
Friday, June 14, 2024

Safe In My World View

Safe In My World View
© Surazeus
2024 06 14

The world view you are trying to present 
by pouring water in the fractured glass, 
that leaks fraught energy of sultry hope, 
accounts for nothing our brains comprehend 
through twisted logic of conceptual jazz 
that wails on hottest evening of the globe. 

Domestic problems of your daily life, 
composed of cutouts from old magazines, 
collage museum walls of modern art 
beyond sweet irony jokes could contrive 
to highlight idols lost in labyrinth 
who play as heroes of the avant-garde. 

Young boy and girl on ladder of the mind 
pretend to kiss in swirl of rainbow doors 
while no one watches from window of faith, 
so I crown Stella as my favorite saint 
who guides my soul to dark underworld source 
for fountains of vision where singers bathe. 

Since atoms form objective fact of things 
in random swirls of accidental shape, 
as temporary souls with conscious thought 
bound by frail flash of molecular links, 
I navigate with psychic astrolabe 
weird riddles of my World Upanishad. 

Assembled structure of this spinning sphere 
transforms in seething waves of constant change 
as we evolve from fish to mortal god 
so all we know will disappear from real 
through echoed mirrors of transcendent planes 
which I explore as verbal astronaut. 

So with snarky smirk of the Argonaut 
I give fruit of the serpent to Mad King 
who thinks his touch turns everything to gold, 
yet poison of his pride, he stole from God, 
will cause his ship of ambition to sink 
when I play Zeus to hurl just lightning bolt. 

Lounging on my porch, eating apricot 
that Kwan Yin gave me in her mountain grove, 
I ask the White Snake, princess of my heart, 
why nothing in this world is permanent, 
so she speaks to me as the ocean wave 
when she asks me to be the world lifeguard. 

I stand on Pyramid of the God-Eye 
and promise to all people of the Earth 
to make land of Camelot great again
if they will vote for me as their Sky God, 
then invite them to shelter by my hearth, 
safe in my world view of the Atom Game. 

1 comment:

  1. Orpheus sings didactic poem about the nature of things composed of atoms swerving in the void.
