
Friday, March 16, 2018

Infinite Variations Of Dreams

Infinite Variations Of Dreams
© Surazeus
2018 03 16

Through infinite variations of dreams,
calculating the spiral of the circle
that descends to the bottomless abyss,
regressing through process of evolution
to the First Flash at the big bang of light,
we express every possible desire
to replicate each new face in the mirror
so we know why we flare forth into life.

The oblong symmetry of every object
spreading outward in curves of limitations
reveals the infinite circle of mind
dreaming through the eye of every woke brain,
weird wisdom revealed by swift Uriel
who sings that no straight line is found in nature
since every unit in the universe
curves round as the sphere of the great White Whole.

The word in the window written in light
flashes faces on television screens
to dramatize the tale of every god
who walks the spinning world in human form,
incarnate of our most conscious ideal
to show how we achieve enlightenment
and every one of us become messiah
who proclaims oracles in cave of dreams.

One person out of every million souls
awakes at strike of lightning in the brain
to see the vision of transcendent truth
we can achieve if we fight against death
when angry men try to control our fate,
for we must seize the scepter of great wisdom
and fight to rule the kingdom of our mind
or slave in the factories of the dead god.

From the singularity of my eye
soul seed expands into the Tree of life
and sprouts sprawling Kabbalah stem of brains
when spiraling galaxies nourish worlds
that bubble with alchemical solutions
linking carbon rings in coils of our genes
to transform fish to mouse to chimp to man
to angel surfing waves of light in saucers.

Dividing the circumference of the circle
by its diameter, I calculate
infinite spiraling curve of the Cosmos
as ratio of expanding universe
that flowers from the White Whole of my brain,
so when I eat apples in the green rain
while riding my horse on the sunlit plain
I know the true shape of the world I see.

Walking the silent mountain in bright snow,
I sense watching me the eye of the crow
who knows my secret name that I forgot,
so I show her the sacred book I bought
which should reveal chemical formulas
that generate my conscious mental buzz
so I remain alert to dangerous threats
and hide my fear in witty epithets.

I climb the mountain of Parnassus far
beyond the field of weeds where poets fight
over who wears the laurel crown of fame
Apollo dropped when he got bored of riddles,
and here alone I sing about the star
that weaves our bodies from hot beams of light
composing atoms to mirror the name
expressing quest for knowledge in lost puzzles.

I map the history of the world in zones
to reconstruct great demons from their bones
when wise dragons once walked upon the Earth,
singing the secret of spirit rebirth,
for we were wee mice skittering in the trees
when tall white-feathered angel dinosaurs
gathered in palaces of giant gems
till wind ground them all down to grains of sand.

I dip my hand in the sand by the sea,
and in each grain I dream the universe
that flashes through the sunlight of its eye,
for the First Flash and the Flaring Forth shine
in every molecule of the White Whole
that sparkles in the neurons of my brain
to beam virtual model of reality
through infinite variations of dreams.

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