
Monday, March 10, 2025

Hour Of The Eerie Glow

Hour Of The Eerie Glow
© Surazeus
2025 03 10

Stuck in my quest at well of Melusine, 
I lift my frail wings chained by eglantine 
and sadly rustle their aggressive urge 
to bathe in whirlpool of the spirit purge, 
then ponder at hour of the eerie glow 
electric beauty of vanishing snow. 

The Social Hero everyone admires, 
who creates what humanity desires, 
strides boldly through the city maze of fear 
to rouse sad people with infectious cheer, 
who follow him to meadow of wild play 
where Dionysus teaches them to pray. 

Entranced by beauty of the Cereal Queen 
who sings while she drives the harvest machine, 
peasants migrate to cities of glass towers 
where they brew honey mead with psychic flowers 
which people at round tables in cafes 
drink with calm reverence in their hipster phase. 

New generation of eager young men, 
fooled by bankers to believe they can win, 
join holy crusade to conquer the world 
in futile war against the cosmic herald 
who rides fleet-foot son of Bucephalus 
with important mission for Sisyphus. 

Collective conscience of the Global Mind, 
that connects dreaming brains of humankind, 
presents dramatic game of politics 
as universal myth of mental tricks 
performed by tyrant conning us with lies 
by tricking us to give away our eyes. 

Drawn from case of my heart with puzzle keys 
through cabinet of curiosities, 
the Emerald Tablet, carved with secret code, 
reveals sacred wisdom of the Dream Toad 
who rules from Pyramid of the God-Eye 
by teaching every soul to question why. 

Returning clockwise through portal of time 
to hour of revolutionary chime, 
I prepare to battle tyrant of greed 
who traps us when he sells us what we need, 
yet I lament my horse lost in the mist 
who should act as my mythic synergist. 

Climatic scene in drama of my life, 
that highlights how I overcome cruel strife, 
displays world view of my ontology 
programmed through atheist theology 
which fills my heart with fountain of the truth 
that fuels victory of our messiah sleuth. 

1 comment:

  1. Orpheus gathers lost souls to discuss plans for saving America from the tyranny of the greedy oligarchs.
