
Tuesday, September 24, 2024

With Every Spin Of Earth

With Every Spin Of Earth
© Surazeus
2024 09 24

With every spin of our soul-pulsing globe 
around Mother Solaria, our god star, 
I feel transcendent spirit of the Earth 
incarnate in conscious glow of my brain 
so immortal God-Eye of the White Whole 
dreams through my temporary mortal mind. 

With fleet-foot Saranyu and Artemis 
I follow bright Surya and Mercury 
to race swift-swirling river of the world 
from deep ocean cove to high mountain cave 
where I hammer star-meteor from the sky 
to forge Holy Grail that bears divine blood. 

With passionate desire to comprehend 
true nature of our vibrant universe, 
I gaze at tools father Mannus displays, 
wide ax to build the river-dancing boat, 
sharp sword to defend haven of fruit trees, 
and spade to farm moist soil with golden wheat. 

With turtle shell, cow horns, and spider threads, 
I construct my new heart-enchanting lyre 
based on design revealed by Mercury, 
then journey with Apollo town to town 
where we perform tale of Odysseus 
who overcomes all hardships to get home. 

With confident steps of eager respect 
to learn weird secrets of our complex world 
I ascend stairway to Heaven of Truth 
where Athena in spacious Parthenon 
lectures for Sibylline Academy 
on how to prophesy future events. 

With calm attention of my aching heart, 
tutored by Phoebus and fierce Kalliope, 
I learn how to sing epic tales of heroes 
appointed by Hera to guard their brides, 
then stand on stage in Museum of Time 
to sing great story of humanity. 

With every spin of Earth around the sun 
I better understand ways of our world, 
how priests on pyramids assert control 
over farmers, herders, and carpenters 
to manage world food-production machine 
so we generate life before we die. 

With fall in rebellion from heights of power 
I journey across waste land of despair, 
transformed in my quest for the Promised Land, 
till I find my soulmate in Wonderland 
who dwells with me in garden we create, 
teaching our children to calculate fate. 

1 comment:

  1. Orpheus wishes me a happy birthday as he sings a satire about my clumsy quest for self-fulfillment.
