Sound Of Angelic Fear © Surazeus 2025 02 18 She wants to know what the angel will say, so she walks the winding path in the woods down to the shore of the glistening sea where she stares at the round back of his head as wind blows his gold hair with angst of truth that sings forever in waves at her feet. Reaching out her hand with reluctant hope, she asks the angel why he has no wings, but he cannot hear the sound of her voice and he cannot feel the touch of her hand, so she steps back and stares down at the shell that glistens golden under silver waves. She wonders why the cold waves understand strange ache that pulses deep inside her breast, then crouches down to grasp the gleaming gem green as leaves of the tree where sweet plums grow, and peers deep in the emerald to perceive original flame that creates the sun. Startled by strange sound of angelic fear, she looks up at the angel with no wings who towers high above her as the pine, so she leans over to look in his eyes that glitter silver as the restless sea, now hollow as cracked eggshell of the snake. Shrieking at sight of the small black-eyed girl, the angel stumbles and falls on the sand, then reaches out his hand to touch her face that beams with eager smile of joyful love, so he lies flat on the hot beach and cries, tears filling the ocean with streams of hope. Holding out her hand with innocent charm, she offers wingless angel fruit of love so he slowly takes it in his frail hand and stares at her as she bites juicy fruit, then bites the ripe plum with cautious desire, and gasps with pleasure at sweet taste of love. Once again she asks the angel of light why his big eyes are silver as the sea, but he cannot understand what she says, so he tells her that he fell off the ship and tumbled in waves for eternity, then woke up on beach of this brave new world. With gentle assurance of modest care, she takes his hand and leads him in the woods where wood thrushes and goldfinches discuss name of the angel who fell from the sky, to sit by the pool in grove of plum trees where she cuddles in his arms as they kiss.
Surazeus Astarius Συράζευς Αστάριος. Cartographer. Epic Poet. Hermead epic poem about Philosophers 126,680 lines of blank verse.
Orpheus holds Onatah in his arms with tender love after she falls asleep, and caresses her long black hair.