
Sunday, December 22, 2024

Make America Great Again

Make America Great Again
© Surazeus
2024 12 22

Though they once ruled our lives with monarchy, 
forcing us to obey their family 
as representatives of God on Earth, 
we will make America great again 
by voting in elections for the person 
who presents the best vision for our lives. 

Though they decree our faith with theocracy, 
demanding we kneel and pray to their god 
so they can establish strict new world order, 
we will make America great again 
by dispelling illusion of their sky king 
to build belief on scientific research. 

Though they try to rewrite our history, 
erasing crimes committed by the state 
to whitewash our manifest destiny, 
we will make America great again 
by acknowledging cultural mistakes 
and treating everyone with equal rights. 

Though they gain bloody wealth from slavery, 
forcing human beings to work for no pay 
on which they found exploitive corporations, 
we will make America great again 
by funding equal opportunity 
where every person works creatively. 

Though they compel reproductivity, 
controlling fertile bodies of all women 
to increase stock of mindless factory slaves, 
we will make America great again 
by legalizing female right to choose 
so they control their body with free will. 

Though they moderate state pedagogy, 
restricting access to prized education 
so the rich glorify authority, 
we will make America great again 
by funding schools so everyone attends 
to comprehend true nature of the world. 

Though they regulate social hierarchy, 
imposing status of white privilege 
to maintain their power over the land, 
we will make America great again 
by adjudicating fair civil rights 
because no person is above the law. 

Though they control our minds with tyranny, 
imposing harsh laws through dictatorship 
that restrict freedom to seek happiness, 
we will make America great again 
by uniting through Light of Liberty 
so we live as we will, if we harm none. 

1 comment:

  1. Orpheus waves the Stars and Stripes as we follow Liberty in our march for justice and liberty for all against tyranny of white nationalist theocracy.
