
Friday, December 29, 2017

Together Weave Our Paradise

Together Weave Our Paradise
© Surazeus
2017 12 29

Across the dew-wet meadow where flowers bloom
we walk together in the swirling mist
and sing to spark glow of our souls in gloom
by the river where we share secret tryst.
The motions of our lives is dance of love
so we together weave our paradise.

The people we love best die every year
yet still we continue on down the road
to seek happiness in the grind of fear
and rest though we carry our heavy load.
The passions of our hearts is flame of love
so we together weave our paradise.

I want to think life is simple and good
but complicated games challenge our play
so we leave town to live in quiet wood
and hope cruel men will not make us their prey.
The visions of our eyes is light of love
so we together weave our paradise.

We tend old apple trees in glow of dawn
and drink sweet cider at the twilight hour
though the hero lies dead on castle lawn
and the princess is still trapped in the tower.
The sorrows of our hearts is fuel of love
so we together weave our paradise.

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