Monday, February 17, 2025

Stroke Of The Paintbrush

Stroke Of The Paintbrush
© Surazeus
2025 02 17

Each stroke of the paintbrush on nothingness 
exposes raw emotions our minds hide 
behind pretty images of cute birds 
chirping cheerfully in luminous trees 
so we become beauty we want to see 
in this world where death determines all fates. 

While gazing at the woman with long hair, 
Pablo squints his eyes tight to readjust 
attentive focus of distorted sight 
which fractures image of her anguished face 
expressing sorrow of shy Hecuba 
over suffering deaths her children endure. 

When we encounter objects of desire 
at heart-opening song of the church choir, 
we pour intensive energy of hope 
to fuel flames of passion we dramatize 
in social play with investment of love 
to insure productive return unpaid. 

Each vibrant sound of verbal sentencing, 
by which we frame conceptual images, 
encloses within narrow path of lust, 
that limits consequences of strict acts, 
random possible outcomes of respect 
with special circumstance we hope occurs. 

Painful regret yet motivates our play 
attempting to unwind adverse results 
from cataclysmic cycles unforetold 
by flight of birds across inaugural skies, 
since we cannot backtrack time to reverse 
harmful effects of carelessly thrown words. 

Disastrous fortune ungambled by trust 
hardens circumstance of our fractured state 
in fraught material frame of reference 
that traps our journey of progress now stalled 
by twisted morals of blind prejudice 
disturbing calmness of stoic regret. 

When complex relationships of commerce, 
entangling expectations of hard dreams, 
are broken by obsessive greed of thieves, 
fragile state of institutional growth 
falters from disruption of social ties 
severed by aggression of fascist hate. 

With awful shock of confusing surprise 
we grasp at ropes that bound progressive sails 
to bind again strict embrace of fierce faith 
constraining energy of motive force 
so we can guide our lurching ship of state 
balanced again through oscillating flight. 

1 comment:

  1. Orpheus and Pablo Picasso sail the ship of state across the wild Atlantic Ocean to secret island of the Hesperides.
