Homeland Of Our Hearts © Surazeus 2025 02 09 With every leaf that falls on temple steps to measure progress of seasonal change, we sit together in the cool tree shade to feel strange sorrow of the river flow urge our hearts to beat with respectful love as we feel our bodies and minds decay. I want more bold passion out of this life than waiting in dim shadows of the sun for Death to flash my soul back to the stars, yet I feel paralyzed with shock of fear that gang of greedy men with sticks and stones chased us from fertile land our fathers tilled. We worked soil of this farm two hundred years, extracting many wagonsful of ripe wheat to bake bread that has fed bodies and souls of every family living in this town, yet, jealous of our principled success, they nursed hate with greed to seize fruitful fields. Since we possess knowledge for growing wheat, and they know nothing but how to attack, we can apply our secret family skills to grow wheat anywhere on river shores while they will fail and lay waste to our farm, proving our legal right of stewardship. Though we were driven out with prejudice from fields of heaven we tended with care, we can build heaven in waste land of hell by nurturing seeds with rivulets of hope, while their careless greed wastes heaven to hell by trashing rich crops with dishonest greed. If any divine judge rules in the sky, and perceives injustice of harsh abuse we suffer from exploiters with cruel hands, then heaven will mandate our right of place to dwell between the river and the sea with creative hands that craft the land well. Alas for justice we will never know that no omniscient deity in heaven has power to adjust slow wheels of fortune so fate rewards intentions of our hearts to create with faith rather than destroy paradise where every person lives well. Though we have lost the homeland of our hearts, the world, new lit by eager rays of dawn, that stretches wide before our hopeful feet, offers us endless opportunities with generous bounty of indifferent growth so we treasure home wherever we roam.
Surazeus Astarius Συράζευς Αστάριος. Cartographer. Epic Poet. Hermead epic poem about Philosophers 126,680 lines of blank verse. http://tinyurl.com/AstarianScriptures
Orpheus leads refugees driven from their homes across the waste land to help them build new farms in the Promised Land.