Speed Of My Soul © Surazeus 2025 03 09 To keep up with the weird speed of my soul I stop before the television screen before it teleports me through all time so I can understand how people feel about quartz angels in the rolling stone that leads refugees from war in the gloom. To calculate the strict speed of my soul I map crazy roads through the Underworld where my ancestors walked before my birth so I can open brand new store in Hell repairing computers rancid with mold that oozes with oil polluting the firth. To analyze the fake speed of my soul I ask the mountain man with jewel eyes for hidden secret of the universe but all that Cronus is willing to tell is why sweet blueness attributes the skies with subtle reference to the holy curse. To randomize the quaint speed of my soul I spin the Wheel of Fortune to test fate against all outcomes augured by bird flight with bold assertion of my mental will to rule the world from secret river boat through sad tunes I play on dragon-bone flute. To overcome the stalled speed of my soul I build new piston-engine of desire to channel spirit of aggressive hope when I drive chariot of Ezekiel roaring down the highway to Zathamar past the desert station where gas is cheap. To allocate the force speed of my soul I meditate in cave of shadow plays where Plato eats fruit of Persephone to prove that our world is slow-spinning ball when I record hymns sung by the world muse to express my psychic epiphany. To ride far on the true speed of my soul I write script for weird television shows depicting how people perceive themselves as most important person on the hill when we play capture the flag through world maze in tribal contest between Bears and Wolves. To chase love with the wise speed of my soul I remove persona mask of my being to reveal my true self on stage of faith when Apollo crowns me with his laurel and Icarus repairs my wounded wing till I become conceptual Poet Wraith.
Surazeus Astarius Συράζευς Αστάριος. Cartographer. Epic Poet. Hermead epic poem about Philosophers 126,680 lines of blank verse. http://tinyurl.com/AstarianScriptures
Orpheus plays lyre of Mercury and sings magic spells with the poetic speed of his soul to enchant the world with visions of the truth.