
Thursday, June 8, 2017

Religions Are Fan Clubs

Religions Are Fan Clubs
© Surazeus
2011 04 01

I shake my fist at unfairness of death
and stagger in war gasping for breath
but teetering at edge of bleak abyss
I gasp at sweet infinity of mindless bliss.
I knock on door of a Christian church
and stare at a gargoyle on its angry perch
but door is locked and lights are dark
so I huddle to sleep in a freezing park
because religions are oversized fan clubs
for dead celebrities with magic powers.

Jesus hanging on cross of a telephone pole
sings I died for you to make you whole
to save you from prison for your mistakes
so I break in a grocery store to eat cakes.
I stand each day on street corners to preach
life is a game we play trying to find a beach
so relax to ancient music of swirling waves
until death points a gun at you if Jesus saves
because religions are oversized fan clubs
for dead celebrities with sacred books.

Religions show values hid in moral tales
centered around heroes and noble men
describing how they conquered despair
to find and share truth of a successful life.
I embrace all religions in my world view
for each reveals secrets of lies and truth
in dramatic lives of founders in their youth
who found way to peace and eternal life
because religions are oversized fan clubs
for dead celebrities with magic powers.

How you live your own life each new day
treating other people with hate or respect
reveals power of your heart to create love
building heaven from tombstones and seeds.
Come join us in circle around a warm fire
and tell us a story that is meant to inspire
everyone listening with hope on dark night
that together we may survive till dawn light
because religions are oversized fan clubs
for dead celebrities with sacred books.

I play guitar and sing words of my heart
our world will spin ten billion more years
though souls rise and fall in waves of time
so eat an apple and sing behind your tears.
I journey outside pale of my world view
exploring mystery of life in distant lands
traveling sea to shining sea meeting people
yet wherever I roam my heart is my home
because religions are oversized fan clubs
for dead celebrities with magic powers.

Write honest thoughts of your experience
when you explore beyond silent walls
of paradise to preserve your mind dreams
so later generations see through your eyes.
Each prophet who appeared in history
wrote secrets about justice and liberty
in sacred holy books we read to learn
so join our book club to discuss theology
because religions are oversized fan clubs
for dead celebrities with sacred books.

Astarius taught God is creator of life
when woman takes seed of man in womb
transforming his spirit into body of flesh
so men protect women with gentle love.
Zoroaster taught God is sense of right
that motivates hearts of noble men to act
defending weak against bullies of greed
in eternal struggle between evil and good
because religions are oversized fan clubs
for dead celebrities with magic powers.

Adam taught God requires obedience
following laws that govern garden society
where people are rewarded with fruit
for work they succeed in building things.
Seth taught God lives in sun and earth
vibrating music of our vast universe
in stone and flame and wave and wind
that weave our souls from spark of love
because religions are oversized fan clubs
for dead celebrities with sacred books.

Abraham taught God is invisible soul
of eternal spirit who created everything
and inspires each person to set a goal
to raise a child who will love and sing.
Brahma taught God is light of truth
who lives inside hearts of honest men
who bathe clean in waters of control
managing chaos of blind desire with law
because religions are oversized fan clubs
for dead celebrities with magic powers.

Socrates taught God is question of truth
asking arrogant men fighting for power
how does might make right in cruel war
when good justice is actions of strength.
Plato taught God is Idea of True Man
who is born in flesh and dies in time
investigating mysteries of natural truth
and reasoning with logic of spoken word
because religions are oversized fan clubs
for dead celebrities with sacred books.

Kung Fu Tzu taught God organizes men
to honor elders and follow good rules
by digging canals that water fields of rice
and building walls that protect paradise.
Lao Tzu taught God cannot be named
for spirit of truth sparks awake in dark
and guides men through maze of chaos
by acting without acting to create order
because religions are oversized fan clubs
for dead celebrities with magic powers.

Mithra taught God emanates with peace
when men argue over water and land
by talking about their hopes and dreams
so men cooperate to create not destroy.
Krishna taught God guides your steps
to dance without care in garden of fruit
holding hands with kind people you love
to sing enchanted in heaven of your heart
because religions are oversized fan clubs
for dead celebrities with sacred books.

Buddha taught God is your pure mind
when you meditate on meaning of life
and realize desire grips you with misery
so transcend lust and attain mindless bliss.
Jesus taught God appears in human form
when man and woman make sweet love
attaining eternal life in reincarnated soul
who lives again in flesh of child we raise
because religions are oversized fan clubs
for dead celebrities with magic powers.

Mani taught God appears from gloom
bringing light to illuminate our hearts
when humans convert hunger to hope
evolving from animal to angel with love.
Rumi taught God sleeps in our hearts
waiting for right moment we realize truth
then wake twirling to dance on our feet
arms spread wide to embrace pure joy
because religions are oversized fan clubs
for dead celebrities with sacred books.

Meroveus taught God is music of love
that rings from harp of truth we strum
enchanting spirit of joy in human hearts
to dance with lovers in Arcadia reborn.
Mohamad taught God transcends form
and vibrates in shimmering eternal soul
so bow submitting your heart to peace
and raise your hands to sunlight of truth
because religions are oversized fan clubs
for dead celebrities with magic powers.

Martin Luther taught God comes home
to sit at our tables and listen to prayers
when men change actions of their hands
by transforming their hearts with faith.
Bahaullah taught God is gate of truth
we open to seek mystery of this world
and follow path in labyrinth of despair
to sit by a river and sing with our friends
because religions are oversized fan clubs
for dead celebrities with sacred books.

Gandhi taught God operates just laws
organizing people to work as one mind
by treating other humans with equal respect
offering opportunities to work and create.
Surazeus teaches God is reborn again
from Egg and Sperm of woman and man
for eternal soul generates bodies of flesh
as we attain consciousness with deep breath
because religions are oversized fan clubs
for dead celebrities with magic powers.

Ten thousand prophets in history game
taught secrets of God in human hearts
so instead of following one man alone
read and discuss all their tales as a whole.
Collect writings of all prophets in one book
and attend every church and synagogue
and discuss truth in temple and mosque
for God does not live in building or book
because religions are oversized fan clubs
for dead celebrities with sacred books.

Look in your own heart with honest eye
instead of looking for God in empty sky
and write story of your life seeking truth
recording your path to heaven from youth.
Dance around me at Fountain of Love
and crown me your King of Fools in jest
and laugh when mask of faces dissolves
to reveal meaning of life is to do your best
because religions are oversized fan clubs
for dead celebrities with magic powers.

I see God in eyes of every human being
whose animal flesh enshrines an angel soul
so rise from earth and spread your wings
to sing together as light makes us whole.
I palm my hands at unfairness of death
and dance in peace taking a deep breath
so when I teeter at edge of bleak abyss
I gasp at sweet infinity of mindless bliss
because religions are oversized fan clubs
for dead celebrities with sacred books.


  1. Freemasonry discourages me from discussing religion only to encourage others to pursue theirs. (oddly, religion tends to make men fight)
