Academic Temple Of Truth © Surazeus 2025 02 18 Searching for Unreal City of the dead shrouded in thick fog for one hundred years, I follow tweet-tweet song of the wood thrush singing in the original olive tree that Athena planted on Hill of Ares, which I can see from the prow of my ship. When I meet the ghost of Tiresias singing in Unreal City of the dead, I ask that Greek seer with two-gendered mind how I can balance lust to procreate with respect for their personality so we can live in harmony of love. Lured by scent of pine on hard rocky shore, I climb steep slope of dancing skeletons with sound of water lapping at the bow which calms my fearful heart as I ascend sacred sunlit mountain of Helicon to seek ruined temple where Muses sang. Though lost in moaning forest of blind ghosts, I follow cheerful song of the wood thrush through swirling fog of winter afternoon, but never find in that deserted land ruined temple where the Muses once sang, so I sit and sing weird song of my heart. I tell the wood thrush in the olive tree that if I find Sibylla in her cage I plan to set her free with key of faith from immortality without fresh youth, but she remains caged in my aching heart, shrill voice composing weird songs I sing. Emerging from fog of the mountain glen, Tiresias, who leads the Sphinx with gold chain, points Wand of Zambor at my beating heart and shouts to accuse me of arsony for having set sacred Smyrna on fire as ghosts of the dead swarm around my soul. Dizzy on high Cliff of Insanity, I gaze through fog across the glittering sea to see the Unreal City of the dead burning with flames of nationalist war through conflict between races and religions in holy city where Homer was born. I feel his bardic soul of sacred song on Phoenix wings rise in my burning heart so I strum tortoise lyre of Mercury and sing epic poem of philosophers who build academic temple of truth where all our stories vanish into ash.
Surazeus Astarius Συράζευς Αστάριος. Cartographer. Epic Poet. Hermead epic poem about Philosophers 126,680 lines of blank verse.
Orpheus helps Tiresias sit in academic temple of truth where they lament the people who wander lost from endless nationalist wars.
ReplyDeleteA. E. Stallings
ReplyDeleteOxford Professor of Poetry
“Mr Eugenides after the Burning of Smyrna: George Seferis and the Waste Land.”
ReplyDeleteGeorge Seferis
translator A. E. Stallings