
Thursday, January 11, 2018

Before We All Fade

Before We All Fade
© Surazeus
2018 01 11

Our songs are alive with weird archetypes
dancing like chess pieces disguised as friends
in the mirroring labyrinth of our dreams.

Our fears are puppets we make dance on strings
of aching love unraveled from our hearts
that make people laugh and cry at their play.

I hide behind the blank mask of my love
to channel chaos of my aching hope
in quiet song of blooms on apple trees.

I wear the masks of dead philosophers
to break beyond the wall of ignorance
and explore the nature of changing things.

I see my Muse, Athena Liberty,
appear as shining light in drizzling rain
and follow her to where the sun is born.

I bury seed of faith in mud of doubt,
discarding desire for eternal life,
and tend tree of knowledge blooming my heart.

I search the silent universe for God
and find pulsing energy in my atoms
that generates glow of my consciousness.

Each god of myth who plays on stage of life
beams apparition of live human being
who once explored the labyrinth of this world.

I see the spirit of each human being
who ever lived in history of our world
singing together in choir of our dreams.

I type swiftly to capture with weird words
their voices beaming visions of their minds
before we all fade into silent night.

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