
Monday, November 13, 2017

I Am That Shadow

I Am That Shadow
© Surazeus
2017 11 12

I am that shadow cast by light of truth
that veils the horror of permanent death
which we discover after play of youth
while inhaling conscious spirit of breath.

The bright sun falls out of my watching eye,
exploding into flowers from my cells
while all my sorrows escape through the sky
to reflect my love from bottomless wells.

I am that shadow cast by sprawling tree
that throws ripe apples at my aching heart
but when I melt into the surging sea
I must design our new religious chart.

The planet of our long-forgotten dreams
falls heavy from the cavern of my mouth
so if we follow all her nameless streams
we may perceive the world and all its scouth.

I am that shadow cast by looming wall
that hides the arcane ritual of rebirth
yet everywhere I go in ancient hall
I seek to understand its priceless worth.

The pulsing star emerges from black hole
that forms the core of our galactic brain
which shows me how to compose my own role
so I chant spells of light in blinding rain.

I am that shadow in the flaming sun
who conjures conscious spirits of desire
from flashing atoms that compose our souls
since all our memories are pulsing wires.

The galaxy of countless thriving spheres
still spirals clockwise through my dreaming brain
to calculate how atoms fashion years
so idols of heroes populate fanes.

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