
Wednesday, October 19, 2016

Valley Of Apples

Valley Of Apples
© Surazeus
2016 10 19

Swift racing on highway network of hope,
we compete for that invisible prize
rewarded for speed and forged from rainbows
which Hippomenes threw on the race track,
Eris tossed at the divine wedding feast,
and Eve gave to Adam just before dawn
so we dance wild in the valley of apples.

Forsaking fate assigned to them by gods,
Paris and Atalanta break through gate
of Eden to escape from paradise
by driving west on highway of lost souls
to Wenatchee where they plant apple trees
and play music at sunset on the porch
so we dance wild in the valley of apples.

After leaving the court of Aquitaine,
where William the Troubadour chants love spells,
Adam and Hermes hitchhike back to Rome
though dead angels locked in wood cabinets
erase every word they write in old books
since Eve left him to dwell in Oregon
so we dance wild in the valley of apples.

Ten thousand airplanes battle in the skies,
blasting each other high above white clouds,
where Aristotle and Augustine thought
God dwells in glorious temple of glass,
while Apollo tends apple trees all day,
whistling merry tunes his father once sang
so we dance wild in the valley of apples.

Disguised as Robin Hood in long black cape
I ride luxuriant hills of Avalon
till I find Guinevere at Camelot
who sails with me on wild Atlantic Sea
to build new home on Massachusetts shore
and plant black apple seeds in pungent soil
so we dance wild in the valley of apples.

Escaping barb-wire walls of Babylon,
we all join forces in long wagon train
to follow secret signs in wilderness
of laughing shamans on Oregon Trail
away from game of thrones in ancient land
and blood-stained martyrs in foul crumbling church
so we dance wild in the valley of apples.

I build new paradise on nameless hill
with high walls of stone surrounding clear pool
that fountains from the true heart of the world
to tend apple trees sprouting from my seed
that fell from rainbow arch of Brooklyn Bridge
which connects Asgard to Broceliande
so we dance wild in the valley of apples.

Alone in nameless wilderness of Gartha
I sit in tower I built from skulls of Giants
and write weird spells of star-bright prophecies
to comprehend chess game of history
that every King will lose to cordial Death
when I assemble puzzle of my dreams
so we dance wild in the valley of apples.

When Spenser leads me to the castle gate,
where Fairy Queen in splendid robe of gems
reigns with wisdom on iron throne of death,
I see with clear eyes cleansed by tears of clowns
complex algorithms which guide our souls
through labyrinth of self-deceptive creeds
so we dance wild in the valley of apples.

Orpheus buys my liberty from Hell
and, while he strums sweet vibes of trusting love,
I follow close his footsteps through my mind,
then we knock loud on door of Heaven till
Athena welcomes me to Hall of Tales
where I recount the path of truth I blaze
so we dance wild in the valley of apples.

I sit with Keats among ripe apple trees
and scribble calculations of our souls
in tragic riddles that define my fate
which I will map myself through maze of masks
to play the role of Homer on world stage,
describing how we found God in our brains
so we dance wild in the valley of apples.

Since I was born in hills of Almaty
I carried one ripe apple in my pouch
and traveled west to misty Avalon
where ravens in moonlight call my true name,
now I travel back east from Oregon
to find the valley where I woke from dream
so we dance wild in the valley of apples.

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