Sunday, March 9, 2025

New Political Arguments

New Political Arguments
© Surazeus
2025 03 09

All those old political arguments 
fought between capitalists and communists 
fade into radio static of the past 
that crackles cables of the world wide web 
when wizards masked as fascist oligarchs 
entrance vikings with visions of rich glory. 

New actors performing on stage of power 
strut their bold hour before eyes of the world 
to play noble heroes of ancient epics, 
but, when their gold masks of noble intent 
are stripped away by their own acts of greed, 
hate exposes dark evil in their hearts. 

I could reduce actions of rectitude 
powerful people perform to keep power 
between empathy and indecency, 
but life is too complex with many groups 
contending to gain power over Earth 
to chronicle glory of conquering states. 

Though music trembles on the silenced harp 
strummed by the bright-eyed Seraph of lost time, 
his tears are bombs that shattered old estates 
with bitter anger of the dispossessed 
who sing sweet blasphemies in ruined choirs 
to praise Ungod who never answers prayers. 

When millions of people, driven from home 
by hungry gangs of drug-dealers and thieves, 
cross roadless rugged mountain gap of hope, 
they follow Moses to the Promised Land 
where vikings complain about immigrants 
taking the good jobs they refuse to work. 

As wingless angel of the spinning Earth 
I look up at the empty sky to gaze 
in eyes of God vast as the universe, 
but see no Revelation of the end, 
for Earth will keep spinning around the sun 
billions of years before the sun expands. 

Thus I will flap my wings in crazy mirth 
while dancing wild on the heavenly scarp 
to preach grand message of our World Ungod 
who sends me as his Prophet to mankind 
so I declare with booming voice of truth 
there is no resurrection from the dead. 

Many new political arguments 
fought between nationalists and globalists 
flare from clashes over meaning of life, 
but We the People fight against oppressors 
to secure justice and freedom for all 
who support United Nations of Earth. 

1 comment:

  1. Orpheus joins Isaiah, Jeremiah, and Jonah on the White House lawn to prophesy against corruption and greed of Midas and Orcus.
