Lark In The Pear Tree © Surazeus 2025 01 17 Philip listens to lark in the pear tree discuss stone statues of dead royalty who lie in lonely tomb of Arundel while holding hands for all eternity together in cathedral of the damned that has not yet crumbled into bare ruins. Half-drunk in soundless dark of his despair, Philip stares at Death who always lurks near, unresting shadow of his vanity who likes to horrify his heart with hope that he might see truth in the morning glare without remorse for time torn off unused. Lured by total emptiness of forever, Philip considers with wretched amusement extinction of his self from everywhere, lost in blank always of his charity at terrible beauty of nothingness, yet climbs still from beginning of his wrongness. Watching the vast musical brocade of saints singing hymns about everlasting life, Philip chuckles sadly at spectacle of rational beings refusing to admit faith fails to dispel fear with pretty tricks, yet still they pretend we will never die. Drinking to ignore that unfocused blur that blinds him to bright ghost of heartless chill clutching at his soul with courageous hands, Philip analyzes every impulse that used to drive him with decisive faith to bury his false bravery in his grave. Reluctant to accept that he will die, as dawn light constructs shape of his desire, Philip stares at unringing telephone that clutches at his chest with bitter claws, and sneers with unearned wisdom of mute pain that Death remains indifferent to his thoughts. Accepting letter from the stoic postman, who goes from house to house with urgent care, Philip deciphers secret code of love to calculate with hungry eye of hope value of romantic relationships that constrain his body encased in stone. Running in his long coat over wet field, chasing pleasure of frantic happiness, Philip leaps up from gravity of fear to glide on wings he stole from Icarus, eager to avoid fall of Lucifer, till he lies songless in his placeless tomb.
Astarian Scriptures
Surazeus Astarius Συράζευς Αστάριος. Cartographer. Epic Poet. Hermead epic poem about Philosophers 126,680 lines of blank verse.
Friday, January 17, 2025
Lark In The Pear Tree
Domestic Quietude
Domestic Quietude © Surazeus 2025 01 17 So many apples have fallen on the ground that Janet thinks grim angels on gold clouds want to litter her dead garden on purpose to shame her into tending to wild herbs, but she prefers to lounge on the torn couch and watch television shows while she smokes. Not liking where her story seems to go, Janet tosses the still-glowing cigarette on the couch to set the dead house on fire, then walks along the busy market road where some old world-famous rock and roll band plays their last concert on the building roof. Standing alone on the twelfth-century bridge by the fountain where rocking horses rot, Janet tries to picture herself in a boat on the river polluted with foul trash, but decides to pick strawberries instead till the old man threatens he with his gun. Shuffling stiffly because her legs are sore, Janet walks in twilight of eerie skies to the Crippled Horse Pub down by the river where university professors and hippies drink beer and recite solemn poetry to defy weird modernist tendencies. Half-drunk in bleary candlelight of lust, Janet drapes her arms around Lucky Jim and whispers loudly in his hairy ear, "I want to have the most lurid affair with you while your wife is home baking cakes," but kisses his book instead of his cheek. Clutching ream of paper in glow of dawn that stripes bloody wounds of hope on wet grass, Janet decides she will write the best novel about comic sorrow of motherhood when the baby dies of fever at midnight because she fell asleep from sad exhaustion. Slouching at old oak wood desk by the window, cracked by the rock she threw when she was ten, Janet writes ragged lines of poetry to express psychotic epiphany of domestic quietude, which confounds her sadness that Heaven is her delusion. Clutching mic pole in the Crippled Horse Pub, Janet reads poetry of worthless hope about how she caused her baby to die because she is Worst Mother in the world, then cries when all the professors and hippies praise her poems and ask her out on dates.
Thursday, January 16, 2025
Evil Vampire Witch
Evil Vampire Witch © Surazeus 2025 01 16 While running through forest of twisted trees to escape cruel vampire queen in her castle, Cinderella stumbles and falls in weeds, but just as Lamia leaps to suck her blood round silver starship floating overhead beams her up to safety among the clouds. Waking up in large bed on white silk sheets, and dressed in warm linen gown with cute lace, Cinderella explores with cautious hope glowing halls of strange round castle that flies high over mountains and seas far below, astonished as she gazes out the window. Entering spacious bridge of the starship, filled with strange creatures working at consoles, Cinderella smiles when she sees the Captain, the old scruffy-bearded bard Jokerman whose face is plastered all over the kingdom as wanted for bad crimes against the realm. "After my mother mysteriously died from eating apples some old woman gave her," Cinderella says to the Jokerman, "that evil vampire witch Lamia seduced innocent heart of my father, that fool who gave her is power to rule his kingdom." "I escaped prison in tower of fear and began hard quest in the wilderness," Cinderella gestures to hills below, "to find the magical Wand of Zambor which will imbue my heart with psychic code to defeat dark witchcraft of Lamia." Beaming down to slope of Mount Helicon, Cinderella and Jokerman explore cavern of illusions littered with skulls where Wand of Zambor floats in beam of light, so they battle the giant demon toad, defeating him with spell they harmonize. Striding through castle door with diamond wand, and standing boldly before Judgment Throne, Cinderella demands Lamia abdicate, but she attacks with scream of haughty greed, so fairy princess fights the vampire queen, defeating her with waves of energy. "Now that I have freed our productive state from exploitation of her tyranny," Cinderella declares from Judgment Throne, "I claim crown of power my mothers wore to restore freedom and justice for all who work together to advance our wealth."
O Beautiful Telluria
O Beautiful Telluria © Surazeus 2025 01 16 O beautiful Telluria, our globe, which nourishes our souls in void of space, we cherish life you molded in your sea to animate our journey birth to death. We are the children in your dream of hope, so we love you, Telluria, our world. O glorious Telluria, our globe, which wakes from dream in landscape of our minds, we glow with energy of your desire as mortal spirits conscious with your love. We are the children in your game of faith, so we love you, Telluria, our world. O bountiful Telluria, our globe, which flourishes with trees of juicy fruit, we harvest produce from your fertile heart and feast with song to celebrate rebirth. We are the children in your fields of joy, so we love you, Telluria, our world. O generous Telluria, our globe, which carnates us divine soul of the stars, we cultivate your mountains, seas, and skies as stewards caring for your natural health. We are the children in your hills of song, so we love you, Telluria, our world.
Wield The Crow Wand
Wield The Crow Wand © Surazeus 2025 01 16 While looking both ways at the door of time, halfway between two opposing world views, Janus clutches wand with cautious intent to guard the sacred temple of Saturnus against assassins and thieves wearing masks who lurk in blinding shadows of desire. Peeking in doorway to the large bedroom, Janus notes young Picus, son of Saturnus, sleeping quietly with his two pet cats, so he maintains watch in the silent night, alert for assassins Pluto may send to kill the boy and crown himself Crow King. Ignoring crows that flap wings in dawn glow, Janus stands watch at the lush garden gate while Picus eats breakfast at the small table beside the stone pool brimming with clear water that bubbles from ancient fountain of light with voices that whisper of secret plots. Startled at rustle of leaves by stone wall, Janus rushes toward the ancient oak tree to crouch alert among Narcissus flowers, but turns at cry to see Glaucus attack young boy who dodges and pivots away to gracefully evade spear thrusts at his heart. Leaping swiftly to protect young Crow Prince, Janus intervenes to parry sharp thrusts with brass wand tipped with glowing emerald which beams piercing rays of light from the sun to blind attacker who stumbles and falls, so Door Guard stops him with boot on his neck. "Did Pluto, that greedy thief of dank caves," Janus growls, "send you to assassinate legitimate heir of his royal brother?" Sneering as he writhes stuck under his boot, cruel assassin laughs, "Circe the star witch wants her son Cronus to wield the Crow Wand." Canens, young daughter of Janus, appears with flurry of her gown to embrace Picus, weeping with relief that he is not hurt. "I heard woodpecker tapping at my door, alerting me of danger to your life." Picus embraces her with grateful love. Sitting with Canens by the bubbling pool, Picus gazes in her moon silver eyes. "Teach me your arcane art of augury so I may comprehend divine wyrd code encrypted by pecks of that scarlet bird." Janus beams with joy to see their love grow.
Oculus Of Goddess Terra
Oculus Of Goddess Terra © Surazeus 2025 01 16 Gazing at sublime beauty of sunlight that beams through circle at core of the dome enclosing the sky in the Pantheon, Zoilus whispers, "I am inside great eye of our Great Mother who dreams through my soul, awake in oculus of Goddess Terra." Zoilus, young frail boy wearing leather kilt, stands balanced on his small wood fishing boat rocked by aggressive waves of morning hope, and watches clouds swirl across the dark sea to assess best time to sail gleaming waves, then continues twisting knots on his net. Casting his net across the wine-dark sea, Zoilus hauls hundreds of fish in his boat, but one sea turtle crawls over the heap, so he holds her up and peers in her eyes, then gently sets her back into the sea and grins as she submerges in the deep. Before he turns his boat to sail to shore, Zoilus sees bright star streak across the sky in long elegant arch of blazing wings, then splash in surging waves with hiss of steam, so he sails quickly with eager desire to save the fallen star before it sinks. Arriving at the spot, he finds young girl with swan-white wings splashing with frantic fear, so he throws rope and pulls her on his boat where she lies gasping, so he gives her flask for her to drink sweet pomegranate juice, then drapes fur cloak to help the girl get warm. Caressing his cheek with pale freckled hand, the girl with gold-green eyes and red curled hair expresses for his rescue gratitude. "My name is Astraea, and I was born daughter of Priestess Isis and King Mars who rule Massalia in Gallia Province." Astraea hugs him as they sail toward land. "Young brother of my father stabbed his heart and claimed Wand of Zambor to rule the land, then sent me on the ship across the sea to force into marriage in far Egypt, but I jumped overboard to escape death." Standing together in the Pantheon, Zoilus and Astraea with reverence hold hands and pledge loyalty and trust in love to support each other while they both live. Sitting together at their market stall, he sells fish while she nurses their young child.
Wednesday, January 15, 2025
Vale Of The Invisibles
Vale Of The Invisibles © Surazeus 2025 01 15 Awake in vale of the invisibles, Hannah holds map of Never-Never Land to activate faculty of her mind for remembering the imagined world as no word breaks the dark of everywhere which encompasses her tremendous heart. With her birth certificate and scribbled poems preserved in briefcase with photos and books, Hannah leaves apartment after midnight, and walks forest of Erzgebirge Mountains to escape before state police return and lock her again in the prison cell. Humming to herself in the moon-red night, Hannah smiles with tears of her aching heart, "We will see each other when lilacs bloom and I will make a soft bed for your head," then hides in shadow of the raven wing with trucks of soldiers roar past on the road. Shivering by the small creek among old oaks, Hannah ignites flame of her wordless grief to mourn loss of her home and family whose spirits writhe in shadows of dark woods as light of darkness that can guide her safe to lamp-lit city streets shrouded in fog. After running through fields of grass and trees, running far to find lost garden of hope, Hannah stops when she sees the man she loves standing as he waits for her to arrive, so they run swift with surprise, and embrace with passionate anguish of tearful joy. "Now foreign to the land where I must flee, I stand alone where no country exists for I am not certain of anything, so I should now scorn the world of false hope while staring bemused at uncanny hand which creates meaning I deny is real." Typing long essay on dictatorship, that explores the banality of evil, Hannah feels seed of wisdom break its shell to show the world her dense interior that blooms with rise and fall of growing time till she knows the beginning of the world. "Wherever I travel in lands of Earth I thread my spirit through its labyrinth to connect my beginning with my end for sorrow will not silence my old dreams that inspire me to love this crazy life no matter how far I travel from home."
Land Of The Sun
Land Of The Sun © Surazeus 2025 01 15 While arranging rocks on the river shore in circles to channel spirit of rain, Kaya watches two longspurs hop in mud to eat seeds and bugs with sharp golden beaks. "My heart flows within river of the land who keeps strange secrets with her silent eyes." Three men with pale skin and curly gold hair emerge from thick forest of quaking aspens, trodding purple lilacs with muddy boots, so Kaya transforms herself into plump yellow toad. "Who are these creatures who come from the sun with eyes blue as the late afternoon sky?" Hiding under the small chokeberry bush, with small white petals dotting her black hair, Kaya watches in shock as the three men catch dozens of beavers they hang on poles. "Brother Beaver, I hear your anguished cry, but I cannot rescue you from their greed." Transforming back into her human form, Kaya fills basket with berries and nuts, then walks the winding trail of lilac flowers back to her wickiup by large turtle pond. "I wonder if those clumsy grass-haired men came from land of the sun across the sea." After boiling chokeberries with acorns, Kaya mixes jam with honey and ginger, then spreads it on corn cakes with cinnamon, and savors sweet taste as moon sparrows chirp. "My heart flies with the hawk among the clouds, eager to explore beyond the far hills." When the three beaver-hunters with their catch appear before her face with hungry eyes, Kaya gives them corn cakes smeared with sweet jam, so they give her new copper cooking pot. "Though our tongues do not speak the same language, our eyes express mutual trust and respect." Taking the youngest man into her bed, who touches his chest and calls himself Alan, Kaya shares pleasure of love with his soul, smiling when his spirit grows in her womb. "May you walk the trail of life with the sun, for you are always with me, though we part." While arranging rocks on the river shore in circles to channel spirit of rain, Kaya teaches her young son Alahmoot names for everything they see in the world. "Your father came down from land of the sun and gave me elm branch which grew into you."
House Her Sorrows Built
House Her Sorrows Built © Surazeus 2025 01 15 If she wants to sing to the humble star Beth must reopen the cozy-house door so many times her spirit will escape to hang from Cliffs of Despair by thin rope because she has no wings to fly away from the house where she decides not to pray. Though she steps out the door ten thousand times Beth always finds herself inside its rooms, talking to books which smile with awkward faith that if she can transform into the moth she could escape the house her sorrows built without assigning anyone the fault. Ten minutes till the end of time at home Beth analyzes secret of her name but never finds psychic code that unlocks doors which realign her mission with tricks curtailing progress on the signless road till she comes to believe she might be mad. Pictures of strangers on her bedroom wall encourage Beth that she will never fail if she reverses how she talks to books which highlights excessive passion of cracks appearing each day in salvation stone that guides her journey to the broken train. Amused by laughter of the shadow clown who lists good reasons why she is insane, Beth paints her feelings on the bitter wall to dispel curse of Castle Winterfell where she fantasizes she reigns as queen, commissioned to disburse the divine boon. Woke with transcendental faith in the Right through equal opportunity to vote, Beth knocks on doors of homes where housewives cry to sell wings so they can pretend to fly, but sits on park bench by the River Styx three thousand years to learn monarchic tricks. Elected Senator for Zarthon State, Beth flies to Washington on the glass plane, and takes her seat in chamber of pale ghosts to compose bills designed by socialists till her opponent shoots her in the wing protected by shield of her magic ring. Navigating choices that guide her fate, Beth decides with bold courage to campaign for President to rule Zarathia, funded through gambling of the mafia, but loses election to Jupiter so she goes home to marry Lucifer.
Master With The Gun
Master With The Gun © Surazeus 2025 01 15 Hiding his sorrows and joys in the box, Reynard runs through the forest with the fox to outwit Wolfgard and his gang of thieves while reprogramming how his brain perceives conceptual objects by language defined to contain energy with words that bind. Laughing at absurdity of his pride that no one has ever seen when he cried, Reynard prances on the snow-frosted hill while his father pays the electric bill for all the Christmas lights on the dead tree that should symbolize how we must live free. Tricking the Wolf God and his raucous gang with wild story about how Marie sang grand revolutionary hymn to save the world, Reynard wears new mask of the cosmic herald to preach salvation from the moneyed class who all get frozen while they pray at mass. Shopping at glittery stores in the mall while his horse waits patiently in the stall, Reynard calculates the profit and loss our nation suffers when the greedy boss underpays everyone for labor done in service to the Master with the Gun. Writing spells to mock proud men in gray suits who disdain workers in their dirty boots, Reynard learns fierce art of social satire from Satyrus who was born from the fire that burned the City of Angels to dust, commemorated by one marble bust. Kicking soccer ball of global success into the tangled net of More is Less, Reynard plays violin while Jesus blinks to mourn that our hijacked Ship of State sinks till the mutinous traitor Midas cries as Lucifer hangs him under blue skies. Watching the seagull dip and pivot him over Brooklyn Bridge where angels sing hymn to support grand mission of Liberty, Reynard chronicles the brute tyranny that betrays all the noble principles which America uses to grift fools. Weeping with sorrow as last Argonaut when Wolfgard assassinates Lancelot, Reynard grabs Spear of Longinus to fight against Midas for God and Truth and Right, till he storms Pyramid of One-Eyed God to expose his goodness as clever fraud.
Tuesday, January 14, 2025
Television Of Dreams
Television Of Dreams © Surazeus 2025 01 14 Michael hears children shouting in the park as they play Steal the Apple with the lark who explains they must follow the God Star to retrieve the nine jewels of Zathar, but he turns off television of dreams to walk alone by eerie forest streams. When no Cetus or Leviathan glides from roaring sea cave where Baphomet hides, Michael patrols streets of Gotham in mist to find where he and Ninkasi first kissed, now ghosts stuck in television of clowns, but discovers Clementine as she drowns. Bearing Clementine safe in his strong arms, entranced by glow of her unconscious charms, Michael heals her broken heart with light rays he beams through waves of energetic phase to reprogram television of masks when Hercules finishes all his tasks. Hanging out with Gabriel drinking beer, to analyze what jokes humans most fear, Michael frowns, "I never saw face of God, which is why humans know he is a fraud, dark shadow in television of ghosts who haunts Earth as blood-thirsty Lord of Hosts."
Billions Of Laughing Ghosts
Billions Of Laughing Ghosts © Surazeus 2025 01 14 While standing at the bus stop, Mary sighs and sings, "It is the evening of the day, so I will sit and watch the children play," but stops and stares at the gray cloudy skies where angels must be singing as they strum golden harps while waiting for Kingdom Come. Large black pickup truck with loud engine growl, sporting bold red sticker on silver stripe that spells "Make America Great Again", stops before young woman in flower dress, and the bearded man wearing red cap shouts, "Come live with me and be my loving wife!" Smiling demurely with innocent eyes, Mary pulls gun and points it at his head, then sweetly purrs, "I would rather be dead," so he guns the engine and speeds away, and she chuckles amused at look of shock that frazzles his stale masculinity. Riding the Number Zero bus to Hell, winding around each level of despair where Virgil lead Dante on quest for truth, Mary ponders the weird meaning of life that each conscious creature alive on Earth must design from random experiences. Arriving at Grand Temple of the Damned, Mary enters hall to sit at her desk where she records the deeds that men perform to calculate their balance of account between good and evil from their intent that renders judgment on their destiny. Reviewing new case of the tyrant thief who regains power as the president, elected by the people of the land to expand empire control of their greed, Mary checks how much evil he has done, then marks verdict for when his time will come. Returning home on Number Zero bus, that passes Parnassus and Helicon, Mary composes haunting tune she hums that renders spell for how all tyrants fall, then eats pizza she ordered yesterday and watches drama "Alchemy of Souls". Falling asleep on the couch before dawn, Mary hears not evacuation order, so she wakes as wild fire consumes her home and leaves her standing in ashes of time to laugh at cruel apocalypse of doom, surrounded by billions of laughing ghosts.
Nine Jewels Of Zathar
Nine Jewels Of Zathar © Surazeus 2025 01 14 While Princess Alice wanders in dark wood, spellbound by tale of Jonah and the Whale, she wonders what makes some characters good and why some people always seem to fail, then stares at Wolfgang kneeling by the tree where Melusine hands him the Golden Key. Waking from strange dream of flashing moonlight, Alice finds herself by the waterfall cave, so she asks Wolfgang what happened last night, but he murmurs song of the ocean wave as if his mind were enchanted by a spell, then brings her water to drink from the well. "I want to understand the simple truth," Alice gazes in his gold wolfish eyes, "if you are the secret messiah sleuth that everyone says will come from the skies, and lead us through fog of deceptive tricks to Elysium across the River Styx." Smirking with defiance of divine will, while twirling brass scepter with diamond tip, Wolfgang teaches young princess how to kill if she would marry captain of the ship who sails wild seas to conquer paradise he navigates with Star-Catcher device. "Speak not of what you cannot understand," softly whispers Melusine in cool breeze, "for you must gather loyal heroes band who symbolize signs of your psychic keys, then quest to find nine jewels of Zathar to reassemble mask of the God Star." Staring around to find source of the Voice that prophesies her reign in Wonderland, Princess Alice considers each weird choice she makes with casual gestures of her hand to analyze flow of cause and effect that results in progress she can respect. Laughing at absurdity of her play, Alice shelves books in the library hall, then drives slowly home on crowded highway past bay where Icarus is said to fall, then rain falls splashing on the windshield, green as snake scales of Nuwa and Melusine. "There seems to be no magic in this world of computers and piston-engine cars, but I sense spirit of the cosmic herald who must be wandering on mountains of Mars, so I want to move to Greenland and sing about Mad Angel with the broken wing."
Wonder Of Her Hand
Wonder Of Her Hand © Surazeus 2025 01 14 Wandering along Purattu River shore where copper stones glitter in silver stream, Gula searches for fruit on tangled trees. "The stars shine so brightly in the dark sky, they resemble gold supurgillu quince that my mother once plucked for me to eat." Smiling with sharp joy of anguished despair, Gula reaches out wonder of her hand to catch innocence of the falling star. "My aching heart hungers for faith of love, but when I search for food to fuel my heart I find stars too distant for me to reach." When blazing gold star of celestial light transforms into delicious juicy quince, Gula tries to grasp fruit with trembling hand, but it vanishes into swirl of sparks. "Things we desire are brief phantoms of hope that lure us to wander lost in the world." Hearing sharp cry of pain among palm trees, Gula finds Ninisina on her back, belly round with child ready to be born. "Breathe deep celestial spirit of the stars, and push with passion of love to assist emergence of your child into this world." While suckling new-born daughter Ninkarrak, Ninisina hums river lullaby, eyes gleaming with tears as she offers thanks. "Your guidance in helping me birth my child shines bright as starlight in dark cloudy night, for I would have died without your warm hands." After Gula takes mother and new child safe to shelter of her river-mud house, she cries because she has no food to share. "I used to gather fruit from blooming trees that flourished tall along the river shore, but Pabilsag enclosed them in high walls." Startled by angry shout calling her name, Ninisina whispers for help to hide. "That devil Pabilsag, who stole trees, kidnapped me from my home with grasping hands, and forced to me bear this child of his seed, but I escaped paradise to live free." Stumbling outside to kneel in river mud, Gula glares at the man with a hunting bow. "No person by that name lives around here. I am hungry because all the quince trees, once free for anyone to gather fruit, you locked inside walls guarded by spear men." Aiming sharp arrow at her exposed breast, Pabilsag pulls bow taut and glares in rage. "Dirty thieves like you steal quince from my trees, trees I planted with my father, Enlil, to feed the gods who rule the world with laws. I built paradise to keep my trees safe." Pulling bow more taut, he shouts loud command. "I demand you return my wife and child, or I will kill you and claim all your land. My child is heir to kingdom of my rule." Grasping sand, Gula hurls it in his eyes, then grabs arrow she dodges rolling back. Leaping forward with intent to protect woman he enslaved against her free will, Gula stabs arrow straight into his heart, then sobs in sorrow as he writhes in pain, but when she steps forward to heal his wound he grabs at her throat, so she lets him die. Bearing his body on small two-wheeled cart, Gula, with Ninisina and her child, stands before locked wood gates of paradise. "I killed Pabilsag, cruel tyrant of greed, so I demand that you acknowledge me monarch by right to rule this paradise." People inside paradise open gates and cheer as Gula strides down the road to stop before the temple ziggurat. Priestess Inanna in long robe and crown, raises brass wand with ruby in top ring. "I crown Gula new Mother Queen of Umma." Sitting on large throne in the temple hall, with Ninisina sitting at her side, Gula presides over inaugural feast. "Now we replace his greedy tyranny with generous commune of our common good, where everyone who labors shares our wealth."
Monday, January 13, 2025
Hide My True Face
Hide My True Face © Surazeus 2025 01 13 I keep attempting to hide my true face, but everyone seems to know who I am. Every day I give myself a new name but nobody knows I am still the same. Fame I disdain with sneer of arrogance since I will be dead with no second chance. I write my name on the wall of the church but no one can read my new alphabet. Every day I set out in eager search to find the Holy Grail in time for lunch. Crunch of snow under my new polished boots alerts the moon-eyed owl of death who hoots. I give Astarian Scriptures to the sane who go mad when they read my magic spells. Every new story reprograms my brain with more complicated view of the world. Herald of wisdom arrives just in time to witness how wingless angels can climb. I erase meaning from lines of dream code to highlight beauty of things that just are. Every swamp draws its ever-changing map with keys that only open random doors. Stores that sell world views designed by dead poets commercialize visions of crazy laureates. I deconstruct patriarchal world view to dismantle engine of privilege. Every concept about male magnitude adjusts power of female fortitude. Food transforms dirt into substance of life to energize our growth through social strife. I channel spirit of humanity through magic spell of psychic harmony. Every demon which animates the mind wears angel mask to embody the land. Hand of the market that manipulates always locks wealth behind heavenly gates. I map strange history of human advance through technology of the ritual dance. Every actor struts their hour on the stage, but curious Time always turns the page. Cage of ideology traps the fool who disdains open wisdom of the school. I will never reveal who I might be except to leave you with this arcane key. Every road I walk bears my secret name, for I am master of the bardic game. Frame of reference that hangs on temple wall compounds the notion I am Percival.
Lost Princess Crown
Lost Princess Crown © Surazeus 2025 01 13 Blessed by sweet laughter of the stinging bee, Cherry chooses to believe time is real, yet when she listens to the mourning sea she envisions code of the spinning wheel her children write to program how the brain perceives electric sorrow of the rain. Startled by sudden appearance of Fate, who resembles young man in suit and tie, Cherry tries to sanitize bitter hate her mother tattooed on her wounded thigh, till the priest decides her soul is possessed because she likes to party with mad zest. Diagnosed with cancer in her glass heart, which throbs like bruised mango of arrogance, Cherry studies nodes on her mental chart while browsing book stores with calm nonchalance, then declares the ocean of hope is hers, proud to remain princess of amateurs. Treading water in flood of fake success, glorified by power of the male gaze, Cherry asks the priest if he will confess to sin of blocking her transcendent phase, but he turns into the frog of dissent when he tries to kiss her without consent. Through animal stillness of cautious sight, tense with anticipation of attack, Cherry magnifies rainbow of delight that keeps her dire mission on the right track, then she confesses to Orpheus her love when she finds him weeping in the dream cave. Gathering oranges she finds on the shore, where frogs discuss philosophy of art, Cherry tells Jesus she loves him no more, then travels with Orpheus in his cart with baskets of oranges she eats each night, though her soul feels frail as the paper kite. Inventing religion of solemn prayers based on the volcano that bleeds dead gods, Cherry invents the strange concept of stairs through alchemy of love in psychic pods, then walks among ruins of the fire-burned town, searching in vain for her lost princess crown. Though piano keys are way out of tune, disharmonied by luckless hoofs of saints, Cherry sees her face mirrored by the moon when she falls in love with the prince who paints cars that morph into women with sleek souls, just in time to reassess her life goals.
Quicksand Of Innocence
Quicksand Of Innocence © Surazeus 2025 01 13 If the Starman falls in the swamp of truth and grows one hundred arms and legs of hope, he might crawl from quicksand of innocence to drive his truck on the highway of ice faster than demonic cheetah of fun who reconstructs flawed concept of the gun. Because the Starman knows the way from Hell, his brain becomes wires of the internet since every computer on Earth is node flashing information in his huge brain so every photoed anecdote of life informs his memory of the human race. However much the Starman wants to feel slant of winter light in cathedral halls, he must accept bitter decree of fate and work all day assembling motorbikes so sons of rich men can race on the beach, tearing up paradise for homeless bums. Before the Starman wears the crown of thorns to reign as thirteenth Emperor of Earth, he must play chess with Death on beach of time, or forfeit victory he scored through deceit by casting spell of horror on our minds when disasters destroy civilized play. After the Starman decides to just be and not mean anything we calculate, he lounges on the beach of shattered ships and reads long epic of philosophers to build new nation of democracy from smoking ruins of cruel tyranny. Yet the Starman thinks nothing now is real except time-warped image of his teenage self who smirks at him in mirror of false pride so he renames himself Orpheus Zeus to prove his soul is real behind his mask, which splits in two souls at the paradox. Till the Starman is crowned messiah sleuth and marries Melusine by the Rune Well, he asks Helius to invent the wheel, then commands wild angels to sound the horns when he arrives in Heaven with the key designed to unlock dream psychotic seal. While the Starman is still young boy in school he runs home under dusky Texas sky to watch the brainy science fiction show in which his father captains the starship and boldly goes where none have been before, then waits outside for Jesus to arrive.
How To Save My Skin
How To Save My Skin © Surazeus 2025 01 13 "Though Goddess of the Moon gave me advice to avoid going to my memory for shelter from the storms of current sorrows, I seek respite in reliving my days when I was younger and more innocent." Syrinx hides among hollow water reeds. Creeping slowly along the river shore, Comus grins as he tries to find the nymph. "Smell of your skin perfumed with pungent flowers excites my heart to hold you in my arms. If you accept me, I will crown you queen when I lead the wild revelries of Bacchus." "My memories cannot save me from his lust, but they instruct me how to save my skin when I speak truths strange to me with my mouth in riddles even the Sphinx cannot solve." Wind rustles reeds with eerie whistling sound as slanting sunrays cast her shadow far. Wading waist-deep in sparkling river flow, Syrinx reaches for fruit too far away till shout from Comus startles her alert, so she sinks her body in silent glow. Emerging from the river far downstream, she runs with shadow of her wordless fear. Pausing by lake near camp of Artemis, Syrinx stares at reflection of her face. "How does my face attract those greedy men who seek to control my womb for their gain?" Loneliness chills her heart with the soft wind that ripples waves from stone of her despair. Standing tall again in red sunset glow, Syrinx grins at how long her legs have grown, till Comus snatches her around the waist and grips her tight as she writhes to escape. "Accept me as your husband, gentle nymph, for I will breed Satyrian gods with you." Gasping for breath as she grips a tree branch, Syrinx births incarnation of King Comus while everyone congratulates her state as queen, but she plots how she can escape, leaving Satyrus as she runs away, to hide again among the river reeds. "Attempting to escape from hands of death, I generated life in hungry child sired by the cruel monarch I most despise." Sitting under her favorite apple tree, Syrinx plays eerie mercurial tunes on panpipes to soothe anguish of her heart.
Sunday, January 12, 2025
Care For Rejected Ones
Care For Rejected Ones © Surazeus 2025 01 12 Through intertextual tanglement of time, Angels spin around on the mirror moon, debating with God about about taste of dirt while Shamash carves symbolon seal of faith to correspond with psychic energy inherent in the stone cracked by the Word. Because all things must pass in the dark night, the lonely witch who loves the laughing frog decides to visit Shamash in his cave where she asks him with voice of river stones if he would honor her with a real name, so he watches horses gallop with wind. "Because you are daughter of Queen Inanna, who killed the gardener who sired your soul, I name you Nanaya, Princess of Love, since you always care of rejected ones, and that star shining in the morning sky is pure wellspring of your immortal soul." Walking toward ziggurat where Ishtar reigns, Nanaya finds young warrior by dead tree wounded by small knife stabbed into his breast, so she removes the sorrow from his heart and heals his wound with red thread of desire, nursing him till he becomes strong again. Traveling with Nanaya to her home, Marbiti explains how he was attacked. "When I was passing through town of Kazalla, I met the beautiful woman Namrat who begged me with tears to help her escape, so I escorted her safe to the woods." "Yet gang of men with spears and well-honed knives, sent by her husband Numushda, attacked and wounded me while they whisked her away." Taking his hand, Nanaya smiles with joy. "Bind your heart with mine as loyal husband to guard my life when I am crowned as queen." Laughing at fantasy of the young girl who wears tattered dress of a poor milkmaid, Marbiti leaves her at the gate of Ur. "Wherever I roam, my heart is my home, for I am not imprisoned by the hearth." Nanaya weeps by the caring fig tree. Sliding down rope from his hot-air balloon, Shamash stands before the arrogant warrior. "Since you rejected the Goddess of Love, disdaining to guard her life as the queen, I enslave you to work in my gem mind." Nanaya runs after him till he is gone.
Nuwa Mends The Sky
Nuwa Mends The Sky © Surazeus 2025 01 12 As lightning flashes across the black clouds Pangu bears huge serpent egg to his cave where his pregnant wife Huaxu brews peach juice so she fries the egg on large iron plate then consumes vibrant spirit of the sky and gives birth to human twins with snake tails. Gliding with elegant grace on lake shore, Nuwa in snake-skin skirt and flower wreath plucks peaches from the giant tree of faith, then gives them to children who jump and race as they play chase in rocky tangled woods, while she sings wordless melodies with birds. Gathering wild forest people by Luo River, Fuxi teaches them how to wear skin clothes, how to fish with nets and cook fish in pots, then couples them in pairs with wedding vows so fathers bring food to mothers and children in wood huts he teaches them how to build. Approaching tree of faith on river shore, Zhurong snatches peaches with furtive glance, till Nuwa appears from bright flash of light, enormous serpent with cute human face slithering through branches of her peach tree, so he falls back on the ground in surprise. Bowing before serpent goddess Nuwa, Zhurong explains that he needs the preach rind to stop terrible world-destroying war between Sea God Gonggong with fleet of ships and Mountain God Zhuanxu with gang of horsemen, hoping to save humans from brutal death. Noticing that their conflict over power has destroyed mountains and cities with storms, Nuwa beams electric energy rays and smelts five elemental stones of nature to repair shattered roof of the azure sky, setting the world firm on four turtle legs. Gazing at markings on shell of the turtle that emerges from calm flow of Luo River, Fuxi designs method of divination to maintain balance of the potent way through spiral patterns of Mountain and Sea which nurtures energy of human souls. Relaxing on muddy shore of the river, Nuwa molds humans from clay of the Earth, morphing mouse to cat to monkey to man, breathes spirit of the sun into their hearts, then smiles as children she created play with joyful laughter of the healing sky.
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