
Tuesday, December 5, 2017

Swan Of Auschwitz

Swan Of Auschwitz
© Surazeus
2017 12 05

What would I do if I were faced with death,
arrested by goons of the autocrat
and with freethinkers locked in prison camp
because I dared to criticize his greed?
Would I go docile into the gas chambers
or like the brave Swan of Auschwitz fight back?

Would I let them arrest me without trial
and condemn me to slave in factories
because I declare with millions of others
that no powerful man is above the law?
Or would I grasp the gun of destiny
and like the brave Swan of Auschwitz fight back?

Elegant Franciszka Mannowna danced
with ballet wings upon the stage of truth,
sweet angel sent by God to lift our hearts
with beauty of her graceful leap of faith.
Would I accept the cruel sentence of death
or like the brave Swan of Auschwitz fight back?

Dancing in the Melody Palace nightclub,
Franciszka twirls on graceful toes of hope
when Nazis invade the streets of Warsaw
and fence her in the ghetto of despair.
Would I march down into the mouth of hell
or like the brave Swan of Auschwitz fight back?

Herded onto trains with thousands of Jews,
Franciszka clutches torn Icarian wings,
longing to dance in the dark crowded car
that rattles through the woods to Birkenau.
Would I join forces with the league of justice
and like the brave Swan of Auschwitz fight back?

Trudging docile into the Auschwitz camp,
Franciszka gazes in horror-struck eyes
of women crowded behind barbed wire fence,
commanded to strip naked in the wind.
Would I pray for courage to empty sky
or like the brave Swan of Auschwitz fight back?

Snatching a gun from holster of the guard,
Franciszka shoots the tyrant in the heart,
then raises cry to fight for liberty,
inspiring fellow prisoners to rebel.
Would I wrestle the grim angel of death
and like the brave Swan of Auschwitz fight back?

Raising high the gun of the vile dictator,
Franciszka rallies scared women to fight
who turn and face the men with blasting guns,
and choose to die fighting for liberty.
Will we submit to force of tyranny,
or like the brave Swan of Auschwitz fight back?

Shot through the heart by greed of tyranny,
Franciszka falls with Icarus from the stars,
yet her spirit will dance forever free
which fills our hearts with love for liberty.
We join her fight for liberty and truth
and like the brave Swan of Auschwitz fight back.

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