
Friday, June 21, 2024

Key To Lost Camelot

Key To Lost Camelot
© Surazeus
2024 06 21

Because I think I found the secret tree 
where lithe fairies dance on midsummer night 
I vow to return the energy key 
that angels use to open door of light 
so we can share peace through democracy, 
but angry humans still form gangs to fight. 

Once I find origin of the brain root 
that curls into globe from galactic stone 
I will give everyone on Earth free fruit, 
though we find ourselves stuck in the war zone 
without dream map showing alternate route 
that leads us to safe cave of the sad crone. 

Excited to discover mountain lake 
far from the crowded maze of city streets, 
we seek our fortune from the three-eyed snake 
who demands we present spirit receipts 
that prove our celestial souls are not fake, 
then shows us to the best theater seats. 

Trapped ten thousand years in the picture show, 
that presents how humanity transformed 
from hunting tribes wearing fur robes in snow 
to empire states ruled by tyrants deformed 
by greed for power, we ask the white crow 
to help our children stay better informed. 

Wearing black suit as grim prophet of doom, 
commissioned by Zeus to reveal the truth, 
I stand before students in the classroom 
to reveal nature of messiah sleuth 
who will resurrect from cathedral tomb 
to sell hero masks in the ticket booth. 

The Hidden Dragon, who will rule the world 
as Seer for United Nations of Earth, 
waits behind stage curtain while cosmic herald 
proclaims revolution of second birth, 
then appears in the spotlight yet unlaureled 
to calculate what everything is worth. 

First Mother, from whom all religions spread, 
on god-eye pyramid of Babylon, 
places jeweled crown on my humble head 
and sends me to rule Isle of Avalon, 
but I get lost in America instead 
where I dwell in mountains of Oregon. 

Still bearing Scepter of Zambor in hand, 
I bring secret key to lost Camelot, 
and guide wagon train to the Promised Land, 
where no one knows I am the Argonaut, 
to run amusement park of Wonderland 
surrounded by the treeless parking lot. 

1 comment:

  1. Orpheus gives key to lost Camelot to the International Museum of Human History.
