
Friday, June 2, 2023

Recognize My Own Ghost

Recognize My Own Ghost
© Surazeus
2023 06 02

If I could just recognize my own ghost 
who rambles wearing clothes I threw away, 
then I could count the days of broken lutes 
I retrieve from fox tracks in silent woods 
because I fall in love with the blind queen 
who waits alone in the garden of dreams. 

But all that sorrow is long in the past 
in trembling hands of brides who cannot pray 
so I pull on my leather working boots 
to measure and map all the signless roads 
till empty temple of dead gods is clean 
for mothers breastfeeding by weeping streams. 

As lonely pilgrim on the desert trail, 
I feel strange holy light glow on my face, 
so I look for Heaven of timeless truth 
through magical eye of the telescope, 
but all I see are planets in the void 
teeming with creatures who fight wars to eat. 

I drink zinfadel from the silver grail 
and ponder history of the human race 
who never listens to messiah sleuth 
though his weird riddles teach us how to cope 
with horror of death when the wise android 
imitates our most emotional feat. 

The mystical isness of my thought ghost, 
defined by secret code my brain designs, 
grants me access to treasure chest of keys 
which I employ to operate with my mind 
unseen time machine to psychically jump 
through all my fake selves in the multiverse. 

Escaping dream maze on the storm-wracked coast 
to swim immiscible sea where hope shines, 
I stand with reverent awe in swarm of bees 
while lost on hopeless quest of faith to find 
blind queen cooking meals in the migrant camp 
who comprehends our clockwork universe. 

After I finish reading every book 
ever written by hands of desperate gods 
I bear Doom Scroll of adverse prophecies 
to the blind queen sitting on iron throne 
who commands I liberate every slave 
from chains of debt forged by arrogant pride. 

So I choose to marry ambitious cook 
who has no time for deceivers or frauds 
while I draft social program policies 
to build paradise in the twilight zone 
while dreaming of you in the jeweled cave 
before global empires of wealth collide. 

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