
Saturday, December 21, 2024

More Equal Democracy

More Equal Democracy
© Surazeus
2024 12 21

If I could stretch my heart around the world 
to protect every soul alive with hope, 
I would expand weird power of my heart 
to prove I am strong Seraph of the Light, 
but I am just one fragile mortal soul 
bound within limits of this eager mind. 

Descendant of Serapis, Lord of Rams, 
commissioned to play shepherd of my tribe, 
I gaze with sharp attention of respect 
to peer through maze of possibilities 
and prophesy events that might occur 
through flexible analysis of facts. 

Though Jesus is not some immortal god 
who lives forever in sphere of pure light, 
he embodies spirit of the Wise Leader 
who beams down from stellar fountain of life 
to animate mortal man with compassion 
guiding loyal folk of his tribe with insight. 

Willing to die for people of his tribe, 
Jesus represents the type of wise king 
who serves his people with respectful love 
and guides each person to develop skills 
so they fulfill potential of their talent, 
instead of exploiting people as slaves. 

That man, who grasps for political power 
so he can secure through dictatorship 
access to wealth we extract from the ground 
so he controls production of our food 
and judges through state programs he decrees 
who lives or dies,  is Satan in disguise. 

Jesus and Satan are stereotypes 
who embody personality tropes 
that men who gain power choose to embody, 
Jesus who serves all citizens with love, 
or Satan who exploits the working man 
for personal gain with embittered hate. 

Dismissing system of monarchic rule 
based on random sons succeeding their fathers, 
we established method to choose our rulers 
by voting for that man as president 
who presents better vision of his plan 
through strict dynamics of democracy. 

Though Satan has deceived the minds of men 
who voted for his as our president, 
he always proves too weak to maintain power, 
so, after he destroys state of our land, 
we will rebuild from ruins of his greed 
stronger and more equal democracy. 

1 comment:

  1. Orpheus documents rise and fall of Satan as dictator whose greed destroys the worst of America so we can build more equal democracy.
