Voice Of Nothingness © Surazeus 2025 02 11 Long after the sun erases our world and I float in lake of forgetfulness, my heart will cherish all that is imperiled yet blooms again from voice of nothingness which teaches me with sweetness of calm faith to flow with psychic waves of the star wraith. Honored to be chosen by cruel fate to judge cases in the Siege Perilous, I study social concept of the gate designed by fear from voice of nothingness, then hold the Book and Torch of Liberty to proclaim rebirth of democracy. Wading into warm Gulf of Mexico to be baptized with waves of cleanliness, I think of my wife in San Angelo who speaks to me with voice of nothingness about strange beauty of this cluttered globe while dancing gracefully in long silk robe. I want to climb Denali Mountain peak to reach bright shining stars of somethingness which beam divine radiance of love I seek encoding truth with voice of nothingness, yet I cannot find it on the world map so I lie down by Sea of Dreams to nap. When seven planets align in the sky to bind our hearts with graceful subtleness we shall gather again on Mount Sinai to argue law with voice of nothingness embodied by the man with angel wings who always appears when the blind girl sings. To wake translucent joy within my heart I gaze in brilliant sapphire of success so I can map my life on global chart to solve riddles with voice of nothingness through revelation of the Flaming Tree that nourishes our journey to live free. Through clear seraphic flame of honesty that luminates my thoughts with randomness I feel life bloom from spells of modesty concealed by key in voice of nothingness that gleams as beacon of hope in the gloom which guides us safely to our secret room. On the first day that creates spinning Earth First Mother sings with ache of happiness about epiphany through second birth that she reveals with voice of nothingness so we design the world our brains perceive with words of holiness our hearts conceive.
Surazeus Astarius Συράζευς Αστάριος. Cartographer. Epic Poet. Hermead epic poem about Philosophers 126,680 lines of blank verse. http://tinyurl.com/AstarianScriptures
Orpheus translates riddles into poems while listening to the voice of nothingness that billions of people use to express their hopes every day.