
Friday, September 15, 2017

Cracked Ice Of Your Eyes

Cracked Ice Of Your Eyes
© Surazeus
2017 09 15

I fell in love with the grace of your ways
and followed you close through the swirling haze,
eager to obey your every command
and sit with you at night, holding your hand,
in the apple tree that shelters our skies
when I fell through the cracked ice of your eyes.

I held our babies that sprang from your heart
and loaded apples in your wooden cart
that I haul to market on winding roads,
happy to carry all your heavy loads,
and give everyone your hot apple pies
when I fell through the cracked ice of your eyes.

Though the man who came from the castle hall
tried to keep you inside his high stone wall
I defied his greed with sturdy oak wand
and freed your spirit from his selfish bond
to fight for your freedom against his lies
when I fell through the cracked ice of your eyes.

Though I bled to free you from iron chains
I wander without you in driving rains
while you drink wine in his tall shining tower
and I weep by the stream, clutching your flower,
as I struggle against mute death to rise
when I fell through the cracked ice of your eyes.

Each night our children ask me where you are
while I stare forlorn at your guiding star,
remembering your laugh when I chased the horse,
but wonder if he still keeps you by force
while parading you in court as his prize
when I fell through the cracked ice of your eyes.

I may find another bride for my hearth
somewhere in the dark forests of this Earth,
but I will always remember your smile
flashing in the sunlight with your noble style,
though since I lost you I became more wise
when I fell through the cracked ice of your eyes.

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