
Wednesday, February 21, 2018

Gardener Of My Soul

Gardener Of My Soul
© Surazeus
2018 02 21

When I explore virtual globe of the Earth
I glide slowly over vast mountain ranges
that wind in spirals for thousands of miles,
and enormous waste lands, desolate and dry,
where rivers and streams flow through narrow valleys
that wind forever between jagged peaks,
molded by wind blowing ten million years,
from rugged caves down to the swirling sea.

I want to zoom instantly through gold sky
in whirling disk blinking with ring of lights,
then land in every valley of the world,
walk along its rivers in the soft wind,
listen to the whisper of trees and flowers,
and climb the winding slopes of every mountain
to stand on its peak in the empty sky
and feel the spirit of that place in my bones.

I want to feel the spirit of each place
whistling in the hollow flute of my bones
so I know the dreams of lost memories
that every breathing soul who ever lived
and walked that valley to drink from its river
over the past five hundred million years
experienced in their struggle to survive,
so I live in harmony with the Earth.

When I survey the waste lands of the world,
endless stretches of sand dunes blown by wind,
or plains of silent rocks cracked by hot sunrays,
or jagged mountains where nothing but lizards
and cactus suck life from sun-shimmering soil,
I want to stretch forth my shape-crafting hands
and transform rugged wilderness of thirst
into lush gardens of fruit trees and herbs.

While growing up, attending church on Sabbath,
I heard the elderly lady with gray hair
say that Jesus Christ, savior of the world,
and son of the God who created Earth,
would return from Heaven of perfect forms,
and transform the Earth into paradise,
waving his hands and speaking words of power
to cause fruit trees to blossom from the desert.

When I grew up I learned Heaven is based
on realm of Ideas Plato devised,
perfect forms from which material things spring,
and Jesus embodies Idea of noble leader
who cares for every person in his realm,
so Jesus was wise mortal king who sired
dynasties of kings who ruled from stone castles,
attempting to manage Heaven on Earth.

The sons of Jesus who all reigned as kings,
ruling and judging actions of their people
within tall watch towers of stone citadels,
organized communes of productive workers
to transform wilderness by flowing rivers
into well-tended gardens of lush plants,
growing fruit trees, vegetables, and vital herbs,
safe within high walls of our paradise.

The ancient gardener sleeping in my soul,
who remembers lush meadows of Elysium,
wakes at the sight of untamed wilderness,
and longs to transform waste lands of the world
from plantless deserts into verdured gardens,
smoothing out the jagged peaks of minerals
and constructing vast network of steel pipes
to water all the world with sparkling life.

Though Jesus is dead these two thousand years
the vision of his heart to change the world,
from putrid cesspool of aggressive lust,
where wretched humans struggle to survive,
scraping for seeds from the dry rocky soil,
and fighting each other for bubbling fountains,
still shimmers in the hearts of all his children
as we long to build lush Heaven on Earth.

For two thousand years the children of Jesus
tried to build paradise in castle walls,
restoring the primal Garden of Eden
in every city on lush river shore,
but rival kings battled in bloody wars,
constantly fighting for who reigns as Christ,
killing millions of good innocent souls,
and smashing paradise into waste land.

Breaking from the egg shell of castle walls,
we explore beyond perimeter of truth,
building engines to motorize cars and planes
we drive into vast waste lands of the world
and soar into the sky on outstretched wings,
and now unite the nations of the world
in global civilization of computers
that connect our minds in one consciousness.

United Nations of Earth we compose
from fractured states of religions and races
to unify humanity with one world view
of justice and equality for all
who breathe the free air that inspires our world
so we cooperate to transform our globe
from desolate waste lands harboring hostile gangs
into universal garden of fruit trees.

The Gardener of my Soul, inspired by Jesus,
dreams of transforming waste lands of our world
into lush gardens all around the globe
where small communities of peaceful farmers
live together around fresh bubbling fountains
to tend fruit trees, vegetables, herbs, and grains,
in harmony with busy honey bees,
and sing together in temples of peace.

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