In Times Of War © Surazeus 2025 02 09 In times of war the prophets all come out and wander wind-swept streets with tangled hair, then, with anguish in their eyes, sing and shout about how doom and death are everywhere, which causes everyone to be alarmed when they would rather be happily charmed. While Nostradamus in his ivory tower prophesies how every tyrant will fall after their sudden rise grasping for power, the nameless jester writes spells on the wall of church and bank in formulas of fate that expose the king for his racist hate. Yet everyone keeps driving in their cars to earn just enough money to pay bills, because fortunes are not defined by stars, and no one wants to go back to the hills to hunt for mushrooms and rabbits to eat, but all are silent when the rich men cheat. Though poetry we write with bleeding hands makes nothing happen in valley of skulls, we blow wind from our mouths across the lands that challenge cowboys to wrestle gold bulls worshipped by the people as god of wealth who steals all their money with sneaky stealth. Though Keats admires song of the nightingale while lounging under the timeless plum tree, I decry how everything is for sale by oligarchs who fetter Liberty when they invade public Garden of Eden and build shopping malls to pave over Heaven. Cold raindrops fall through our bodies of dreams and blend with endless rivers of our tears, then splatter back with mocking Mask of Seems which cannot hide our heart-enshrouding fears, yet songs we share in darkness of despair beam bright at dawn with soul-reviving care. For two centuries we built in our land strong institutions for free governance, but they crumble as castles made of sand, destroyed by pirates with no reverence, so corporate kings exploit the working poor who cry out to the wounded matador. In times of war the poets wander lost, reciting through domestic quietude quaint epiphanies of the Holy Ghost to shore dream fragments in false fortitude, till mermaid voices wake us in surprise so we perform conceptual role as spies.
Surazeus Astarius Συράζευς Αστάριος. Cartographer. Epic Poet. Hermead epic poem about Philosophers 126,680 lines of blank verse.
Orpheus gathers lost prophets and poets of America in Temple of the Singing Skull to organize their resistance against pirates disguised as corporate kings.