
Friday, November 10, 2023

Key Of Solomon

Key Of Solomon
© Surazeus
2023 11 10

Each time he enters the piano room, 
holding the last book printed with fake blood, 
the shadow of the woman he loves most 
rises up from numb sorrow of the dead 
to give him cup of hot chamomile tea, 
then they discuss the Key of Solomon. 

The blind devil he conjures from the Earth, 
that swirls as smoke from skull of Rehoboam, 
brings rockets forged by Hephaestus from fear, 
though blood flows from eyes of the haughty raven, 
then puts its heart in the fridge of desire 
which might preserve the Key of Solomon. 

When angel Sariel returns from the garden 
with basket of strawberries for his sister, 
he sits at round table of the Dream Puzzle 
and writes with letters that flow through the river 
to record passage in the underworld 
which calculates the Key of Solomon. 

After he joins cult of the malachim 
he works for the crownless king on the moor 
as messenger to the girl in the well 
who sings all day from hollow emptiness 
with passionate joy of demonic love 
while he translates the Key of Solomon. 

To train young angels to obey his will 
he kidnaps devils from cave of illusions 
and teaches them angelic alphabet 
so when he conjures them by secret name 
they perform missions he assigns for wine 
to integrate the Key of Solomon. 

Each day he drives chariot of Ezekiel 
far across the Bridge of Forgetfulness 
to work at life insurance company 
where he sells time shares to the Afterlife 
which he uses to build palace of ghosts 
who explicate the Key of Solomon. 

Arming his army of angels with rifles, 
Sariel sends them driving Merkabah tanks 
in war to attack Pandemonium 
where they shoot rockets at houses of ghosts 
to kill children of devils who rebel 
with guns forged from the Key of Solomon. 

Aminah lies in rubble of her home 
blasted by rockets of the laughing skull, 
so Sariel carries her in trembling arms 
to walk in waste land of the ruined town 
till her heart transforms into winged serpent 
that flies off with the Key of Solomon. 

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