Sunday, March 9, 2025

Swirling Waves Of Change

Swirling Waves Of Change
© Surazeus
2025 03 09

When social revolution sweeps the land 
we surf swirling waves of change to maintain 
lithe balance between energy and form 
to channel rage through political laws 
which revitalize progress in strong growth 
while conserving traditional design. 

Though institutions of strong government 
have been assembled over centuries 
to channel forceful energy of lust 
through official systems of lawful rights, 
they can be manipulated by greed 
to enrich the powerful with our wealth. 

Responding to aggressive grasp for power, 
that rich men in the past assert to build 
structures of wealth that too favor their rights, 
we construct systems of fair governance 
to spread wealth back to base essential workers 
who labor most to create profit we share. 

When oligarchs attain too much control 
over vast institutions of the state, 
and openly pilfer wealth we create 
to benefit themselves at our expense, 
we raise revolution of civil rights 
to adjust flow of wealth back to the people. 

Wise leaders who respect the common man 
follow example of Jesus the Christ 
to overthrow rich men who own too much 
with honest attention to humble needs, 
then approve contracts of hardworking men 
to farm fertile fields with laborious pride. 

All civilizations of vast empires, 
organized by wise priests with expertise 
to manage estates of crop fields and herds, 
are based on hard work of the common man 
extracting produce from bountiful Earth 
and distributing goods in market halls. 

Bankers fund ranches, farms, and factories 
with speculative capital of wealth 
so workers create goods from raw materials, 
while merchants market and distribute goods, 
but government clerks in judicial courts 
manage contracts to insure fair rewards. 

If rich owners feast while poor owners starve, 
oppressing hungry people of the land 
as the few hoard wealth while the many work, 
we must reset state political system 
to eradicate greed of tyranny 
and maintain freedom of democracy. 

1 comment:

  1. Orpheus leads the social revolution that sweeps the land to rebuild government institutions destroyed by greedy oligarchs.
