
Sunday, March 2, 2025

Goldfinch Of Nostalgia

Goldfinch Of Nostalgia
© Surazeus
2025 03 02

When the goldfinch of nostalgia steals his name 
with busy awkwardness of splashless rain, 
he pours himself tall glass of Merlot wine 
to regulate excessive flash of time. 
Her eyes pretend to conjure spring from death, 
dispersing seeds when bells unwind the clock. 

Bright green flows the river, and sand gleams gold, 
so Tracy dances in long gown of lace 
to feel how urgent waves of untime fold 
in tangled solitude of psychic space. 
Bare limbs of the special sun-woven tree 
lean gracefully over the finite sea. 

She summons him with tragic voice of hope 
broadcast over the radio at midnight, 
concerned about death of the lonely pope 
who fries fish for her meal with second sight. 
Weird blueness of the alligator lake 
sparks her most ancient ancestor awake. 

Moonlight fills her bedroom with ghost of words 
who gives her cup of secret honey juice, 
so she drinks sorrow of eccentric birds 
till he drives her back home to Andaluz. 
Iberian chiffchaff flutters sun-gold wings 
deep in the Pyrenees where Triton sings. 

Since he leaves home to wander mountain vales 
on endless quest to find the Demon Book, 
his trail unfolds in spell of fairy tales 
which alters spiral of the warm chinook. 
Still Justice searches landscape of her heart 
to find secret cave of Truth on the chart. 

Forgetting why she walks the country road 
toward blazing sunset of eternity, 
she asks voiceless God if he is the toad 
who never comes back from modernity. 
He asks her name when they meet by the pool, 
so she gives him newly-invented tool. 

Progressive growth of social values proves 
fair justice and truth will always prevail 
despite how slowly Jupiter approves 
project to measure their hearts on love scale. 
While he surveils the world of broken hearts, 
she puts baskets of fruit in market carts. 

Now she will never go to Innisfree 
to bury her sister in fertile soil 
so her rotten corpse may feed the pear tree 
with painful love they earn from bitter toil. 
Between two realms they remember how breath 
exhibits sacred spirit of the rock. 

Plagiarize Your Dreams

Plagiarize Your Dreams
© Surazeus
2025 03 02

He cannot help but plagiarize your dreams 
with serpentine grace of the alphabet 
that leaves corpses of truth in icy streams 
seeking resurrection from Baphomet 
who plays violin on the hill of skulls 
to avoid judgment of the prancing bulls. 

While Janice knits pink sweater for the ghoul 
Robert puts vinyl record on the player 
so they can rage against machine of school 
which trains Accountant to be Demon-Slayer 
since the Devil wants to eat apple pie 
and gaze at sunset blazing in the sky. 

If I should measure out play of my life 
with anniversaries of dire events 
while writing self-help book to manage strife, 
then I should vote for honest presidents 
who treat our global allies with respect 
each time arrogant thieves try to defect. 

He pilfers tropes from dreams that you forget 
so he can sneer at Hamlet and his seems 
while nursing bitter wounds of fake regret 
for angels left to die in cruel moonbeams 
since ballet dancers express human form 
with elegant grace far beyond the norm. 

Barely surviving in forest of noise, 
he steals eggs from nests of traitorous birds 
which breaks his brain in mirror of mute poise, 
paralyzed by hope to manage goat herds, 
while pretending everyone is his friend 
so he can ride the blue snake to the end. 

Brain brimming with spiders of diamond shards, 
he kneels and asks the girl with bleeding eyes 
if she will let him join the castle guards, 
but she prefers he join the palace spies 
so she can drink wine on the river shore 
while her old mother becomes the locked door. 

Deciding to marry the anarchist, 
she plagiarizes dreams found in the trash, 
then participates in the Eucharist, 
eager to eat his body burned to ash 
despite assurances from the fake king 
that she will receive new angelic wing. 

He plagiarizes dreams you throw away 
with mocking laughter of the tangerine 
because you do not know just what to say 
when he sells you to son of Melusine, 
so if you acknowledge Glycon as God 
he will save you from the telephone fraud. 

Worth Pondered Words

Worth Pondered Words
© Surazeus
2025 03 02

The stars inside cells of our bodies buzz 
with supernatural energy of light, 
so I follow song of the mountain stream, 
groping my way into shadowy glare, 
because I believe I will understand 
the story the water wants to tell me. 

Over the Bridge of Hunger without wheels 
I drive past houses, churches, schools, and stores 
where thousands of nameless people may dwell, 
though I never see more than shadows of faith 
glow behind torn curtains of privacy 
to make masks they wear in pageant of life. 

Since the stars are indifferent to my life, 
I strut around like I own this whole globe, 
but so does every other man and beast 
who growl at me if I invade their space, 
so I am grateful for the twinkling stars 
that still shine though the stars themselves are gone. 

Sublime beauty of the blank starless sky 
would make my heart ache with sorrow of loss 
despite substantial lack of unity 
inadequate to bind our hearts as one, 
so I reach out my invisible hand 
to touch tangible remoteness of time. 

Potential meaning of existing things 
reveals that my perception of their forms 
relies on language first mother designed 
to help precisely define what exists, 
how all things move from assertion of will, 
and what qualities are worth pondered words. 

Though the dreamer who loves horses attempts 
to prove that the importance of elsewhere 
relies on loneliness our bodies feel 
based on strangeness of our essential being, 
I perform customs of society 
to underwrite existence of the mind. 

Since I never beweep my outcast state, 
nor trouble Heaven that does not exist 
with cries of victimhood from lack of gain, 
I disdain disgrace fortune casts at me, 
and treasure art I create with my heart 
because I am king only of my mind. 

Time causes all things to disintegrate, 
and hope creates things from atoms of light, 
so I savor beauty of teeming Earth 
blooming richly with plants and animals 
which all share genes our first mother creates 
to mold bodies for temporary souls. 

Saturday, March 1, 2025

Flood Of Divine Truth

Flood Of Divine Truth
© Surazeus
2025 03 01

Sleepless in cluttered room of memories, 
I lose interest in conundrums of faith 
devised by weak abusive control-freaks 
to keep me dependent on their false creeds, 
so I throw their books up into the air 
where they turn into crows with bloody beaks. 

Unlocking paragraphs of bitter words 
that flutter on limbs of arrogant trees, 
I turn the corner to the crowded street 
where blind people wear masks of movie stars 
to scatter apple seeds on cracked sidewalks 
while bobbing their heads to the engine beat. 

When I speak works that I am told to say 
to entertain bored people of the world, 
I leave my self-mask broken on the stage 
so when people throw tomatoes at me 
I take them home to eat with omelets, 
then hide my sorrows on the bleeding page. 

Through diagnosis of the pristine curse 
I analyze omen carved on the door 
by trembling hand of the shy oracle 
who hurries away with hammer of flame 
through loud disquiet of ineptitude 
to sail Loch Ness in hide-bound coracle. 

That face I see in cracked mirror of time 
smiles back and calls me on the telephone, 
so I wear mask of Jesus Jupiter 
to play his character in world dreamtime 
erased by winners who write history books 
which prove I must be son of Lucifer. 

Born sixty years ago in Oregon, 
I journey with guitar on signless road 
without my mask from sea to shining sea 
because we humans, hungry to be loved, 
are actively dying as we transcend 
nothing except pretense that we are free. 

When I find your sorrows on the wet ground 
as fragments of verse on the tattered sheet, 
I record the sad dreams you threw away 
with wry obsession of the desert saint 
who thinks neglecting our bodily needs 
will transform their bodies the way gods pray. 

Exhaustible resource of empathy 
limits expression of my broken heart 
based on prerequisite puzzle of fate 
because love multiplies when freely expressed 
and flows from infinite well of faith 
till we drown in the flood of divine truth. 

Allowing You To Live

Allowing You To Live
© Surazeus
2025 03 01

Blue water ripples in white porcelain tub 
as Cassandra stretches and cleans her skin 
with flower-paste soap on the soft sea sponge, 
and flames of candles delicately dance 
in soft river breeze among plum tree limbs 
that gleam black in purple evening dusk glow. 

Long red silk gown draped around her lithe curves 
flutters in river breeze tinged by moonlight 
as Cassandra glides gracefully alone 
past portraits of ancestors that swell bright 
and reach gaunt ghostly hands to grasp her hair 
that swirls free from desperation to live. 

Climbing tall maple tree on the hill top, 
Cassandra gazes far across broad valley 
where the river winds among orchard groves 
with seven villages where angels dwell 
in stone cottages with gardens of herbs, 
and cries at vision of them all in flames. 

Approaching locked door of the castle tower, 
Cassandra gestures hand sigils to spark 
invisible flame that knocks the door open, 
then climbs stairs winding up into the sky 
to find her daughter Rapunzel hogtied, 
so she cuts ropes and they flee down the stairs. 

Five men with swords surround the open door 
so Cassandra swirls and knocks them all down, 
then crouches in martial stance of calm force 
to fight Tereus, who kidnaps young girls, 
but he shoots her with bullet from long gun 
and she lies bleeding under the red moon. 

Weeping distraught at cruel death of her mother, 
Rapunzel flees through mist in mountain woods, 
clambering past tangled vines of despair 
till she lies gasping by small sparkling pool 
as gold sunlight gleams through indifferent pines, 
trying not to scream loud as she births her child. 

Cradling new-born baby in trembling arms, 
Rapunzel gazes in her silver eyes 
with heart-breaking ache of desperate love 
that banishes her vow of just revenge 
to drown child of her rapist after birth, 
unable to commit that tragic act. 

"By allowing you to live, my dear Sibyl, 
I reward evil man, driven by greed, 
who kidnapped me and locked me in his tower, 
then forced me to bear child against my will, 
with life for immortal soul of his genes, 
but you are innocent of his foul crime." 

Chessmaster Of Time

Chessmaster Of Time
© Surazeus
2025 03 01

Luminous salamander of my heart 
rejoices when rain falls on maple leaves 
because she reigns as chessmaster of time 
when she maneuvers dictators and kings 
to believe they can fly on divine wings 
yet fall into the sea of arrogance. 

If the moon becomes the white horse of hope 
who gallops toward me on the open field, 
I may drive east across the prairie road 
while singing holy songs of grim despair 
which opens hole of possibility 
though another war is soon to begin. 

Among the lonely daffodils of fate 
we shall stop beside the rotting oak 
and eat sweet honey from heart of the world 
while contemplating where we shall go next 
on the secret journey of our own play 
for we are the stars of our cute romance. 

Though quicksilver storm of the holy mask 
crackles over vast fields of wheat and corn, 
we shall dance through the wild radio song 
with spectral sheets of anguish turned to joy 
when we join the grand victory parade 
swept by the wind down lonely small-town streets. 

Someday I want to see the Star Heart Sea 
which covers half our lumpy spinning globe 
with sparkling water of pacific calm 
so I can meet the Goddess of Despair 
who teaches me to show mercy to all 
though her eyes crackle with the judgment flame. 

Somnolent beauty of the apple tree 
sparks ponderous hunger of my stubborn heart 
to preach theology of mortal faith 
that every conscious creature dies someday 
and floats to nothing in stark empty light 
with soft distempered soul of unconcern. 

I never find tombs where my ancestors lie 
rotting in coffins of unshielded scorn 
till bones of their special characters form 
structure of bleak hills where children play chase 
with seamless fabric of our lost world view 
that flaps as melancholy flag in wind. 

Yet flowers of our bodies woven taut 
with private memories of lost childhood hours 
shine on the other side of silver light 
ten thousand years longer than empires last, 
prophesied by kind chessmaster of time 
who rides white horse of hope to Scythia.