Progress Of Zarathia © Surazeus 2024 12 31 During the last flash at the end of time I will dance on my grave by the fruit tree that grows beside the never-ending road which I have followed all around the Earth to find where skulls of my ancestors lie ten thousand miles along the River Styx. During the last flash in the play of dreams I will build ten billion homes by the sea so every person living on this Earth may dwell in safe security of truth to gather with their friends around the hearth and share strange stories as they drink and laugh. During the last flash at the song of clouds I will gather lake pebbles in my mouth and sing in harmony with choirs of birds to guide the dead and refugees from war across the waste land of the weeping heart to dwell in garden of the hungry tree. During the last flash before the new year I will appear on Mount Takoma peak in flash of lightning from the star-eyed wraith and walk your cities as the cosmic herald proclaiming collapse of America that nurtures progress of Zarathia.
Surazeus Astarius Συράζευς Αστάριος. Cartographer. Epic Poet. Hermead epic poem about Philosophers 126,680 lines of blank verse.
Tuesday, December 31, 2024
Progress Of Zarathia
Flute Of Forgetfulness
Flute Of Forgetfulness © Surazeus 2024 12 31 I want to watch first sunrise of this year from bottom of the sea in purple haze where my genes were formed from spiraling coils that vibrate with ancient song of the sun which flares forth from first flash of the big bang so I can remember my secret name. I will shift my brain engine in high gear and race myself to transcend the next phase when I soar to Heaven on hydrofoils in soul journey Scythia to Oregon through epiphany of Nirvana twang so I win the regeneration game. When I gaze up at Mount Takoma peak I see bright vision of the Holy Grail personified as Goddess Liberty who gives me raven quill and scripture book to chronicle fall of America that leads to the rise of Zarathia. Since I have found what weeping angels seek beyond scope of her heart-balancing scale, I treasure progress through fertility of my family safe in tall tower rook, nurtured by energy of Onatah which binds me to my homeland Scythia. Though Wheel of Fortune spins much faster now which fuels urgent progress of social change, I balance flight of passion with calm reason to channel flow of transformative force by navigating obstacles of fear so I cross lost Bridge of Foresightedness. Living with my bride in forever now as we explore with love conceptual range of romance in harmony with each season, I map confusing landscape to the source of inspiration as the balladeer while my mate plays Flute of Forgetfulness. Though we are fragile flames of consciousness that glow our brief time on this spinning sphere, I savor time I spend with you in Heaven that we create with every choice we make defining fate that binds our hearts with faith, sharing love till we dissolve back to Earth. Before we vanish into nothingness, inspired by spirit of the pioneer, we follow random flight of the Moon Raven who guides us to dwell safe by the Dream Lake where our pure love is blessed by the Star Wraith who teaches us the secret of rebirth.
Heaven Garden Of Fruit
Heaven Garden Of Fruit © Surazeus 2024 12 31 Ascending Mount Takoma at bright dawn, the cosmic herald gazes to the east where Mount Parnassus and Mount Helicon connect his heart to spirit of the past with thread of song that weaves all hearts in one, then strums the lyre of Mercury and sings. The ancient landscape of our mutual dreams is cluttered with the corpses of dead kings who reigned in castle towers long ago while wearing crowns shaped round as dragon jaws encrusted with gems extracted by slaves who worship their father Jesus as God. In fertile land across the storm-wracked sea we build foundation for democracy where every person alive on its soil shares equal opportunity to work based on liberty and justice for all ensured by civil rights under one law. Though sons of Jesus reign in the White House, supporting system of democracy, their hidden ambition to rule the world emerges through enforcement of one law designed to assert our supremacy under Jesus as Emperor of Earth. From Scythia we have spread to half the world, rooted by wisdom in city of Athena, nurtured by faith in mists of Avalon, expanding from forum of Jupiter through fertile heartland of Gothinia uniting Russia with Zarathia. Fractured in opposing nations of power, both Zarathia and Russia compete as eagle wings spread from Gothinia, unbalanced by gyrating force of faith, where ancient monarch of the British Isles slumbers unaware on the Dragon Throne. The core of social power migrates west, Babylon to Athens to Rome to Paris to London, then Moscow and Washington, split between contrasting world views of rights, yet bind Alaska with Siberia around the northern hemisphere with power. When Hidden Dragon rises from our hearts and sweeps away old tyrants and monarchs, he will unite in one world empire state nations of angels into Anglonesia that will secure Heaven garden of fruit where our families may dwell in happiness.
Book Of Screaming Ghosts
Book Of Screaming Ghosts © Surazeus 2024 12 31 When the Carpenter rebuilds our quaint home after bombs blast it into puzzling shards, I collect half-burned family photographs to arrange them for chronicles of hope, captioned with names and dates for birth and death organized in the Book of Screaming Ghosts. When the oldest woman in the world calls my secret office on the telephone, I record endless rambling of her tales detailing history of the human race as gossip read in People Magazine to save them in the Book of Screaming Ghosts. When the manic pixie dream girl hitchhikes across the waste land to lush Oregon, I play grunge folk songs on half-tuned guitar as we lounge on the beach of evolution, then talk about sacred beauty of truth recorded in the Book of Screaming Ghosts. When the Redcrosse Knight with the bloody sword leads holy crusade to reconquer Hell, I escape burned ruins of Babylon to fight for fair justice in Avalon then search for love in hills of Oregon, using maps in the Book of Screaming Ghosts. When the Tambourine Man opens Time Door with Dream Key forged from bone of some dead god, I leap each Earth across the multiverse to merge all my selves in one Mask of God through which I perceive atoms of the mind analyzed in the Book of Screaming Ghosts. When the Goddess of Liberty appears from abandoned Tomb of Justicia, she leads the Remnant who believe in truth to fight against tyranny of King Midas and restore American democracy as foretold in the Book of Screaming Ghosts. When the messiah sleuth returns to Earth incarnate in the prophet no one hears, I calculate world economic flow to navigate the global ship of state to Isle of Avalon where I record weird visions in the Book of Screaming Ghosts. When the cosmic herald descends from Heaven after King Midas turns Earth into hell, I analyze fall of America to build Republic of Zarathia based on Justice and Liberty for all who are born in the Book of Screaming Ghosts.
Monday, December 30, 2024
Falcon Of World Peace
Falcon Of World Peace © Surazeus 2024 12 30 With turning of the falcon in the wind at widening of the gyre from central core, I sense with passionate intensity another revelation is at hand when Spirit of the World as Lion Man slouches toward Bethlehem to be reborn. No rough beast this time with pitiless eyes, but wingless angel with star-blazing scroll, approaches pyramid of global power across the waste land of our poisoned hopes as prophesied by mute messiah sleuth who wears God Eye of Wisdom on his head. At seventh coming of messiah sleuth, born in lush hills of misty Oregon, great Empire of America will fall till cosmic herald wakes with dream of truth, to found Republic of Zarathia, inspired by ancient soul of Avalon. Divine incarnation of Jesus Christus, through sacred bloodline of the Holy Grail, Meroveus to Constantinus to Arthurus to Carolus Magnus to Gulielmus to our cosmic herald who arrives on Earth as complete unknown in the wilderness. When anarchy is loosed upon the world by oligarchs who grasp for social power, our innocent messiah sleuth of truth will rise from flood of psychic energy to reign as sacrificial lamb with love by guarding fertile soul of Liberty. Though brave Minerva, who upholds the law, was overwhelmed in fight for Liberty by greedy Pluto and his puppet Midas, the cosmic herald bearing Book of Truth will rise as Hidden Dragon of pure faith to maintain system of democracy. Fierce hurricane of social anarchy, fueled by ambition of the Businessman, smashes institutions of government so corporate kings, unchained by regulations, exploit poor working people to steal wealth while honest citizens lose everything. When Falcon of World Peace circling the sun lands on virtuous arm of the cosmic herald, the falconer of truth with spell of wisdom will tame the rough beast of Jerusalem and reign in World Temple on Mount Moriah to maintain United Nations of Earth.
Bob Senses Danger
Bob Senses Danger © Surazeus 2024 12 30 While strumming guitar and singing folk tunes on the street before the national bank, Bob senses danger in the great blue sky, so he zooms up on rocket of his heart to blast the asteroid hurtling toward the Earth, then returns, and continues the next verse. While strolling arm in arm with his girlfriend on Positively Fourth Street in Greenwich Village, Bob senses danger in the mountain range so he teleports to top of Devils Tower where he wrestles Zeus for the Holy Grail, then takes Suze out to the Cafe Wha. While riding chrome horse with the Cheshire cat to give out money he steals from the rich, Bob senses danger at the carnival so he leaps from bell tower of Notre Dame and rescues Ophelia from River Styx to play Beauty Queen on Desolation Row. While piloting Titanic on the sea to sing with Mermaids in the Pantheon, Bob senses danger within the White House so he dons mask of Dionysian clown and scams King Midas from the crown he stole to save America from tyranny. While volunteering at the bankrupt church to serve food to children on Christmas Eve, Bob senses danger in the twilight zone so he arrests the greedy oligarchs who enslave people with credit card debt and frees them from the game of win or die. While running from assassins of state power to ride sandworms in dunes, and harvest spice, Bob senses danger in the galaxy so he leads revolution of the lost and fights for freedom in the Holy Land to build telescope on the Temple Mount. While building houses for war refugees to expand paradise across the land, Bob senses danger in stock market game so he paints dollar bills on maple leaves and funds scholarships for the poor to learn we weave our fate with every choice we make. While playing chess with Hades on the beach to win lost souls who vote for Lucifer, Bob senses danger in America so he crawls blind on six crooked highways to lead us all to the mountain of ghosts where he catches blasting rain with his eyes.
Soul Without The Brain
Soul Without The Brain © Surazeus 2024 12 30 The beach without sand of unchanging time supports slow motion of aggressive hope when hunger urges awareness of thought which fuels locomotion of fierce intent with harsh inspiration of each grim breath to crawl across eternity of now. The slope without the curve of measurement resists persistent hope of constrained will to climb steep otherness of silver why high toward upper expanse of safe desire till purpose beyond reach of helpless goals releases thrust of existence to stand. The well without the bottom of rain eyes lures desperate agony of nothingness with brilliant visions of worlds undesigned to reach for sparkle deep in gloom of time as endless whisper leaking thoughts of clouds fills hollow happiness with truthless rocks. The voice without the mouth expressing hope vibrates tsunami waves of innocence far swirling closer to moon mirror gleam based on insistent pace of wordless song still wrecking fragile concepts newly stored safe behind wavering walls of contempt. The day without the hour of static clocks computes new memory old gods chronicle unsure of how to reconcile complaints opposing programs of successful growth quick to decay from unsupported claims corrupted sooner than storms aggregate. The volume without dimension of faith enclosing cordial canticles of clues counters cosmic joke of wholeness derived from cluttered fragments unpuzzled again at crack of dawn that stirs within the heart vast multiverse of possible untruths. The soul without the brain of memories vibrates with pulsing attitude of pride releasing radiant facts that build world views composed of features forming ideal masks we wear on stage as we perform our fate we choose each hour of struggle to survive. The tale without the text of tragedy gestating inside book of soul rebirth describes pure fantasy of world events expressed as magic spell through energy required to maintain minimal expense when I survive shipwreck in this new world.
We Hear No Bells Ring
We Hear No Bells Ring © Surazeus 2024 12 30 So many ways for water to flow blue reveal brief settlement of social norms shaped by soft atmosphere of cozy homes where people hide from chaos of despair to bake fruit pies and sip hot chocolate while watching snow map motions of the mind. Walls of our houses gather light we share to code strange sorrows that still stir within, preserving memories long frozen gray by wings of passing angels when we pray, though we dishonor gestures of respect by breaking monuments of silent ice. We feel soft weight of twenty million years in timeless moment of this gold-lit hour before noon wrecks beliefs we built with care composed of long sojourns in foreign lands till bones of our ancestors claim this space as our true homeland since cold dawn of time. Now rooted in this changeless land of wind, tagged with false name of faceless ghost we fear, we find our secrets incomplete yet true, so sudden end of time starts up again our project to design vast tapestries we weave from songs of broken radios. We write our stories on soft leaves of trees through restless dramas written by moonrays, so when they fall, now brittle with despair, we sweep them into piles of restless words unread by patient mountains of concern, which would embrace us to their breasts of stone. Though we mark ends of years on calendars when lands of aching hope are frozen cold, and flow of change lithe dancers calculate has stalled at pause of fearful discontent, atomic flash of time will never cease to push our bodies toward our hollow graves. Since winter seems to down the dying hour through languid settlement of fractured hope, we surge against snow of despair with cause to readjust slow-motion crash of fate with angled reference based on measured grace so we emerge from gloom with sunlit eyes. We hear no bells ring in the new-year faith now that greed drives the hungry tyrant mad, so we brace hearts of innocence for hell unleashed by gang of thieves with wrecking hands who blast our monuments to liberty, then party in the rubble of lost hope.
Sunday, December 29, 2024
First Mother Of Humanity
First Mother Of Humanity © Surazeus 2024 12 29 When portraits fall off world museum walls their ghosts transform into new human beings who go about their daily mortal lives, having forgotten their immortal state as atoms swirling in sphere of the sun that beam down to Earth to be born as humans. Each time one sperm fertilizes one egg, immortal soul of atoms incarnates in human being whose brain of neural nodes emanates unique consciousness of self who senses divine glow of radiant love program how they perform the fate they choose. Though countless conscious souls have lived and died four hundred million years of spinning Earth since we crawled from fertile womb of the sea up fresh water rivers to lake of dreams, I am alone with unique state of mind which I record in magic spells of verse. Each person whose mind conjures virtual world through organized arrangement of thought words programs how new readers perceive the world so conscious glamor of their vision glows again in brains of those who read their spells long after their own brain dissolves to dust. Weird way I view the world has been programmed by billions of people who lived and died long before my mother taught me to speak, so when I wear their old persona masks I feel their conscious minds awake in mine as I incarnate First Mother in me. First Mother wakes in every human brain, one soul alive in eight billion new selves, so we all remember the night she stood tall with breath inspiring her eager heart beside the lake of dreams at dawn of time, amazed at beauty of this spinning Earth. She is immortal spirit of our brains awake in individual conscious minds, so we speak her true name after we pray, Amen, First Mother of Humanity, who welcomes us to her pyramid home where we eat while she sings tale of creation. Amen stands tall on flat-top pyramid while we gather on each ascending level, spreads both her arms out wide as angel wings, head glowing bright in halo of the sun, and beams dream of Earth in our minds with song so her great God Eye opens in our brains.
Fund Social Growth
Fund Social Growth © Surazeus 2024 12 29 The most powerful people always die so other people fight to take their place, ambitious men hoping to outwit Death by climbing pyramid of social fame as they ascend to bright immortal realm only to collapse and dissolve to dust. Though men, who sit by fireplaces and watch ambitious men fight for power of fame, write their names in the history books to chronicle their political games, their names and nothing more are left behind for they all will die, forgotten by time. Therefore I decline your offer of cash and public support for me to campaign for higher office in the government where I could effect with legal programs social change for common people to strive with equal opportunities for wealth. Though I have written nine best-seller books describing in detail social reforms which progressive architects could design to adjust process of productive wealth, I have no complex diplomatic skill to orchestrate opposing points of view. Detailed blueprints for how to reform laws which I presented in best-selling books have been ignored by government elites because they do not want to implement fair social system that would equalize every person regardless of their class. The powerful oligarchs who control fiscal accounts that could fund social growth prefer to keep the common folk suppressed, for weak and hungry men desperate to work are easy to manipulate through greed, keeping the masses enslaved by false hope. They defund education and health care, cripple unions, and break social welfare, because people, uneducated and poor, are more willing to work without complaint, so plans for social reform I designed are worthless fantasies they will ignore. I fought for many years to institute far better system of equality, but rich oligarchs I have long opposed have gained control of our people and land through bloodless coup of willing money slaves who deserve the hell where they are now trapped.
Unpuzzle My Self
Unpuzzle My Self © Surazeus 2024 12 29 If my brain malfunctions in fractured flare of dream-lost memories adjusting time to dislocate spinning conceptual frame of reference flashed backward to uncode truth, show me photo of my face in reverse when I decide to unpuzzle my self. My conscious awareness of jelly gods composing vast structure of galaxies functions to analyze perceptive gleams as qualities of objects atoms form through fluid matrix of undulant shapes when I speak words to unpuzzle my self. Constrained by tangled code computers dream, my brain arranges social-programmed tropes as building blocks molded by language keys to design virtual model of our world based on cosmic ontology I spell with mirror shards to unpuzzle my self. Round greenish glow of distributed woods protrudes from mental landscape of fake homes ornamented through attached telephones to stain weird idleness of mordant clouds where sky gods estimate odor of death contrived with faith to unpuzzle my self. Absent people hollow space-time as ghosts threading tubular souls through decayed woods where almost narrow distance funnels fear since various convex hopes of whiteness cap hysterical circles zoned by state law through signs I use to unpuzzle my self. Yet flocks of ravens repeat rapid rules defining how Earth turns inside my brain through continuous minerals of desire translucent with agony fierce eyes glare with delicate chirping of confused gods who love to watch me unpuzzle my self. Subdued voices of wingless angels blast old world views into questions about why whistles of spies imitate hero songs bards compose from sharp cries of agony with words that frame courage to hide despair though I succeed to unpuzzle myself. Since my brain malfunctions analysis of words dissembling theocratic faith, I carve snake runes on tablets of oak wood in elegant lines of Saturnian verse which translates songs of wind and rain to words I reinvent to unpuzzle my self.
Glamor Of Our Thoughts
Glamor Of Our Thoughts © Surazeus 2024 12 29 We sail forever on river of words that began to flow from mouth of First Mother and takes us from the mountain cave of dreams where she first woke to vision of the world one hundred million years down to the sea where we build virtual city of the mind. The world we see is not the world we speak for we invent the glamor of our thoughts as truth-veil to hide indifference of Nature which allows us to give each other hope as we extract desire from soil of Earth to eat as fruit with spirit of the Sun. Escaping dream illusion built of words to explore the real world outside our language, I leave city maze of commercial games and dwell in cave where faceless angels sing before oak wood statue hidden in shadow that depicts soul of Antonius Patavinus. The rotting statue of the dead saint crumbles to dust that swirls as sparkles in moonlight, so I carve new statue with my own face that resembles one billion living people whose words swirl from their mouths as hurricanes which people mistake as the Voice of God. Just as I float above frame of my body as faceless phantom of the world wide web, the Queen of Sheba arrives at my cave and asks me to compose new manuscript that illustrates whole history of the world so I weave tales in Chronicle of Eve. Through imperial decree of honest words I unite wingless angels with one heart from Zarathia, Gothinia, and Russia in new global Empire of Anglonesia which legislates national security to guard our bodies in haven of faith. Waking alone in cave of my illusions, I watch beautiful palace of my words crumble into snowflakes of arrogance that cleanses soil from blood of civil war so flowers and fruit trees blossom in spring as always, though our world empires collapse. While we lounged in the global tree of fruit, First Mother taught me how to express words in stream of psychic melodies that form vision of the world as subjects who act as we perform grand political plays, then rot in death as children call us gods.
Saturday, December 28, 2024
Seraph Of Freedom
Seraph Of Freedom © Surazeus 2024 12 28 Alone in sprawling city maze of myths, where billions of people live in one dream, Shekhinah sings solemn hymns no one hears that vibrate invisible waves of love to weave our minds in tapestry of faith so everyone sings in world harmony. Spreading white angelic swan wings with hope, which swirl around her body in bright flames, Shekhinah floats over city of towers, tall radiant seraph with star-diamond eyes who beams stream of atoms as chemicals that energize our brains with dreams of love. Old woman on the park bench by the elm opens her eyes, blinking in evening light, to watch children play on the jungle gym while their mothers discuss psychology, then raises her old wrinkled hand to shade sunrays that glimmer with angelic form. Breathing deep to savor sweet scent of flowers, old woman grunts from the effort to rise, then shuffles slowly with cute families who stroll around the lake in evening glow as thousands of lights on trees and wire frames flash on to illuminate all their souls. Struggling to walk as she leans on her cane, old woman with white hair and silver eyes walks ten thousand years around the lake while children run past, lithe young girls skip, and sweet lovers take selfies with eye-phones, who swirl around her in blur of desire. Though I am not sure as sun on the lake if I am still alive this dazzling hour, I feel immortal spirit of pure light emanate from each beat of my old heart, for I remember when mankind first rose from Lake of Dreams to eat from Tree of Life. I see you coming for me now, blind Death, she whispers as young boy on swift skateboard collides with old woman among the crowd which knocks her back so hard she cracks her head and bleeds holy spirit on the sidewalk till Phoebus cradles her head with his coat. Police arrest the young boy for manslaughter, while thousands of people from everywhere attend funeral of the lonely old woman who floats above them as Seraph of Freedom, spreading white angelic swan wings with hope that energize our hearts with songs of love.
Golden Thread Of Love
Golden Thread Of Love © Surazeus 2024 12 28 The last immortal with the mutant mind leaps toward the holy orange tree on the hill where the scarlet Phoenix Girl meditates inside time-glowing egg of golden light with intent to snatch ruby of her heart, but scatters her essence in the three realms. Wandering disconsolate in vale of tears, the last immortal stumbles in moss grove to find serpent egg in waterfall pool that glimmers scarlet as the midnight moon, so he cuddles it close to his warm breast when he curls to sleep in the cave of dreams. Cracking from the gleaming egg at midnight, small two-horned dragon-newt with golden eyes flutters around with frail butterfly wings till she gets tangled in net of grape vines and transforms into girl with long red hair who dances gracefully in sprinkling rain. Waking up as the black-haired Raven Boy, the last immortal sees the dancing girl so he assumes she stole his serpent egg but she argues back that he kidnapped her, and runs away to escape his disgust, but golden thread of love connects their hearts. Bound to each other by the golden thread, Phoenix Girl and Raven Boy go on quest to find star eggs that constitute her soul which shimmer hid under holy orange trees, so they can break their bond of servitude and go their separate ways to live in peace. Descending to dark canyon caves of Hell, Phoenix Girl heals the wounded Red Fox Prince after defeating the nine-headed snake, and Raven Boy rescues from chains of fear graceful Swan Princess whose tears become pearls, then find star eggs that aggrandize her heart. After Phoenix Girl rises from the flames, reborn from shattered fragments of her soul, she breaks the golden thread of servitude, so she and Raven Boy go their own ways, but think about each other night and day, feeling their absence like a festering wound. Racing toward each other from distant realms, Phoenix Girl and Raven Boy meet again under the holy orange tree on the hill to reconnect the golden thread of love, and live together by the Lake of Dreams where they raise children who spring from their hearts.
Cave Of Prophetic Words
Cave Of Prophetic Words © Surazeus 2024 12 28 Hair flaming with angelic wings of light, Isaiah walks in garden of despair to talk with God inside the Tree of Fruit, but all he hears is whisper of the wind that swirls across mirror mask of the lake which hides face of the Earth in silent depths. Beyond strange beauty of the static poise, Isaiah stops halfway up temple steps and gestures hand of thunder at the door, presenting scroll of judgment to the sky where faceless God watches humans play game of worship to survive the change of time. Opening his mouth filled with lightning flares, Isaiah speaks with swarm of honey bees that sting hearts of arrogant men with pride who enslave people kidnapped from their farms to build enormous temples to the sky where faceless God disdains their greedy prayers. Eyes flashing with lightning over the sea, Isaiah raises wand with diamond eye to strike the man who kidnaps girls as brides, and breaks doors of his palace with contempt to free young women from his servitude who sacrifice sin-born children to Moloch. Emerging from cave of prophetic words, Isaiah strides twenty-eight centuries across the ruins of ambitious empires to strike down tyrants from the judgment throne who rule nations with self-advancing greed instead of helping citizens advance. Beaten by thugs sent by corporate kings, Isaiah strides from sea to shining sea, denouncing men who exploit laborers and separate families of poor immigrants to pilfer money from their hungry hands while lounging in huge mansions and long yachts. Guarding garden on Mount Zion with wand, Isaiah teaches daughter Hephzibah how to open her heart to the Star Wraith so she can prophesy future events while performing as Priestess Shekhinah who blesses her nation with light of truth. Wandering vast cities of America, Isaiah cries out to the empty sky to fill young David with the holy spirit so he guards Liberty with Book of Truth who chases Goliath from the White House to free the people from his tyranny.
Secret Of Timeless Joy
Secret Of Timeless Joy © Surazeus 2024 12 28 If I search for simple heart-warming place to relax from ambition of the race for glamorous fame of power through wealth, I may find secret paradise through stealth, asleep in alleyway behind the bank where I dream I achieve the highest rank. I want to escape the game of world power to lounge in the meadow and hold the flower that conceals the secret of timeless joy when I gain release from role as the toy manipulated by the rich to do their will so I can earn enough to pay the bill. Tangled in mess of social obligations, contrived to maintain system of strong nations, I walk forever through the cityscape that constantly shifts beyond its mapped shape, so I never find my wife in our home though I decide to adjust where I roam. Embraced in privacy of our desire, we kiss to music of the city choir, so we decide to return to our place, but then she vanishes without a trace when she drives away on the gray moped, zooming away after the light turns red. I walk through endless angled corridors past ghostly shadows of half-open doors, through museums, stores, cathedrals, and schools, and factories where elves invent strange tools, then along the river down strips of grass, still hoping to find my literature class. Up steep stairways with frantic intent I climb toward office of the president who commissions me to make new world view, so I design castle for Xanadu till my wife texts me on the flashing phone while I wander lost in the twilight zone. Somewhere in vast city of buildings and parks I sense my wife is singing with the larks, so I keep walking through its crowded streets, attempting to organize mental receipts, till sudden wind scatters my words to the sky so I laugh with joy that there is no why. Inventing reason for our sweet romance based on practical concerns of finance, I maintain fantasy of daily life to support creative projects of my wife who transforms wilderness of tangled trees into Dream Garden I access with keys.
Friday, December 27, 2024
Maze Of Desolation Row
Maze Of Desolation Row © Surazeus 2024 12 27 Weird spells Phoebus plants in heart of the book explode with nuclear flash of ecstasy to wake blind zombies with epiphany through kaleidoscope television look that shakes foundation of our nation-state at second coming of the clown of fate. To buy salvation from the Jokerman people of America gamble truth which blocks arrival of messiah sleuth who was prophesied by the Zimmerman shaking tambourine on the windy beach with jingle-jangle sorrow out of reach. Lost in vast maze of Desolation Row, Cinderella calls Hamlet on the phone to save her virtue with the rolling stone when bells of freedom on the radio warn complacent fools of the civil war that shakes the window and rattles the door. Aware that Pluto embezzles state funds to purchase army of the Bloody Cross, Hamlet asserts his right to play the boss who sells psychotic heroes blasting guns to fight the king squatting in the White House who insists he is not the greedy mouse. Puzzle pieces for huge map of the world, scattered on Round Table in Camelot, challenge romantic view of Lancelot to foretell coming of the cosmic herald, but Phoebus just wants to relax at home while war refugees continue to roam. Amused by circus music in the air, Hamlet chases Jokerman beyond Hell where Dracula drowned in the runic well while searching stalls of Scarborough Fair for Cinderella dancing in queen role with wild river nymphs around the May Pole. Beside sparkling pool of Flying Horse Spring, where fairies and goblins dance on the moon to mercurial wail of heart-breaking tune, Hamlet offers Cinderella the ring to ask her hand in marriage of soulmates, while starving people clamor at the gates. These bane-masked spirits of lost time reflect nature of our souls striving to survive speed of time machines we attempt to drive to secret Heaven of the Architect who disarms nuclear bombs to save the world when he is reborn as the cosmic herald.
God With Watching Eye
God With Watching Eye © Surazeus 2024 12 27 After I walk through hundred million doors in endless winding mirror maze of myths to study life of every human being who ever lived in history of our world, I find myself in home nobody built with their faces as masks in countless rooms. I feel my personality disperse around vast landscape of our spinning Earth as flakes of ash from burning cross of truth transforming into psychic butterflies then bloodied pages from lost fairy tales to morph at last in little yellow flowers. When I become you, I see through your eyes same world with different frame of reference so I can better comprehend your faith in far-fetched fantasies you think are real which warps how I perceive this Earth till I adjust distortions with plain words. As priest-cook with cauldrons, ladles and knives, I sit on flat-top pyramid all day among four pillars covered with grape vines so when people arrive with lambs or cows I roast meat well on altar stone of truth so they can feast on nourishment of faith. When seven warriors sent by rival priest leap up the pyramid with sharpened spears to destroy me so he can wear my crown, I fight them with wand of diamond on brass with back to stela till I kill them all, then girls anoint my body with fish oil. Anointed messiah of the sea tribe, I wear gold crown that imitates fish jaws with sharp teeth encrusted with emeralds as I parade before the singing crowd then sit on high pyramid judgment throne to adjudicate each case with fair justice. I am immortal god with watching eye who rules on pyramid of global power one thousand generations of my sons till priests replace the last with gold idol that humans worship ten thousand years more till I stand alone in the bleak waste land. Returning to my present mortal self, I hold American one dollar bill depicting pyramid with watching eye where mortal gods once ruled empires of men in wasted desert called the Holy Land, and weep with sorrow at paradise lost.
Loom Of Verbal Fate
Loom Of Verbal Fate © Surazeus 2024 12 27 If the Fates still think of themselves as young and beautiful to eyes of desperate souls, I am not surprised people are still fooled by their vain promises of artless grace while dancing in mirrored room of desire that tricks us into choosing how we die. We know without investigating why that creature lurking by the Tree of Life is not the Christ billions are waiting for, yet I would like to undeceive their minds so one of every third person on Earth may see Pandarus rise up from the dead. With his dramatic gesture at clear truth, Pandarus reveals to our shocked surprised that madness is the end of every play where the haughty man, puffed up in his pride, who snatches crown of thorns to claim as his role of world messiah, is always doomed. The traitor to our noble principle, that every person living in this land has equal rights to opportunity based on liberty and justice for all, will strut his hour on global stage of fame till his tyranny crumbles from his shame. The way we choose to live defines our fate for every step we take leads to our death, even if we dwell in the House of Dreams or meditate under the Tree of Knowledge, for our organic frame of chemicals dissolves our consciousness to mindless air. The fiery wheel that spins across the sky as solar goddess named Solaria weaves our planet with quick atomic threads that tangles our minds in matrix of hope so with each breath our soul is energized to expand consciousness and become God. Ten million spider girls of cosmic love spin Earth from light on loom of verbal fate so we are characters with special names whose forms appear on tapestry of time to play our role in creation of life then swirl back into mindless sea of light. Pandarus dressed in wizard robe and hat lures curious people in the circus church where angels and devils, paid by our fate, re-enact war between Jesus and Satan through our state election every four years which keeps our nation vibrant with new hope.
Civil War In Eden
Civil War In Eden © Surazeus 2024 12 27 After the two young slaves, Adam and Eve, have been expelled from the Garden of Eden for eating fruit from the trees they must tend, tired of always eating bowls of wheat mush, they take their solitary way of hope far upriver to find new vale to live. Standing on lush shore of the flowing river, Adam and Eve open hands to reveal seeds they kept hidden from the fruit they ate, so they dig holes in soft earth with hard hands to plant fruit seeds in rows of eight by eight, then nourish them with water in cupped hands. Over forty years of transforming growth the two freed slaves extend orchard of fruit to hundreds of trees blooming in sunbeams and sparkles of rain that sweep the broad vale where their children and grandchildren play free, gathering each afternoon to feast and sing. While Cain tends trees with obedient faith, Abel wanders hills with restless attention where he meets young girl with curly gold hair named Ashima who gazes in his soul, and teaches him to help her tend the sheep, then they make love under the olive tree. Bringing wife and baby daughter back home, Abel cooks and roasts lamb on altar stone so everyone feasts and praises his name while ignoring fruit salad Cain and had made, so Cain follows his brother to the stream and kills him with broke branch of wounded pride. After Adam exiles him with his family, tall elegant man with army of soldiers arrives hungry and thirsty after long march, so Adam welcomes them with sumptuous fast of lamb and wine while girls play harps and sing, then listens as he relates bitter tale. After Yehowah exiled you from Eden, he appointed me guardian of the garden to strictly enforce rules slaves must obey, but after years of faithful servitude I was passed over for role of crown prince when he named his inexpert son instead. Lucifer stands before Adam and clan and declares, I will found my own new kingdom, so if you pledge loyalty to my cause of rebellion against tyrant Yehowah I will protect you from slavers and thieves and keep you safe in paradise of power. Adam assures Lucifer with calm smile he will consider pledge of his support, then Lucifer leads army of fallen angels to find strategic spot on river plain where they construct new pyramid of power as Lucifer begins to build his kingdom. Halfway between two pyramids of power where both Yehowah and Lucifer reign, Adam tries to maintain his neutral stance, but soldiers from army of Lucifer raid his large garden to steal fruit and lambs, and abduct dozen of girls for their wives. When Raphael arrives with angel army, sent by Yehowah to render assistance, Adam hosts them with feast of lamb and wine, then listens as Raphael relates the tale of how Lucifer was caught embezzling funds and fought civil war to crown himself king. Gazing at Raphael with eyes of faith, Adam explains, though I had been enslaved and treated with harshness for crime of hunger, I built this paradise with my bare hands, so if you recognize my sovereignty I will assist you against Lucifer. Assuring Adam he still reigns as king, Raphael surrounds his flourishing farm with angel army bearing swords of flame who recruit men to construct high stone walls that enclose his paradise of fruit trees with strict authority of social rules. When Raphael announces new decree that no workers and peasants are allowed to eat fruit from the trees of paradise, Adam objects and declares with loud voice that fruit has always been free to consume for everyone who dwells in paradise. Assured by Raphael of his support, Seth arrests his father Adam in swift coup, confining him to his room in the palace, then kneels in temple on the pyramid where Ashtoreth, young wife of Raphael, places gold crown with jewels on his head. Chained to first fruit tree he planted with love, after escaping from Garden of Eden, Adam transforms into serpent with wings who watches endless civil war for power fought between liberals and conservatives six thousand years as empires rise and fall.
Thursday, December 26, 2024
Falling Feather Of Faith
Falling Feather Of Faith © Surazeus 2024 12 26 Just before the falling feather of faith fractures facade of Earth with jovial fear, Jovis fills basket with juniper berries to brew gin with chamomile, lavender, and angelica, which simmers in glass jar as butterflies flutter around his head. Racing swiftly into the temple hall, Orcus howls with rage at unjust decree as he thrusts long sharp spear of arrogance straight at exposed chest of the smiling god, so Jovis twirls to evade his spear thrust, then bonks his head that knocks him on the ground. Binding hands of Orcus behind his back, Jovis grips his hair with assertive right, then forces him to open gate to Hades and lead him down into the underworld where hundreds of people in prison cells call weakly for salvation from despair. Harrowing hell of Hades with gold key, Jovis frees hundreds of people from death, and leads them safely to the upperworld where they build village of gardens by huts in lush meadow along the River Meles around ruins of the old Homerium. Faunus, whose father wrights wagons and wheels, finds ancient bearded man in temple hall, and watches him brew gin from herbs and berries while sunbeams glimmer in his long white hair, then shows him lyre of turtle shell and horns, so Jovis teaches him how to play tunes. Young Faunus sits by the town fountain pool and strums taut strings to play bright melodies in harmony with birds tweeting in trees, and sings about Orpheus who attempts to bring his murdered wife back from the dead but wanders lost in despair when he fails. While everyone drinks gin and dances wild to rhythm of the drums that Bacchus beats, Faunus recites sad tale of Icarus who falls as wingless angel from the sun till Helius rescues him from the sea and teaches him how to build wagon wheels. Jovis manages project to rebuild old ruined Homerium in grand hall where Faunus sits before the feasting crowd and sings about clever Odysseus who strives against all odds to return home where Penelope unravels his tale.
Stuck In Vast Solitude
Stuck In Vast Solitude © Surazeus 2024 12 26 Sweet emptiness of meditative minds expands airy vacuum of hollow thought that fills with ideal shells of faceless frames enclosing sacred space with walls of words where nothing ever happens to adjust forward motion stuck in vast solitude. Slouched against brick wall of the bankrupt bank, Edwin stares at the concrete highway bridge where cars speed past in blur of arrogance, forever going somewhere far away till they merge into long serpent of steel that hums in restless melody of fear. Each time he hears bang of some trashcan lid, he winces, startled from paralysis to relive terrible crash when large truck bashed into his car on the busy road that killed his wife and children as he drove for day of fun at the amusement park. Through bleary eyes of alcoholic haze he sees glowing ghosts of his wife and children standing in mid-winter drizzle of rain that shimmers in late evening lamppost beams, forever watching him with eyeless masks that melt into heart-wrenching shriek of pain. Half awake in luminous flush of faith, Edwin dons the scarlet Santa Claus suit, loads lots of food in the back of his truck, and drives around the poorest neighborhoods, giving boxes of food to families who thank him with tears in desperate eyes. The red-crested cardinal with white beak lands on the grass and stares up at his face as Edwin sits cross-legged by the wall, so he opens his hands and sprouts gray wings larger than ones angels in paintings bear, but he cannot fly away among clouds. Five boys strutting by in the evening rain surround his small encampment by the bank and shout insults as they beat him with bats, but run into the woods when passing car stops and honks, leaving him in wet mud with blissful desolation of his sins. Standing at the podium in clean blue suit, Edwin declares before world journalists that America will retake control of the Panama Canal to secure our homeland against invasion of China as paramedics pronounce him deceased.
Dark Line Of Fate
Dark Line Of Fate © Surazeus 2024 12 26 Strolling in meadow of flowers and birds among the towering mountains of Guilin, I see Kwan Yin appear as living woman whose silver eyes reveal with flash of light dark line of fate made by the swift grass snake which I have followed toward my destiny. Following the grass-snake dark line of fate that she reveals to me with teasing grin, I leave the known path of society and walk in tangled limbs of moaning trees till I find in the timeless mist of gloom the narrow green creek in yellow-leaf woods. Awake to psychic vibrations of stones, I float on wingless breath of agony as grief guides me beyond dream-tangled woods to find lost tomb of the person I love whose name I bury in the silent Earth so none can steal the jewels of their soul. Slouched on the stone, paralyzed by despair, I obsess over horrors of the world evil men commit to exploit our souls, but Kwan Yin gleams with sudden flash of light dispelling misery I found comfort in, so I stand and sing to the silver lake. Everything I see around me on Earth flows in constant motion of transformation, slow soil, fast water, swift wind, and beamed light that flares forth from first flash of the big bang, urged by prime mover of passionate love which generates vast universe of worlds. Gazing up at boundless sky where bright stars gleam with silent indifference of faith, I wonder if that prime mover is aware beyond aggressive force of energy enough to design chemicals that mold organic bodies with dream-conscious minds. Light of the universe transforms hot force of fierce atomic energy through love into weird neural network of my brain so I am God awake as conscious mind, amused that I was born and soon will die just as I figure out nature of things. The limbless snake that slithers in the grass writes dark line of fate to map the true way we wingless angels follow to our fate which we design with every choice we make, so I choose to create, and not destroy, song spells that conjure vision of the world.
Wednesday, December 25, 2024
Mercurial Clew Bay
Mercurial Clew Bay © Surazeus 2024 12 25 Gray catbird hopping on the sandy shore always chats with the stop sign outside town near where old Finn Craig with the turtle beard repairs cars in greasy red-brick garage, and thinks about Sheila back in high school who models dresses for store catalogs. Except for how wind rattles the stop sign late evenings in blue glow of loneliness, he never tries to think about the way the holy spirit moves things with no soul, not to prove eyeless rocks have consciousness, yet tightens the bolt with the monkey wrench. Smooth purr of engines, lithe with cheetah grace, calms anxious passion of rainbows in oil forming pools in asphalt of rancid thoughts that fail to reflect beauty of the sky where someone with no supernatural eye always seems to be watching how he lives. The orange cat, with purple eyes that can see eternity, lounges with casual pride under blinking lights of the Christmas tree with gaze that dares him just to try and hide his naked ambition to rule the world as incarnation of the cosmic herald. Sapphire waters of mercurial Clew Bay reflect the most popular deity who floats just above hundreds of flat islets with eager faith in what smooth beach stones say regardless of how bright they signal light because no bells ring in stillness of why. Tall alder tree beside the trickling stream explains why lovers sometimes misunderstand innocent passion for heartless neglect, so Finn lounges in grass of timeless trust to hear what the green water wants to say since they have been friends twenty thousand years. Surprised when Patrick swings bat at his face, Finn ducks and punches him hard in the nose, so they sit awkwardly on the stream shore to think about the reason they must fight while the gray catbird in the alder chirps with laughter at their pointless rivalry. Sheila glides down the stream in rowing boat, then beckons both to board with angry glare, so they talk about nothing as the current swirls them out onto mercurial Clew Bay where they admit that everything is wrong, and nothing can be done but calmly fish.
God Who Never Dies
God Who Never Dies © Surazeus 2024 12 25 Right after my mother gives me her eyes she tells everyone she was always blind so I count the stars that fall from her hands and tend them as they grow into long vines with eyes that people buy so they can see the god who never dies inside our hearts. When my blind mother leads me in the woods she bids me sit on mushrooms with red toads while she carves new mask from trunk of the oak then gives it to me as my secret face with pair of green-blue eyes so I can see the god who never dies inside the trees. After we climb to the top of the world where nine Muses dance in tall ring of stones my mother reaches her hands to the sky and draws rain down into her flashing womb to create body which I use to see the god who never dies inside the clouds. Before gaping mouth of the shining cave my mother inserts her new pair of eyes then leads me down to underworld of fear to show me where to find large shining gems and how to carve emeralds in eyes to see the god who never dies inside the Earth. Knee-deep in canal of water we dig from gushing river to channel its flow so tears of heaven nourish stalks of wheat, we grind flour and bake pies with roasted pears green as my dreaming eyes I use to see the god who never dies inside the wheat. Beside the table near the glowing hearth, my mother sews new clothes for me to wear then bids me answer the phone when it rings to talk with people in far distant lands about why they want to visit and see the god who never dies inside the wires. Under the propped-up hood in pouring rain, I replace and fix broken engine parts, adjusting passion of pistons to spark exploding gas that causes wheels to turn so we drive sea-side mountain road to see the god who never dies inside the car. In line to vote in free democracy for man with vision to improve our lives as president who rules our nation-state, I wonder why societies require one man both strong and self-controlled to play the god who never dies inside the Sun.
Joy Of This Hour
Joy Of This Hour © Surazeus 2024 12 25 Relaxing in the plush leather arm chair beside vast window of the spinning Earth, I listen to people across the land sing anguish of their hearts in solemn hymns expressing vain hope that joy of this hour will last forever beyond end of time. The Earth slowly turns with the wheel of time which calculates the path of every soul who designs their fate with each choice they make to weave mast matrix of conceptual life in lithe organic bodies bound by form that glow with light till they crumble in death. We cannot live forever on this world, so on the longest dark night of the year we gather with our families and friends in warm homes light by fires of frantic faith to feast on food we harvest from the Earth and sing about the god who never dies. The god who never dies has no flesh form, for it is spirit of our consciousness which emanates from neural net of brains in light bulb glow that casts away despair till our bodies wither with change of time and we are snuffed out by the nothingness. Because we fall in nothingness of death we gather in grand halls of stone and glass and pray to Ungod in the empty sky who never responds with rational words yet haunts our dreams with grim demonic masks we carve on trunks of trees as totem poles. From excess passion of electric spine that teems with visions we just understand I dance with graceful Muse of silent hope, embraced in torrents of celestial rain that drenches heat-parched fields of sleeping seeds so fruit trees sprout from corpses of our gods. Slouched half asleep in arm chair by the hearth, I feel weird vibes of every human soul alive with ache of love on Earth today, most of them stuck on narrow roads of hope, all of us trudging to our day of doom alone in bleak togetherness of faith. Since we have labeled everything with names we sense is real in cluttered dream of light, we know what is real and what was some lie after we wake from drear insomnia plague to go back home and continue our work building illusions in computer world.
Rumors That Dictators Fall
Rumors That Dictators Fall © Surazeus 2024 12 25 The heavens high above our fragile Earth are not hostile to mundane hopes of men though it hurls meteors at Garden of Eden that light whole countries with the blaze of truth to sear vast forests with indifferent flame, then gouge deep craters where cathedrals stood. Though we watch our doom as statues of wood, hearts filled with mute disquietude of dread, we are all spellbound by numbing despair, unable to arrest oncoming blast of social tyranny brought by the thug who seeks revenge against the just and good. Lost in dim twilight underneath the mind, we search in vain for refuge from the blast, paralyzed by respect for principle that everyone should play life by good rules which govern how all participate in writing programs that compose our state. With something strangely pure about the heart we cry to empty sky of long-dead stars for world salvation from cruel tyranny as angry men assert fascist control over armies of poor obedient men determined to make their state great again. Attentive to hypothesis of fear, we psychoanalyze causes of war that stir civil strife for control of power between opposing factions forged by greed in fight that proves at fall of bloodied flags to be but mirrors on the wheeling stage. Faces glow as stars in moon-shadowed pool where spirits of dead warriors call for help to nameless ghosts who go about their lives in calm routine of social quietude, discussing rumors that dictators fall exhausted from mind-numbing dread of death. Our jagged shadows on cracked wall of time reach trembling hands to time-receding sun, then fall back into muck of helpless hope confined by bounds of thick material need to skip from world to world in vain attempt to measure spiral of expanding eyes. Each morning branches from electric time with orchestrated song of countless brains while we eat oranges of the mother tree then surf tsunamis beyond time and space at subtle crackle on the radio when Death crowns himself American king.
Derelict Dream World
Derelict Dream World © Surazeus 2024 12 25 Delusion of our derelict dream world unveils perceptive insight in the way children believe the beauty they require to maintain sane aggression of desire till we realize the truth that when we pray nobody can hear but the cosmic herald. Determined to evade drama of fate that still unfolds no matter what I do, I play ten thousand games of chess with Death while learning from Buddha magic of breath as I notate the latest puzzling clue in Book of Dreams lost in the shipping crate. Relaxed from rigors of reality which always is itself without my faith, I calculate consequence of each act, then record its formula as weird fact that proves illusion of the cosmic wraith whose quirks program my personality. Roused from languid dream state by ecstasy of innocent insight in state of love, I build new haven on the river shore to study spin of our terrestrial core I thought was crystal from light beams above that weave magnetic shell of fantasy. Spurred forth from Heaven by desire to learn about true nature of our universe, I descend stairway to Hades of light where perfect beauty is always too bright, so I wear sunglasses kept in my purse that helps me observe how angel brains turn. Surprised by joy I swipe from Serpent Tree, I climb pyramid of the Watching Eye to claim ownership of the apple grove where Hera cooks meals at the radiant stove, but Icarus teaches me how to fly because he says he wants me to be free. Concerned for dire straits of humanity in which they vote for dictators to rule, I wear my red Superman Mithras cape to wrestle bull of the poisoned landscape while children of enemies attend school to avoid psychic trap of vanity. Amused by game of words magicians play to conjure virtual world that mirrors Earth, I disappear into this prophet role so no one can figure out my end goal as I dance through maze of religious myth to map progress of my Astarian Way.
Tuesday, December 24, 2024
Born On This Night
Born On This Night © Surazeus 2024 12 24 Though snow is shrouding Earth in eerie light in places far away from where I live, and people gathered in bright living rooms sing carols as they exchange heart-felt gifts, I sit alone at my computer desk and dream whole history of the spinning Earth. Why some men in history of world events are swept up by swift tides of social change to preside in positions of state power fascinates me with randomness of chance, glad I am safely unknown in my haven observing tragic fates of haughty men. The weirdest men with fierce ambitious faith, driven by hunger to obtain more wealth, or spurred by earnest fear of being enslaved, attend political games and ascend pyramid of power to obtain control as master who shapes programs of the state. Once men who wielded weapons of contempt, wands of wood they swirled to gain dominance, then swords honed sharp enough to behead gods, gained power if they could kill all opponents, so the biggest bully crowned himself king who reigned on pyramid of social power. Technology of death has since evolved from swords to tubes that blast bullets of hate so men fight massive wars five hundred years that drench this spinning Earth in human blood till soil of sorrow glistens with hot tears of people who survive the slaughterhouse. Bombs dropped by airplanes that can shatter buildings, and nuclear missiles hurled by Jupiter that can annihilate with one hot flash whole cities of buildings and human beings to swirls of sparkling dust, destroy our faith since we now know that gods are bitter men. The type of leader who treats human beings as precious people with creative skills, and serves their needs with compassionate mercy, is symbolized by the king Christians worship as God of Love incarnate in one man who was born on this night they celebrate. Though Christians present the kind selfless Jesus as type of man leaders should emulate, they vote instead for haughty conqueror who declares intent to keep paradise exclusive for the members of his race, but like all tyrants he will fall disgraced. Though Jesus shines in cathedrals of faith as brave example of the selfless king who treats every human being with respect, his noble character has been replaced by Haughty Tyrant, driven mad by greed, who demonizes everyone not like him. Though Jesus himself died ages ago, and his descendants ruled from castle towers hard-working peasants for two thousand years, immortal spirit of the selfless leader he represents will inspire mortal men to embody his way of thought control.
Dream About Rivers
Dream About Rivers © Surazeus 2024 12 24 Though I dream about rivers every day, the way they glisten in light of the sun as they wind among hills and across plains, flowing from mountain snow to the wild sea, I have not spent this life time on their shores as much as I want to dwell in their glow. From space of my house on the oak-wood hill, within four walls of unorthodox insight, I hear mercurial song of the wild rivers pulse in harmony with blood in my veins that echoes voices of the ancient dead who walked along those rivers long ago. I am not disappointed by my fate, for I created mine with every choice that I performed from vision of desire which I projected at the natural world as light to guide my quest beyond the garden which nurtures fragile body of my soul. Yet light-masked phantom of my nameless self still walks along the lush tree-clustered shores of ten thousand rivers around the world where my ancestors woke from starry dream to find their name inside the fractured stone that still glows in neural net of my brain. If I heed siren cry of river nymphs, which I hear soft as subtle undertone to humming machinery of world commerce, I may escape from station of my duty and wander without care for wealth or fame, lost forever along the shining river. Since my ancestors, searching for their names, have explored the long course of countless rivers, mapping them in dream landscape of my brain, the modern names we use to signify process of their flow honor brave explorers who embodied their energy through love. The gods and nymphs recorded in old myths still haunt those rivers that now bear their names, which seals consequence of dramatic lives in legends that recount their tragedies, though we forget fierce passion of their hopes as we relive them now in our own plays. As child of the river in human form, I am the radiant phantom of its water encased in bounds of fiber-woven flesh that pulses with weird rhythm its flow, so I preserve the river in my heart when I translate its beat to sentient verse.
Wealth Of Our Universe
Wealth Of Our Universe © Surazeus 2024 12 24 Since the wind speaks in its alien language about expression of thoughts with my voice in flight of birds where the sun ever shines, I understand everything she explains when I walk hill slope to where the fruit tree reveals to me how the universe works. Awake as luminous phantom of water, I float with caution above computer screens to weave billions of brains in web of words that pulse with prudent possibilities for rising resurrected from our hearts with blinking traffic through the universe. Uncertain town of our numberless homes decides to trap towering cloud of hope absorbing concepts through experience by leaving perimeter of foiled truth with broken strings of silent understanding prelude to sadness of the universe. To dismiss disappointments of our fate with failing music of the cracked guitar I print new tickets to the theater where confident spies tap into the bliss of windy countries silent of their rocks that form foundation of our universe. Except for earliness of hungry goals, provoking goodness of the angry bridge, solitude compels ambition to rule small empire of restless discoverers who return from hell with accounting books to calculate wealth of our universe. Rapid steps of our fearful fortitude lead me to sunshine of parallel worlds where doppelgangers of my maskless face animate countless robots with my soul to play guitar with anguish of respect for divine beauty of our universe. Adjusting to ruin of our nation-state, I expand camouflaged empire of faith to incorporate all North America in psychic concept of Wohalia where everyone is equal in the law based on liberty in our universe. Strategic steps of clandestine warfare maintain strict rituals of self-government with magic mystery of my global tour adjudicating freedom for the lost who search for their names in the tidal pool where drowned angels design the universe.
Green Apple Of My Brain
Green Apple Of My Brain © Surazeus 2024 12 24 Green apple of my brain rots in the dirt, unearned luxury of romantic lust sprouting tendrils of conceptual insight as roots scrounging interior junkyard dreams and branches spiraling up at rainbow fear through twisted conformity of respect. Mutating fetus of ancestral hope flops helpless from moist womb of arrogance to crawl thirsty across bone-jagged beach of blind immortal anguish to sprout wings and glide clumsily on celestial breath till upright on trembling legs I stand god. Ever forward on locomotive limbs through progress of excess ambulance, I seek thick fruit of rancid honesty dripping from tangled limbs of reverence to consume material angst of fierce faith that fuels ambition of my dominance. Seeking to access interior cognition, I squirm through writhing tunnels of regret with intense attention of focused passion to assemble fragments of fractured facts in slow-shifting puzzle of pulsing shapes till I perceive wind-blown tree on the hill. Alone as rain-smooth rock on lush hillcrest, I am new-born soul from womb of the sea, dizzy with breath of inherent conception enclosed within bounds of conscious perception, so I express hum of cosmic vibration to herald ascension of human power. We four-limb creatures who rise from the sea, crawling up rivers to emerge from lakes, swarm vast forests of trees on mountain ranges, howling with laughter as we swing on vines while eating grapes and apples of the sun whose beams of light animate our god-souls. We gather in sea caves of gloomy shelter and dance around the ancient dinosaur, singing to imitate her anguished wail, energized by vision her eyes express of timeless passion dancing in wild waves around tall black monolith of the stars. When Adam and Eve find Garden of Eden by sparkling river in Almaty Mountains, Eve snatches thin neck of the writhing serpent then Adam crushes its head with his heel, so they collect green apples of my brain and sell them in the bustling market town.
Monday, December 23, 2024
Dreamless Eye Of Light
Dreamless Eye Of Light © Surazeus 2024 12 23 When I go to the swamp of rancid hope to ask the toad how to assemble time, I see the death mask of the poet Keats rise up from bubbling waters of desire and sing in tune with the toy nightingale which clicks its gears in the cage of my mouth. Because everything that Nature creates from seething passion of water and light accumulates and grows from swampy swirls beyond our means to manage wild desire, we embrace the blue optimistic sky with imperfect faith of honorable grace. When the wild red fox of the shadowed woods stops and smells sweet truth of the daffodil, I rouse my languid melancholy soul to keep on walking in the trackless woods because my feet create the road of hope which proves paradise is where I am now. While watching red sun of intelligence float slowly into chaos of the sea, then waiting through eternity of gloom to watch the sun bloom from the mountain womb, I realize the Earth is large spinning sphere that spirals around dreamless eye of light. My body, generated with sunlight by my mother from apples she consumed, embodies dreamless spirit of the sun that aches to wake in matrix of my brain and become conscious of itself as I Am, immortal atoms in this mortal form. If I become arrogant with respect because I sense immortal soul of light animating consciousness of my brain, I may construct huge idol of myself from gold I dig from marrow of the Earth and stand with feet of clay above the world. Since I feel genius spirit of the sun emanating from neurons of my brain, my face will mold senseless gold into mask that resembles contours of my mad soul, so when you find my Ozymandian head alone in the waste land, know I am you. Immortal spirit of the mindless sun glows awake in brains of eight billion souls who live as fragments of its single thought arrayed in teeming crowds of conscious beings incarnating first mother of the sea, each one signified with their special name.
Swirl Of Electric Globe
Swirl Of Electric Globe © Surazeus 2024 12 23 My heart can hear, with engine growls, hot blood of fractured Earth come gushing from my mouth as black ambrosia gurgling with the voice of naked demons who howl in sea wind with rancid lust of pulchritude, constrained by legal phrases broken by compassion. Yet quick attrition, brokered for contempt by smirk of death at ruby flare of noon, reduces bold effectiveness of faith through sustained attack of passionate prayers for more life, frail body mangled by bells floating down with illuminated clocks. Empty light of stretched-out eternity spirals tight in swirl of electric globe that nurtures organic creatures who love beauty of nature with attentive fear from slightly rocking rhythm of stream waves, revealed by afterthought of honest rage. Weighed down by divine gravity of souls, we surge from slimy spawn of primal hope to formulate four-legged body frames for climbing trees where frantic serpents sing hymns to demonic god with human face whose filament brain twitters engine lust. Ice shatters crystal shell of spirit mask at sultry kiss of the late morning sun, revealing ancient demons inside trees who stretch their wingless arms to grasp at light blasting our souls with fuel of desire to embrace beauty of transcendent air. I should prefer to climb the tall straight tree with demon claws of fierce ambitious faith so I can touch elusive flash of beauty beaming from your eyes, eyes vast as the sky enclosing our knowledge in structured scope centered on weird importance of my being. Night breeze inserts long tendril vines of lust to weave blood veins in matrix of my mind expanding larger than mountainous sphere interlaced with seasonal arrogance, too far from home to understand the why that death asserts as signal for rebirth. If wild boys swing from birch trees in the snow Earth rewards boldness of the brave decider who explores beyond bounds of the safe known with foolish fearlessness, misunderstood by nameless people who remember him as god-man who ascended to the stars.
When Women Collapse
When Women Collapse © Surazeus 2024 12 23 Sordid beauty of sharp aesthetic light brightens faces with astonishing peach, soft as glowing sorrow people conceal when we pay attention to mute despair spilling from half-open mouths in dire angst forgotten each morning in time for work. High-powered weapon of my wordless hands transforms illusion of our shared world view which divides into opposing world views claiming authority of valid truth, till the view founded on lies will collapse to make way for the view based on real truth. False views require energy to maintain so, though their enforcers oppress and kill, they fall exhausted from fear in the end, and what is true about the world remains since it requires naught but calm honesty from believers to continue their lives. Old woman who nursed the soul of the world picks figs and pomegranates from steel trees to feed lost hungry orphans in the streets till one grows up to play Persephone who becomes pregnant from the silent owl so she teaches her son how to make guns. When the old grow mute from fighting for truth, the young steal the stories they left in books to play the drama prophets warned against till daughters of Death huddle in the church and plot revolution against the king who tries to steal their incarnation eggs. Civilizations will always collapse when women collapse from fear and despair, exhausted by working while men trade lies forged into coins from gold bones of the Earth, yet they gather children composed of words to build Republic of Zarathia. Extending crippled hands of twisted trust, women scatter seeds of faith in the soil to grow wheat that angels use to bake bread so we gather in bleak cathedral ruins to eat flesh of the Earth and drink its blood, then party wild till the apocalypse. When I grow sick with cancer of despair, I operate on myself on the church alter, dissecting layers of psychotic trauma programmed by berserk ancestors in dreams, till I, ensorcelled by conceptual faith, design Republic of Zarathia.
Fractured Mirror Eyes
Fractured Mirror Eyes © Surazeus 2024 12 23 No matter how far out we fly in space beyond distorting atmosphere of Earth the stars will still appear the same small size, never growing huge as gems on black velvet or apricots on black porcelain plates, so I will just stay here on my back porch. The swirling snow and the fast-flowing stream are two things in this world of fleeting hopes I can never grasp with my hands or words, so I watch my children grow with the trees into angels who sprout invisible wings and fly away to become bold adults. The white owl brooding in the twisted oak, bright as the full moon on black winter night, reveals to me with fractured mirror eyes transient beauty of this strange world I see embodied by people who come and go, awed by idols of Michelangelo. Sweet vanity of our laughter and tears inspires me to express love in my heart for every person who will pass away and vanish from strange beauty of this world as careless Earth enfolds our life-sick hearts and changes us to words we never speak. Small island of my heart yearns for the bridge formed from two trees that twist embracing arms far across bottomless abyss of faith to bind our loneliness with bitter song of longing to become one family who eat and feast together on dark nights. Ominous words we speak by the gray pond, broken from tedious riddles of false hopes, deceive our aching hearts with trembling love that we might understand each other once, yet birds flap wings in leafless frozen trees and bear our sorrows to some distant land. Startled awake in timeless glow of dawn, I gaze across bay of indifferent light to watch frail boat of faith on choppy waves struggling forward against tide of despair, so I climb to hilltop of fruitless trees and shout names of my people who have died. As honest captain steering ship of ghosts, I write name of each person gliding aboard, record their tale in huge Book of the Dead, then paste their photo with years of their life, so their descendants know why they are sad yet choose to live their own confusing play.
Sunday, December 22, 2024
Ghost Of Tolstoy
Ghost Of Tolstoy © Surazeus 2024 12 22 If I walk backward into my old house two thousand miles away across the land where I used to live forty years ago, I might review what happened in the past to understand how I got where I am, but I just stare at blank face on the wall. I lie on my side by the Christmas tree, reading War and Peace by Leo Tolstoy, while Mount Rainier shimmers with silver snow framed by square window of the living room, while Reagan rants about the evil empire where ghost of Tolstoy wanders in the woods. Eight years later, while I stroll with the crowd of punks on University Avenue, I meet the ghost of Tolstoy by the bank, old Russian forest wizard with long beard and ice blue eyes who walked across Siberia and escaped by ship to live in Seattle. Sitting on bench under the tall red alder, I write lines of verse in the black sketchbook with the fountain pen full of demon blood, then Valentin, the Russian forest wizard, reads my poem with ice-melodious voice, then declares, "True poets are always mad!" While sitting in window of my apartment above bookstore named Beauty and the Books, I see bright flash of lightning open portal through which Athena on twelve wings of flame appears to me with eyes of blazing faith, then bears me to the peak of Mount Rainier. "True name of this sacred mountain," she sings with voice of ocean waves in swirling snow, "is Mount Takoma, Star Goddess of Milk, equal to Parnassus and Helicon for Muses who inspire poets to sing emanate from crystal heart of this peak." Handing me eye-phone and maple guitar, Athena touches my forehead with light that fills my heart with mission to compose epic poem about wise philosophers whose ideas form dream ontology that programs how our brains perceive the world. Following Jonah sea to shining sea, I avoid sitting at the White House gate to hide my face as the messiah sleuth with seraphic mask of the cosmic herald to prophesy fall of America so we can create free Zarathia.
Ghost-Conjuring Ring
Ghost-Conjuring Ring © Surazeus 2024 12 22 Searching in dark attic of her old house for book of fairy tales to read her children, Beatrice finds rusty tin of photographs depicting people from last century, and below them, gleaming eerily green, a thick gold ring with a square emerald. While holding photo of a young blonde girl wearing a black lace dress and holding books, Beatrice slips the emerald ring on her finger, and blinks in flash of light that blinds her eyes, then stares surprised at girl in the photo who stands before her with moon-glowing face. "My name is Mary Williams, twelve years old, and I love to read epic poetry composed by Byron, Shelley, and Keats, bards who conjure worlds with magic of their quills, and I am mourning death of my young sister whose dress caught fire while cooking at the stove." Guessing the emerald ring conjures the ghost of the person depicted in the photo she holds, Beatrice picks one showing a man wearing a dapper suit with leather boots, who stands beside a saddle on a fence and cradles a shiny Winchester rifle. "My name is James Venable, twenty five, and I am helping guide our wagon train of thirty families on the Oregon Trail from Missouri over the Rocky Mountains west to lush wilderness of Idaho to build our new home safe in paradise." Instead of the book of strange fairy tales, Beatrice takes the tin of old photographs and ghost-conjuring ring to the living room where she and her children with eager eyes meet ghost of each ancestor in the flesh and listen to them tell tales of their lives. "My name is Bertha Ziebarth, thirty two, born near Gorka Castle in Thuringia, traveled with my family when I was twelve by ship across the wild Atlantic Ocean, to live in Minnesota, land of lakes, and raised four children with brick-making wealth." While Beatrice writes their stories on computer, her children draw pictures to illustrate events detailing their immigrant lives, then publishes book for children to read while they wear copy of the magic ring which conjures ghosts from photographs we hold.
American Milk Cow
American Milk Cow © Surazeus 2024 12 22 The cow that stops before cathedrals doors, blocking highways so no car can escape vast maze of streets, becomes fountain of milk that floods the city with ache of desire, but people transform their cars into boats that glide in shadow of the lightless moon. People who get out of their powerless cars surround the milk cow to strip off their clothes and dance with wild abandoned to weird tune played on bone flute by angel in the pine which grows enormous from cathedral ruins till it knocks the glass moon out of the sky. When my mother catches the fragile moon, with hands long calloused from endless housework, she stitches clouds as faces children wear who play games of chase in the neighborhood, digging their hands in thick soil of the Earth to forge its substance in food and machines. When I look inside mirror of this world I see more clever version of myself as young woman wearing long flowing gown who dances gracefully by the Nile River to weave vision of our beautiful Earth with letters of fire on blank building walls. Kneeling on her prayer rug on house rooftop, she sings enchanting melody of faith that transforms into the patient milk cow who walks the world from sea to shining sea, leading refugees from destructive wars who journey across dunes of whispering sand. After weaving wreath from flowers and vines, Europa drapes it on horns of the cow that stands on pedestal in temple hall where Elijah raises knife to the sky and waits for Isaiah to prophesy fall of another empire from puffed pride. Reversing ourselves in alternate worlds, the snarky version of myself and I wake up in our opposite universe so we can become who we want to be while riding the cow of national pride to found our world business empire on milk. Riding on my American milk cow in holiday parade down city street where everyone gathers to sing church hymns, I pretend I am not the cosmic herald proclaiming reign of the messiah sleuth who appears as ghost on computer screens.
Make America Great Again
Make America Great Again © Surazeus 2024 12 22 Though they once ruled our lives with monarchy, forcing us to obey their family as representatives of God on Earth, we will make America great again by voting in elections for the person who presents the best vision for our lives. Though they decree our faith with theocracy, demanding we kneel and pray to their god so they can establish strict new world order, we will make America great again by dispelling illusion of their sky king to build belief on scientific research. Though they try to rewrite our history, erasing crimes committed by the state to whitewash our manifest destiny, we will make America great again by acknowledging cultural mistakes and treating everyone with equal rights. Though they gain bloody wealth from slavery, forcing human beings to work for no pay on which they found exploitive corporations, we will make America great again by funding equal opportunity where every person works creatively. Though they compel reproductivity, controlling fertile bodies of all women to increase stock of mindless factory slaves, we will make America great again by legalizing female right to choose so they control their body with free will. Though they moderate state pedagogy, restricting access to prized education so the rich glorify authority, we will make America great again by funding schools so everyone attends to comprehend true nature of the world. Though they regulate social hierarchy, imposing status of white privilege to maintain their power over the land, we will make America great again by adjudicating fair civil rights because no person is above the law. Though they control our minds with tyranny, imposing harsh laws through dictatorship that restrict freedom to seek happiness, we will make America great again by uniting through Light of Liberty so we live as we will, if we harm none.
Saturday, December 21, 2024
Wild Mercurial Wail
Wild Mercurial Wail © Surazeus 2024 12 21 Alone by mountain lake in the vast woods, the young girl, with the most beautiful voice that anyone has ever heard on Earth, sings heart-enchanting melodies of faith from terrible suffering of bleak despair, transforming pain into ecstatic bliss. Howling with laughter as they run in woods with leaps and bounds around boulders and trees, grim wolf boy and his mountain gang of thieves surround young girl walking by starry lake, take turns ravishing her for several days, then leave her bleeding and bruised by the lake. Naked and trembling with terrible pain, Hyrkeis crawls slowly along the lake shore, long black hair tangled with bird bones and twigs, legs and thighs stained with blood of her despair, till she arrives at secret vine-veiled cave where she curls in wolf-skin blanket and weeps. When the full moon gleams gold above the lake, her mother appears from glimmer of mist, so Hyrkeis rises after months of rest and strides in glitter of Hyrkania Lake to baptize her wounded body in tears and cleanse poison of disgust from her heart. Filling small cart with walnuts, pears, and herbs, Hyrkeis travels three days to market town where Astraia keeps watch in the tall tower, and while she sells produce along the street she sees the wolf boy riding on large wagon, crowned as Town Guardian with scepter of death. Following crowd of cheering worshippers, who praise him for killing the tyrant king, Hyrkeis stares shocked as he ascends stairs and sits on judgment throne in open temple, so she falls to her knees, trembling in rage, then anguish of pain explodes in her heart. Welling up from deep abyss of her heart, terrible scream of rage rises from hell to emerge as beautiful melody in wild mercurial wail of aching sorrow that shocks the Wolf God and the silent crowd, who all listen in mute trance as she sings. Strange vision fills their song-enchanted eyes which rips mask of goodness and honesty from face of the Wolf God on throne of power, exposing crime he committed against her, so frenzied crowd tears his body apart as Hyrkeis walks away, tears on her cheeks.
Craftsman Of Clocks
Craftsman Of Clocks © Surazeus 2024 12 21 Long gown whipping in cool breeze of the sea, Ceres strolls in field of star-golden wheat ten thousand years of flower-blooming dream, sweeping stalks of grain with delicate hands which agitate rich soil soaked with blue rain so we bake bread and cake from flour of life. When his clock-making business is burned down by gang of boys paid by more wealthy rivals, Heimeric Zenz loads his family and tools in rickety wagon he found abandoned in the cemetery of his ancestors, then leaves Ohio for the wild frontier. After he calculates the wagon wheels have spun around eight hundred thousand times, Heimeric stops on shore of some broad river on flat plain near the Rocky Mountain range, and builds cabin from bones of his ancestors which he heaped together in box of tools. Visiting small towns in the wild frontier, Heimeric applies for a loan at banks with plan to open his clock-making shop, but every clerk explains without a smile that time does not exist on the prairie, so no one needs clocks to control the time. Sitting by stone hearth in cabin of bones, covered to its roof in swirls of bright snow, Heimeric stares in darkness of the fire, in bleak despair about how he should live, yet King Wenceslaus driving sleigh of goods never appears with jingling silver bells. After snow melts into thick prairie soil, Heimeric Zenz, master craftsman of clocks, stands outside time under slow swirling clouds, and in bleak darkness of eternal dawn he sees tall woman with flowing sun-bright hair who scatters grains of wheat bright as gold coins. Harnessing his wagon horse with small plow, Heimeric tills rich soil around his home, then walks along versed furrows of wet dirt, while reaching in large bag around his shoulder, and sows wheat kernels with sweep of his hands that once constructed clocks with skilled control. After he gains wealth selling bags of wheat, Heimeric Zenz buys plot of land in Denver and builds the first town shop for making clocks which he creates with attentive respect till clocks tick on every mantle in town on the prairie where time does not exist.
More Equal Democracy
More Equal Democracy © Surazeus 2024 12 21 If I could stretch my heart around the world to protect every soul alive with hope, I would expand weird power of my heart to prove I am strong Seraph of the Light, but I am just one fragile mortal soul bound within limits of this eager mind. Descendant of Serapis, Lord of Rams, commissioned to play shepherd of my tribe, I gaze with sharp attention of respect to peer through maze of possibilities and prophesy events that might occur through flexible analysis of facts. Though Jesus is not some immortal god who lives forever in sphere of pure light, he embodies spirit of the Wise Leader who beams down from stellar fountain of life to animate mortal man with compassion guiding loyal folk of his tribe with insight. Willing to die for people of his tribe, Jesus represents the type of wise king who serves his people with respectful love and guides each person to develop skills so they fulfill potential of their talent, instead of exploiting people as slaves. That man, who grasps for political power so he can secure through dictatorship access to wealth we extract from the ground so he controls production of our food and judges through state programs he decrees who lives or dies, is Satan in disguise. Jesus and Satan are stereotypes who embody personality tropes that men who gain power choose to embody, Jesus who serves all citizens with love, or Satan who exploits the working man for personal gain with embittered hate. Dismissing system of monarchic rule based on random sons succeeding their fathers, we established method to choose our rulers by voting for that man as president who presents better vision of his plan through strict dynamics of democracy. Though Satan has deceived the minds of men who voted for his as our president, he always proves too weak to maintain power, so, after he destroys state of our land, we will rebuild from ruins of his greed stronger and more equal democracy.
Adam Naming Things
Adam Naming Things © Surazeus 2024 12 21 I pretend I am Adam naming things so I can make things happen without words, but many things happen against my will so I keep quiet and go with the flow, steering boat of fate on river of time with my telephone-wire sunset of faith. Somewhere along the endless flow of change I row my boat ashore from River Styx to explore meadows of Elysium where love reveals essential state of life inherent in expression of the Force which I apply to conjure paradise. Each morning when I wake from dream of light I assess sun-streaked clouds in the dawn sky and state who I want to become today, then perform my role in our social play that never goes the way I planned at first so I am someone else by end of day. The only body parts I can see well are these hands I use to transform the world by rearranging landscape elements so I create Cosmopolis of hope where children invent games of politics when someone crowns himself King of the Hill. Though I invent with hope inside my mind the way I want our spinning world to be, when I explore the world beyond my home I discover weird landscapes of despair, so I map the real world as it is now, then shape my soul to match its destiny. The map I draw to imitate the world spills off table of curiosity in jagged tree-bound coasts lashed by wild waves where I follow rivers to mountain peaks so I can see the world outside my mind casting shadows of ideas in my heart. Across span of three hundred thousand years my ancestors walked, exploring the Earth, from Egypt east along world mountain range to Guilin where I climbed to reach the sky, then northwest to the rugged Caucasus, and west across Europe to Oregon. I followed the Sun to edge of the world to discover where she rises from the sea, then followed the Sun west the other way to discover the Earth is a round globe that spins around the giant glowing sun, so now I know who I have always been.
Friday, December 20, 2024
After Rapunzel Escapes
After Rapunzel Escapes © Surazeus 2024 12 20 After Rapunzel escapes tall stone tower where Pluto had kept her his prisoner, she climbs barefoot across the jagged rocks where roaring ocean waves burst into spray, shivering in thin dress as she climbs steep hill to stand beside old tree on windy plain. Bloody feet pressing moist soil under grass, Rapunzel breathes fresh gusts of chilly wind to motivate fierce beating of her heart which fuels each step she takes across the plain as she limps slowly toward the gleaming hill, then kneels and drinks blue water from the lake. Recognizing lush meadow of bright flowers where she was gathering herbs, mushrooms, and eggs, when Pluto snatched her wriggling in his arms and raced away in horse-drawn chariot, Rapunzel weeps as she walks toward small hut where she lived with her mother years ago. Finding small hut nestled among oak trees under small rock cliff where the river bends, Rapunzel opens creaking door with hope to see bright eyes of her mother again, but shrieks and sobs when she finds withered corpse rotting with worms inside her skeleton. After she buries her mother in Earth, shrouding her rotten corpse with flower petals, Rapunzel cleans the hut, sweeping dirt out, scrubbing the walls, and scooping cold gray ash, then sparks bright fire that glows with starry light to brew apple cider which warms her heart. Though she lived thirty years in tower room, sleeping on silk feather bed with plush pillows, wearing elegant gowns and jeweled crowns, and hosting fabulous feasts with rich food while feted as queen by ministers and dukes, Rapunzel savors freedom of her hut. Thinking about the three children she bore to Pluto, while imprisoned as his wife, grim Orcus, Hades, and Persephone, Rapunzel feels reluctant twinge of guilt for abandoning them to his abuse, but Pluto values his wealth over her. While tending her small garden by the river, Rapunzel senses presence of her son approaching from the lake with eager joy, but when she calls Orcus with surprised cry his ghost vanishes in the evening dusk, so she kneels alone and cries to the moon.
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