
Sunday, November 12, 2023

My Blind Mother

My Blind Mother
© Surazeus
2023 11 12

My blind mother, who walks on flowing stream, 
lost her eyes when she gambled with the sun 
in vain attempt to save my soul from pain, 
but I can only see her now in dream 
holding fabric of my being she had spun 
from sparkling compassion of morning rain. 

My blind mother, who holds in thirsty hands 
writhing dragon of moral honesty, 
explains how best to navigate despair 
when searching for treasure of unowned lands, 
contrived to enhance psychic modesty 
with desperate magic of the evening prayer. 

My blind mother, who invented my name 
from tangled mystery of apple-tree roots, 
leads me by hand on signless road of faith 
which may at last leave me trapped by world fame 
through thought machine of global institutes 
designed to contain wildness of the wraith. 

My blind mother, who sings hymns in the church 
which celebrate resurrection of power, 
insulates my brain in robotic shell, 
so I search for God where grim gargoyles perch 
on spiraling dome of the cosmic flower 
that lures me with siren song to her well. 

My blind mother, who fishes for my heart 
that swims on serpent wings of arrogance 
in sunless sea, teaches me how to play 
game of chess based on negotiable chart 
which helps me analyze malevolence 
when I preside in court on judgment day. 

My blind mother, who performs role of queen 
in bold play that critiques structures of power 
based on social realist principles, 
descended from daughter of Melusine, 
sings alone in secret room of the tower 
about how souls are beams of particles. 

My blind mother, who changes blood to wine 
with bass vibration of her moon-core voice, 
decides to prophesy end of the world 
in cryptic harmony with our bloodline 
that legislates global freedom of choice 
in world game enforced by the cosmic herald. 

My blind mother, who opens her soul mask 
to weep flowers in pool of the green moon, 
becomes best friends with the giant white cat 
as they work together on sacred task 
discussing how children of the commune 
are formed by names born of their habitat. 

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