If We Do Nothing © Surazeus 2025 02 18 If we hear strange voices in doors of fate that plot to steal everything we create, we could hide our hearts in the fractured stone and ask bank of dreams for the secret loan, or we could whistle and bake chocolate cake, and wait for the social system to break. If we want to take this chance to escape we could don our boots and Superman cape, then sail across the sea to Isle of Skye, or we could carry the big stick and try to fight against rampaging gang of thieves who hide our treasures under piles of leaves. If we hope to restore democracy by opposing king of hypocrisy, we must assemble with electric kites on noble mission to protect our rights to dance in ring of stones for sacred cause rebuilding institute of honest laws. If we see gangs of thugs with law-blind guns dragging away parents from daughters and sons, we could join forces to obstruct their acts, and argue based on adjustable facts, though they try to crush our spirits with hate because with each choice we design our fate. If we do nothing, paralyzed with fears, while oligarchs jam governmental gears, they will wreck our food-production machine to enslave our souls when the times are lean, and keep us working in factories of greed because they control our functional need. If we can find no beauty in pure art, each person forced to play robotic part, sad Keats will never sing of sacred truth till revolution of messiah sleuth casts greedy Midas from throne of state power, so we can admire mystery of the flower. If we accept their bloodless money coup, bankrupt with too many bills coming due, we could desert their crumbling urban zones to wander in fields of dinosaur bones, or we could unite what their greed divides and storm compound where the weak tyrant hides. If we shall meet in the well-lighted place to remove mask of fear from our own face, we will find courage of hope to resist tyrannical project of the fascist and build on ruins of America strong new republic of Zarathia.
Surazeus Astarius Συράζευς Αστάριος. Cartographer. Epic Poet. Hermead epic poem about Philosophers 126,680 lines of blank verse. http://tinyurl.com/AstarianScriptures
Orpheus presides over meeting of patriots dedicated to restoring the democratic republic based on liberty and justice for all.