
Wednesday, January 24, 2018

To Build Heaven On Earth

To Build Heaven On Earth
© Surazeus
2018 01 24

The days when angels came down to the Earth
and guided mankind on the road to Heaven
are recorded in scriptures of folk tales
priests tell peasants to oppress their ambitions.

Culture spins through cycles of war and peace
every eighty years in balance of power
between the leader with their ministers
and the people who obey their commands.

The youth who leaves the pale of their world view,
constructed by the wise minds of their culture,
wanders the waste land in quest for the truth
and dreams visions on true nature of things.

Returning from the waste land to their tribe,
the youth, grown into mage with burning eyes,
describes the magic working of the world
with strange new songs that enlighten their minds.

Teaching their people visions of the truth,
they organize working empire of wealth
based on institutions with ministers
who manage processes of work production.

First unified the culture operates well
to produce food and goods for everyone
till conflict of desires splinters resolve
and two sides clash in conflict of strong wills.

For the first twenty years kings reign control
and rule production with constraining laws
that assign each person their role to play
so everyone benefits from their work.

Strong institutions arbitrate fierce conflict
to balance justice between right and wrong,
ensuring each person who applies work
will gain wealth from hard labor of their hands.

For the second twenty years rebels rise
to oppose the strict laws of those in power
through awakening against thought control
to exercise will of their own desires.

Weakening institutions allow greed
to motivate men who rule other men
to enslave their labor for private gain,
abusing strength without just recompense.

For the third twenty years opposing groups
with different world views about right and wrong
clash over what defines their national soul
as unity unravels into conflict.

Corrupted institutions ossify
into arbitrary forces of power
that cruel tyrants wield to control the realm
and steal wealth from people straining at chains.

For the fourth twenty years the people fight
violent revolution through civil war
to overthrow the rich stealing their wealth
and resassert the will of their own power.

Shattered institutions crumble away
to level the playing field so everyone
cooperates to build better-working state
which boosts liberty and justice for all.

The unified culture built by one mind
splits in two camps with opposing world views
who battle for control of hearts and minds
which reunifies under one new mind.

The new unified culture which appears
after civil war over what is true
combines the best concepts about reality
in supple synthesis of new world view.

The thesis world view of people in power
is challenged by antithesis of rebels
whose opposite view provides wider scope
so new synthesis promotes clearer view.

The angel who descends on wings of fire
places honey-sweetened scroll in my mouth
so I sing about true nature of things
that blossom in structures of flashing atoms.

Real angels with messages of good work
came from the waste land with water of wisdom
and guided mankind on the road to Heaven
which we recreate on this changing Earth.

Here we go around the merry-go-round
of cultural change on the spinning world,
laughing as we sing hymns to the dead god
who showed us how to build Heaven on Earth.

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