Wisdom Of Dead Stars © Surazeus 2025 02 08 She would confess strange sorrows of her heart but Zahara thirsts for laughter of light, so she strides boldly through the twilight zone to find glowing cave where the demon core radiates aggressive wisdom of dead stars, transforming wizards to demonic ghouls. Hearing endless song of waves on soft shores, Zahara runs where the wild river flows around crumbling hills where crooked trees grow with wordless amusement of the lonely cloud that reveals roundness of the world to her because the sea unravels happiness. Turning away to face cold bitter winds, Zahara asks the bright sun in bleak sky for mercy in the waste land of despair where no shadows shade her soul from hard love as she speaks her heart in the heartless gloom to the ghost whose blood still sings from the sand. Knowing stars may never fall from the sky, Zahara cups rain in her grateful hands to drink refreshing joy of shattered clouds that wash her bitter sorrows to the sea which shines in her parallel universe with tears from mothers whose sons die in war. Unveiling beauty of the desert sky, Zahara hides her language in sharp sand so she can describe absence of her love who folds insouciant silence in his chest as she cries out with shock of hungry hope to understand salt of the restless sea. While asking the sea for names of the dead, Zahara wades knee-deep in angry waves to search for bodies of children and brides who float with anguish in abyss of tears till they sprout wings of swans and fly away which leaves her alone with the fractured stone. Grasping fragments of their ethereal souls, Zahara gathers voices of the dead to weave them in weird song of lonely faith that breathes in beauty and exhales despair which fills frail glass of immortality from which she drinks sweet juice of ancient trees. Embracing luminous phantom of love, Zahara places flowers on two graves where her mother and father dissipate in crumbling sand that sparkles in sunlight, then opens hand with seeds of aching loss, smiling sadly as the desert lark eats.
Surazeus Astarius Συράζευς Αστάριος. Cartographer. Epic Poet. Hermead epic poem about Philosophers 126,680 lines of blank verse. http://tinyurl.com/AstarianScriptures
Orpheus offers pomegranate to Zahara as she kneels by graves of her parents who were killed in the civil war between rebels and businessmen.