
Tuesday, December 10, 2024

Function Of My Brain

Function Of My Brain
© Surazeus
2024 12 10

Geared contraption of flexible syntax 
traps fluid concepts in receptive words 
I advance to express amorphous flash 
of feelings based on sharp analysis 
my brain contrives by puzzling random facts 
in cosmic theory I assign to life. 

My genes gather atomic energy 
of flashing atoms to weave neural net 
of memory nodes in galactic-shaped brain 
which conjures virtual world of conscious mind 
aware of itself as immortal god 
contained in temporary mortal man. 

This conscious mind unique to my one brain 
is function fueled by flashing molecules 
which generates vision in whole world view 
organizing objects in framed landscape 
so I am subject that perceives my world 
of changing bodies within changeless scope. 

As long as chemicals of flowing change 
fuel conscious mind with sense of unique self, 
my body glows with animating soul, 
asserting right to live with clever strength, 
but when body functions deteriorate 
my consciousness to nothing dissipates. 

My conscious mind-soul vanishes at death 
because it is no more than glowing field 
which emanates from function of my brain, 
and, though I wish my soul could incarnate 
in other bodies to continue life, 
I must accept that I will disappear. 

When people perform memorable deeds 
in tune with intense flow of energy 
which cause effects of social solvency, 
their face implants its features in our minds 
to stamp its vibrant personality 
on mindless idol conjured by our brains. 

Some people create divine characters 
through consequential actions of desire, 
so, though their body dies and soul dissolves 
in that permanent vanishment of death, 
ghost of their being remains clear in our minds 
and gains immortal state in tales we share. 

When our body dies, our conscious mind dies, 
and our animating soul dissipates, 
but memory of our being set by our life 
remains as trope signified by our name, 
yet when the sun expands to swallow Earth 
all our myths of gods vanish into dust. 

1 comment:

  1. Orpheus patiently explains to crowd of eager students that consciousness is a function of the brain and thus dissipates to nothing at death, though they keep trying to argue that souls are immortal.
