
Sunday, February 25, 2018

Window Of All Souls

Window Of All Souls
© Surazeus
2018 02 25

After everyone he loves dies of silence
he breaks all the windows of every house,
then walks away from the city of lies
and wanders only where no paved roads go.

Stopping at the pond in the silent woods,
he gazes at mirror of infinity
and sees every person who ever lived
in its flashing shadows except himself.

He closes his eyes and the universe
stays the same except for one little thing
that buzzes in every nerve of his body
never dreamed by the neurons of his brain.

Walking back to the busy city streets,
he stops for one hour before every window
in every office and in every house
to see what no one else can ever see.

Because now he can see in flashing shadow
of each window the complete life events
of every person who passed by its glass,
and dreams their whole life in blink of an eye.

Though all the people he once loved are dead
he now loves everyone else still alive,
and loves them even though he does not know
their true names or what they dream in their hearts.

Though most people born in this sea of atoms
will experience the same basic events,
they do so in the private shock of life
as if no one else could know how they feel.

He draws their shadows on window of time
with ink that drips red from his finger tips
but, after drawing face of every soul,
he finds the window smeared with dreamless words.

He tries to show other people he meets
what he sees in the window of all souls,
but they can only see their own reflection
while he can see every one but his own.

He walks to the cave by the roaring sea
where the blind wizard who knows everything
teaches him how to forge windows from sand
that will reflect the life of every soul.

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