares food I bring from the hunt, 
safe in the perfect messiness of love. 

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