
Saturday, September 21, 2024

Safe Walls Of Paradise

Safe Walls Of Paradise
© Surazeus
2024 09 21

Just as I reach the hour of no return, 
sideways from Heaven on surfboard of hope, 
I leap beyond safe walls of paradise, 
expelled from perfect honeymoon resort 
by knowledge life is full of evil men 
so I must fight them to protect my home. 

When their happy honeymoon is complete, 
Adam and Eve leave Paradise to build 
new home in the suburbs with lawn and pool 
where she raises two children to adults 
while he works upward in the corporate ranks, 
till they retire to cottage by the beach. 

Though forced to flee his home in Paradise 
by angels shooting bombs that blast his home, 
Aeneas leads his family to the beach 
so they sail leaky boat to foreign shore 
where they are secured in refugee camp 
while he works in the factory building cars. 

Returning home from oil war in Iraq, 
after serving tours in Garden of Eden, 
Odysseus finds his wife in the strip club 
dancing to raise money to pay high bills 
incurred when her mother died from disease, 
so he drives delivery truck with his dog. 

Displaced from land where my ancestors thrived, 
I choose to accept decree of blind fate 
some would attribute to grand plan of God, 
but I know is no more than random chance 
when Fortune spins the wheel of constant change, 
since success I create is my design. 

Leaving World Library of epic tales, 
I journey across waste land of old myths 
to steal cracked masks from idols of dead gods, 
then stand on street corners in countless towns 
and sing about my quest to find the truth 
about real nature of our universe. 

Landing artful job as cartographer, 
I construct virtual models of the world 
to chronicle time atlas of world history, 
then compose epic of philosophers 
that records their quests to describe the truth 
about real nature of our universe. 

Standing on pyramid of their world view, 
built on foundation of truths they expressed, 
I sing epic tale that celebrates quest 
of humankind to understand our world, 
then rest in Paradise my words designed 
where my family dwells safe in happiness. 

1 comment:

  1. Orpheus recounts epic adventures of ancient heroes who search for Paradise inside their hearts.
