
Monday, February 26, 2018

Liberty To Live

Liberty To Live
© Surazeus
2018 02 26

The greatest story that enchants our minds
over six thousand years of history
with basic dynamic of social conflict
involves three generations of strong men
seeking to control nature and society.

The young man with magic ability,
aided by the wide old man who guards truth,
battles and defeats the cruel greedy tyrant,
performing noble deeds as selfless savior
who frees people to follow their own dreams.

Osiris helps Horus defeat Set,
Zurvan helps Mithra defeat Ahriman,
Zeus helps Apollo defeat Kronos,
Jupiter helps Phoebus defeat Saturnus,
Jehovah helps Jesus defeat Satan,
Meroveus helps Clovis defeat Syagrius,
Godin helps Balder defeat Loki,
Merlin helps Arthur defeat Vortigern,
Tuck helps Robin defeat Nottingham,
Gandalf helps Frodo defeat Sauron,
Obiwan helps Luke defeat Darth Vader,
Morpheus helps Neo defeat Agent Smith,
Dumbledore helps Harry defeat Voldemort,
and Solarian helps Surazeus defeat Alogias.

This myth of the young fighting the powerful
that rules the dreams of our imagination
guides dramatic actions of politics,
presenting script for election campaigns
where the young rebel with vision of justice,
aided by the teachings of their wise elders,
fights boldly against the tyrant of greed
to give the people who struggle to live
liberty to pursue dreams of happiness.

Listen to the wise advice of your elders
who help you fight for liberty to live
against the tyrant who tries to control
your secret dreams with propaganda lies
by asserting truth we can verify
so we can create rather than destroy
through moral actions of our crafting hands.

1 comment:

  1. Alogias = a+logos which means "without reason" and was used by the ancient Greeks to refer to beasts, or animals who cannot talk.

    Alogias is my name for the war-like beast of tyranny and censorship.
