
Wednesday, November 29, 2017

Bridge Of Transformation

Bridge Of Transformation
© Surazeus
2017 11 29

Pausing in flow of students in the hall,
Anita grips her head at searing pain
of migraine headache that throbs in her brain,
and feels agony of hope flash the wall.

The joy of learning secrets of the world
once animated me with eager hope
to comprehend the rich beauties of nature,
but agony of pain that sears my soul
burns away all illusions of success
so I stand naked in the aching dark.

I see strange ligaments of fibrous thoughts
connect disparate concepts of ideas
in quivering fabric of mental states
that weave all objects of atomic pulse
in weird holistic web of shining souls
which hums with vibrant song of dreaming minds.

Each flash of joy and sorrow beaming clear
from countless hearts of woke organic souls
weaves virtual world in my transcendent heart
so I can sense each tremble of desire
that ripples through our universal mind
to flash their visions in my aching brain.

I know the agony of suffering
that sears our bodies of organic souls
as we contend with limits of our flesh
in struggle to survive chaotic death
by channeling the flushing flow of juice
in taut constrictive order of our words.

The bodies of this world are formed from atoms
which interact through the chemical process
of linkages in number calculations
when molecules connect as elements
and flow around each other in taut dance
of vibrant lust in structural desire.

All objects that exists in our vast world
are structures of atoms that interact
in chemical process of transformation
so when we act based on mental perceptions
we create or destroy physical things
through conduct of construction and destruction.

What nourishing juice, sustenance of soul
produced from sun-ripened fruit, harvested
from Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil,
should I acquire and consume to revive
sweet sensuous pleasure of my tingling body
so I restore joy of life I once savored?

What regimen of exercise and rest
should I employ to express through my body
urgent passion for motion of my limbs
across amazing landscape of my dreams
to soothe the teeming visions of my brain
that motivates me to achieve success?

I pause at unseen edge of vast abyss
and tremble as I gaze in gloom of pain
which flashes agony of aching hope
that I can convert pang of crippling pain
into soul-enriching pleasure of growth
for what does not kill me might make me stronger.

I breathe deep spirit of the universe
and feel every atom inside my cells
pulsing with divine consciousness of love
so I can overcome anxiety
of influence to transcend limitations
for I am the true bridge of evolution.

My body is the bridge of evolution
by which I cross the bottomless abyss
of eternal death to reincarnate
coiled genes of my immortal soul in child
I generate from egg and sperm of hope
and gain eternal life after my death.

My body is the bridge of transformation
between the mute Ape and the Overman
who overcomes the weakness of our flesh
through force of will in struggle against death,
ascending heights of capability
to be all I can be before I die.

Yet still agony of this crippling pain
pierces my mind with soul-numbing despair
so I would rather that this frail flesh melt
away into dust swirling in the wind
since I would feel nothing after my death,
though I am still alive with every breath.

Since I am still alive in this frail form
I must continue on through maze of hope
that pain will flush away in rain of time
and leave me gasping on the beach of death
so I may rise reborn from peaceful rest
and savor again the pleasures of life.

Resuming journey to classroom of truth,
Anita breathes deep spirit of new hope
that she can maintain way of balanced scope
in noble research as scientific sleuth.

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